Paige's pov-I sigh as I sit with my new puppy Scarlette in my arms. Mom and Dad got me Scarlette for Christmas, it's a miniature husky. Currently everyone is over for Christmas dinner, and to exchange presents. It would be an understatement if I said it wasn't crowded. Dallas, Frankie, Alena, and I are watching Elf in the front room. Dad set up the fire place for us. Everyone else is talking about how their year went. I keep hearing mom talking about how I went back to school. It's quite annoying how she keeps talking about me.
The only present I opened so far was Scarlette, and some stuff for her. Apparently it's a tradition to open presents all together as a family. I wasn't here for Christmas last year but, so many people have walked up to me saying how great it was to see me this year, even though I just saw them less than a month ago on Thanksgiving.
"Time for presents!" Mom squeals hopping onto the couch next to me startiling Scarlette. Everyone some how squeezes into the living room, and we open presents youngest to oldest. Alena kept getting stuffed animals, toys, or clothes. Frankie got a new camera, and clothes. I got a bunch of clothes, and phone cases. My great-grandma got me a shirt saying "I'm a big sister," and it was hard for everyone to muffle their laughter at how ridiculous the shirt was for an almost seventeen year old. Mom ended up crying over all the baby clothes people got her. Someone even got a Mitchie Torres onsie somehow, and I laughed so hard at it. The only thing is, I was the only one laughing at the hilarious onsie.
People even had presents with the future baby's name on it. I mean literally it said "To the future baby Jonas." on it. Everyone ended up leaving besides Uncle Kevin, Aunt Danielle, and Alena. They're all going out to see a musicial some where downtown leaving me to babysit Alena.
After they left Alena crashed right away, making my job ten times easier. I sat there fiddiling with my new phone cases, and trying on all the clothes I got to make sure they fit. The parents arrived way after I fell asleep, and apparently Alena was wide awake staring at the ceiling. Let's just say Uncle Kevin was pissed. Mom ended up defending me like always because it's her job to protect her babygirl as she says.
It's the day after Christmas, and today Gwen and I are finally going to write a song together. I'm currently playing with Scarlette in the kitchen when the door bell rings, and mom goes running to answer it, almost stepping on Scarlette.
"Oh my gosh hi!" I hear mom squeal, and I attempt to roll my eyes to the back of my head, so I don't have to watch mom embarass her self. The two fuss over mom's baby bump for about twenty minutes before dad interrupts them.
"Excuse me, but can I talk to Demi for a minute." Dad interrupts the two women.
Gwen politely nods, and I can tell dad is pissed about something because she turned pale as she walked up the stairs following him to the computer room.
"Let's get to writing kid." Gwen says breaking the silence. I nod my head slowly leading her to our music room as I watch the door to the computer room fly open when I close the door to the music room.
I was a mess the whole writing time, which in fact was a good two hours. I kept hearing noises come from outside of the crammed, or what seemed crammed at the moment, room. Gwen didn't even notice a single thing. Me being a mess actually created one of the best songs ever, as Gwen put it. When I walked Gwen to the door I noticed Marissa sitting on the couch with my mom, and I knew something was wrong. When Gwen left I walked over to go see what's wrong.
"What happened now?" I groan tapping my foot watching my mom and Marissa. Marissa shoots me this dirty look, and it seems like daggers are shooting out of her eyes. I watch mom bury her face into the throw pillow, and I could hear her scream and cry into it.
"You know she started to actually feel better." Marissa snaps causing me to flinch.
"It's not like I caused this problem." I roll my eyes.
"Well stop acting like a snobby teenager, and help your mother out." Marissa snarls.
"You being a bitch to me won't help this mess." I say louder than I wanted to.
"You acting like an inconsiderate brat isn't helping either is it? And you better not bring up your dumbass sob story about how your mom went crazy killing your family, and kidnapping you. It won't make me give you sympathy and leave you alone, You're a very disrespectful child Paige. If I were you I wouldn't show your face here for a while, maybe go live with Nick. I mean he's an asshole too, going about cheating on Demi." Marissa retorts. Dad did what?
I look over to mom hoping she'll tell Marissa to stop calling me names, and telling me to leave, but she continues to sob into her pillow. Not even giving a quick glance at me.
"Just leave Paige, your dad is staying at Joe's might as well join him." Marissa hisses. I close my eyes, and nod my head. I go up to my room grabbing my phone charger, and stuffing my clothes into my suitcase. I put Scarlette in her crate ,and her food, toys, bed, and bowls in a bag. I go place the stuff in my car, and make one trip back inside to grab Scarlette. As I pick up her crate I hear mom, and Marissa mumbiling. I look over to the two, and see mom looking right at me with sorry eyes, as saying she doesn't want me to leave.
"Don't give me those sad eyes mom. You wouldn't be allowing Marissa to kick me out if you really wanted me to stay. I mean I might as well be in an orphanage since you, and dad betrayed me. I thought you loved me." I coldly state feeling tears well in my eyes.
"Well she doesn't, now leave." Marissa mutters shooing me out with her hand.
"Gladly." and I slam the door shut on my way out, probably cracking the stained glass on our door, I mean Demi's door.
I wanted to update early so comment and vote!

Shadow (sequel to Will You Be My Superman)
FanfictionDemi wakes up from a dream finding out all of her memories with Paige weren't true, but when she falls asleep on her flight to L.A. She awakes with Paige in her arms finding out Paige never died, that she still has her memories with her. What will D...