Seventeen-I go skydiving

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I go skydiving

Without thinking, I spontaneously leaped off the side of the Pegasus to save my screaming friend. I realized too late that I couldn't fly. Crap.

I felt like a feather floating through the air, and it was pretty tranquil. If you don't count the fact that I was spiraling downwards towards my death, and that all of my loved ones were shrieking for me, I actually enjoyed skydiving.

Like I saw people do in spy movies, I put my arms by my sides and tilted my body down. I went faster, and sped up to catch Dean. Well, now we'd at least die at the same time. As I tried to scream, a gust of air rushed up my throat and disabled my ability to make noise. Instead of screaming to get his attention, I just oh-so-casually tapped Dean on the shoulder. It was like saying, "Look! We're plummeting to our death! And what was our math homework?" Of course, I didn't say that.

Dean turned around to take a break from yelling and spotted me. "How do we save ourselves from instant death by impact?" I asked-well, I actually screamed-over the whooshing air. Dean studied his sneakers for a second, and his face lit up.

"Hold my leg! I have a plan!" he shouted. I did as I was told, and we were suddenly jerked upwards, soaring towards the Pegasi as soon as he yelled, "Maia!" We were ascending with great speed, and I was so relieved not to be plummeting towards my death anymore.

            Pushing through the clouds like Superman, I gripped Dean's leg for dear life. I noticed that his sneakers had sprouted wings which were carrying us upward, and they were the only things separating me from falling to earth again. The feeling of gravity pulling me down, yet I was defying it, was very peculiar. In spite of the situation, I once again began to laugh hysterically. Mocking gravity was a better way to put it.

            When we finally landed on the Pegasus and Dean had instructed his shoes to stop flying, I exhaled a sigh of relief. But immediately, I was tackled by Nell and went toppling over the edge again.

Annabeth was breathing heavily, probably fearing for my life. But she wasn't the only one. Nell shrieked. Dean looked shocked. And Grant's eyes were golf balls.

I seemed to be plummeting much faster than usual. Dean couldn't save me with his shoes, no one could. My scream was choked off as air rushed into my lungs and I squeezed my eyes shut, preparing myself for the worst. That was when I felt the jarring impact rush through my body like an electric shock. I twitched once in pain, and fell limp as everything went black.

            *           *           *           *           *           *           *           *

My eyes were closed, but I certainly heard voices. For sure. Nell's sweet voice, Grant's deep voice. Those were the two noises I detected.

I wanted to tell them that I was okay, even though I had forgotten what had happened. But I was just too lazy right now. Also, I kind of wanted to see what my friends would say.

"Please, Care. Please. Wake up. I beg you! Please," pleaded Grant. He seemed desperate to see me wake up.

"Hey, Care. Could you wake up now? You're really scaring us. I wish that it wasn't you, though. You're too awesome to have this happen to you." Nell was trying to coax me out of sleep. But that wasn't what I focused on. She had just made my day by saying that last line. I'm too awesome for this to happen to me! Thanks!

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