In case chapter 14.

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Demi's POV-
It's been 2 months since Paige was announced dead. I've canceled all upcoming tour dates because I'm just not ready to perform on stage.

Today is March 14th, 2015. Exactly one year since I found out Paige didn't really die. I didn't even get to spend a year with her since I was in a coma for 4 and a half months. I've only spent about 3 months with her. And she spent 4 and a half months with half dead me. Swell.

Today we called a medium to come talk to us to see if I can connect with Paige at all. She's suppose to come at 5:00 p.m. tonight.

While Nick and I are eating our usual silent dinner, I hear Paige's phone ring. Nick and I look at each other and I dart off to grab her phone from where she left it.

The person who's calling is an unknown number.

"Hello?" I answer.
"Help. Me," A raspy voice says.
"Who is this?" I ask.
"Please." They beg me.
"Where are you? Give me where you think you are?" I say grabbing a note pad.
"I'm in a basement. Somewhere in Chicago. The suburbs I believe. 95th street," The voice cries. "We'll be there soon. Hold on tight." I say.
"Okay," the voice sobs.
"Stay strong. And I hope you know you called Demi Lovato," I state.
"I know I did. I called this number because I knew you would answer," They sniffle.
"Wait. Who is this?" I ask again.
"Who are you talking to?" A voice screams.
"No one." The young girl cries.
"Well look they're playing "sledgehammer" for you. It's not even your birthday! Wait, no one likes you so never mind," The mean voice cackles. And then the phone hangs up.

I run back to the dinning room to see Nick talking to the medium. I tell Nick everything while the medium goes back to her car to grab a tape recorder. He looks at me suspiciously but then agrees to help me save this girl.

"Wait so you said this girl died about 2 months ago?" The medium reassures writing things down in her notes.

"Yes I am positive." I reply.

"Well honey," the medium starts saying, while packing her stuff up. "Your daughter didn't die. She's alive and I advise you keep looking," The medium says walking out the door.
An: I've been requested by someone to update more so here. Comment thoughts and vote!

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