the MFB chapter 30.

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Paige's pov-
I walk down the stairs to respond to my mom. I stand at the bottom of the stairs, and hold a sign up that says, "The MFB."

"The MFB?" Dad questions looking very confused.

"It stands for Mom, friends, and boyfriends." I reply.

"And why are they bothering us?" Mom interrupts.

"Well," I take a deep breath. "The M stands for mom. And the mom , is my birth mother. The F stands for friends, which is my childhood friends, Anne and Ali. And B stands for boyfriends. The boyfriends are Ryan and." I stop in mid sentence looking at mom. I breathe in, and finally say, "Wilmer."

I watch mom as she almost passes out at his name. We all know what happened the last time they encountered each other. Wasn't the best experience for mom.

"How do you know all this ?" Dad blurts out after an hour of sitting in silence.

"Bea told me. She's in the MFB to help us be safe, and they have one more challenge which is planing on killing... Well.. You." I say pointing to dad. His eyes widen, and Mom stands up tears automatically filling her eyes.

"No way. No no no no," mom repeats shaking her head.

"Baby it's fine." Dad cooes her pulling her into his chest.

She then bangs her fist repeatedly on his chest. "You can't leave me," she shouts in between her sobs, "Not again."

I scrunch my nose up remembering the story mom told me. When her and Nick were on The Neon Lights Tour they went out somewhere together, and he got hit by a car. Let me say this, Mom was mortified. No one knows about this story, but close family members since they didn't want the press to find out. And in all honestly, I'm surprised they never found out.

When I look up from remembering what happened before Mom even adopted me, I see mom clenching Dad's white t-shirt in her hands as she sobs her eyes out.

"Bea told me they're going to try tonight after they release the truth about the meet & greet album rumor." I explain to Dad since I know mom is too busy crying to listen. He nods his headc and purses his lips.

"Can't I just run out of town." He asks.

"No. They're watching our every move out of the house, and they can see through open windows. But they can't hear us." I say.

My phone then buzzes with a text from guess who? Bea.

Bea❤️💀: hey they're gonna get you, and your mom out of the house around 8:30, and assassinate Nick. Don't leave stay in, and call the cops im on my way now.

I stare at the text. "We can't leave the house." I state looking at my now calm mom and dad. They look at me confused. "They're gonna get mom and I out of the house somehow, so they could kill Dad. So no leaving got it?" I say looking at mom mostly since she'll freak out if she hears anything suspicious outside.

It's eight o'clock, and the cops are now hiding around the perimeter of the house, or chilling inside with us. Bea is talking to the cops about how The MFB works, and all kinds of stuff.

Apparently mom and dad knew my birth mother escaped prison, but they didn't want to tell me. Which means I could have ran into her, and not do anything about it. Good parenting.

It's 8:30 and many rocks, and I say many rocks are being pelted at our windows. One rock hits the front room window so hard, it comes flying into the house, and hitting a wall, putting a dent in it. I look up at my mom who has a stern look on her face, but you can see the fear in her eyes. I grab her hand, and my dad's. "We can do this," I whisper to them as the police suddenly surround us. "Get down!" One officer yells, and my parents duck immediately while I stay up. I look at my surroundings, and it's dead quiet. I look up at the top of the stairs, and see Wilmer, and my mom with Bea.

"They have Bea!" I yelp trying to bust out of the circle I'm surrounded in. My dad ends up pulling me downc and mom pulls me in for a hug as I cry into her. Gunshots are heard. Screams are heard. And then nothing is heard.

"Paige don't move." My moms shaky voice commands. I stay still in my mothers arms trying my best not to shake from being scared. And then there's a big bang, and the arms around me become limp and loose.

I untangle my self from the arms ,and look up to see her shot in the head, and collapsed on the ground, her legs scrunched up from crouching down.

The bullet hole in her head is obvious, and blood is dripping down her face. I'm pretty sure my face has contorted into some weird face, but I can't help it. I just lost my mom, my superman.

The sun has set now, and it's only been a minute, 1 minute since my mom was shot, and killed. All you can see are the shadows of the furniture from the lamp in the corner of the room turned on. The shadow of my mothers dead body on the floor. Superman has officially died.
This isn't the last chapter of this book by the way. Comment and vote!


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