Thirteen-We have a bad night

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We have a bad night

As the sun sank below the horizon, the sky turned pinkish-orange, the color of a grapefruit. Eew. I hated grapefruit.

            The warm summer breeze whispered in my ears as the red Maserati cruised across the desert. Grant was pleasantly driving well, with little swerves every once in a while. But nothing really could bring me down now, because we had defeated Eris. I felt a wave of drowsiness wash over me, and nodded off to sleep.

            *           *           *           *           *           *           *           *

            A few hours later, I rubbed my grey-blue eyes, and opened them to an extraordinary canvas of black painted across the sky. The night was so clear; you could see the constellations made up of twinkling stars. I stared up in awe at it. Glancing around, I saw that the desert was quiet. Over the mountains, there were more stars, forming shapes like connect the dots. This night was so tranquil, so beautiful. So beautiful, I actually said it out loud.

            "I agree. It's gorgeous. I guess Artemis made the moon like this for helping her brother," Nellie said, pointing to the full, shimmering yellow circle in the sky.

            "I just noticed that," I said with a blissful smile.

            "Wow. You're right. It is beautiful," Grant whispered to us from the front seat.

            We all gazed at the glorious night sky for a while, and snacked on granola bars. I was so starving. I couldn't wait to get back to camp so I wouldn't have to survive on a diet of granola bars and water. Camp. With my siblings and friends, this summer would be amazing there.

            I checked my watch to see what time it was. The digital interface read, "12:34 A.M."

            "Guys, make a wish! It's 12:34!" I said.

            We all closed our eyes, and concentrated on our wishes. I wished for safe passage home, hoping my wish would come true. It would really help if it did. I could do without another monster encounter. My wish ended up coming true, but that didn't mean that something bad didn't happen.

            "Okay! What did you wish for?" Nellie asked us.

            "You're not supposed to tell anyone, or otherwise it won't come true," Grant reminded her.

            "Oh, I almost forgot."

            I smiled at that, since it was one of the first normal conversations we had had in a long time.

Suddenly, I yawned and felt tired.

            "Guys, can we stay at a hotel for the night?" I said groggily.

            "Sure. There's a Holiday Inn up in a couple miles. Is that okay with you, Nell?" Grant asked.

             "Yep, it's-yaaawn-fine."

            We all laughed, and sat in silence for the next couple miles. When we pulled up to the Holiday Inn, Grant told me to go get us a room while he parked. I ran in through the distracting automatic sliding doors, up to the concierge desk.

            "Hello, can I have one room for three?" I asked in my most sophisticated voice.

            The guy at the concierge desk looked up at me, and gave me two key cards. I forked over the right amount of cash, and ran back outside to watch Grant park. This will be interesting, I thought.

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