Paige's POV-
The next morning I wake up in mom's room very confused. Then it all starts to come back to me. I look around and notice mom isn't in here."Mommm?" I call out.
"In here," she mutters from the bathroom. I walk into the bathroom and see mom on the floor next to the toilet.
"What's wrong?" I ask furrowing my eyebrows together. She shakes her head and then pukes into the toilet.
"I don't know I've been getting this really weird feeling in my stomach that causes me to puke, and when I'm done puking I don't have the ache any more. Then, it comes back again." Mom states washing her hands and fixing her hair. She walks out of the bathroom and down the stairs and suddenly grabs her stomach.
"Do you have to puke again?" I exclaim worry rising in my voice. Mom shakes her head and leans on the counter, running her hands through her hair.
"Paige what's today's date?" Mom wonders.
"March 23rd, why?" I reply. "Shit," mom mutters.
Mom looks at me like she's about to cry. I raise my eyebrows very confused on what I'm missing.
"I'm late" she whispers, a tear falling down her cheek.
Late on what? To work? Her period? Wait. Her period. Her periods late. Oh my gosh. Moms preggo.
I then screech in excitement which causes mom to cover her ears. "Paige please don't scream," she groans covering her ears.
"But your pregnant!" I shout, throwing my hands in the air. Mom looks at me with sad eyes, tears obviously forming in them. She then grabs her hand and guides me into the living room. She sits down on the couch patting the spot next to her indicating for me to sit there.
"Paige," she stops, taking a deep breath, but continues. "When I was with Wilmer in 2011, he accidentally got me pregnant. He was ecstatic but I was worried. At the time I was only 19, and I wasn't ready. Before the baby bump could even start to form I miscarried. I miscarried because I drank a lot while I was pregnant, but I didn't know. And I'm not ready for a baby, I can't have one now. My career is just starting, and what if the baby dies again?" Mom says, beginning to cry.I take in all of what she just said, and then wrap my arms around her. "Mom it's okay. Did Beyoncé's career end when she had Blue Ivy? No! Plus you might not even be pregnant! You'll be fine I promise. I won't let anything happen to my baby brother or sister." A lump forms in my throat but I swallow it and continue. "Not like what happened to my Paisley, no I would never let that happen."
I want to cry because what if mom is pregnant and she miscarries? Or at a young age, example 3, a terrible thing happens to them like what happened to Paisley. I don't think I'm emotionally stable for another sibling.
Honestly, a part of me doesn't want mom pregnant. There's so many reasons, I don't think I'm ready to have another sibling in 9 months. I think mom will get really insecure when the baby bump starts growing. Plus, mom's mood swings would be off the charts, and I don't think Nick and I could handle them. Nick can barely handle a hormonal teenager, how could he handle a VERY hormonal mom?"Paige!" mom snaps.
"Hmm?" I mumble looking up.
"You zoned out. Are you okay?"
"Yea I'm good, I'm okay." I smile.
"We still have to talk about last night, but we're going to buy pregnancy tests first." She states, putting on her shoes. I groan internally and do the same.
When mom ran into Jewel I stayed in the car listening to radio. Thankfully, nothing bad happened while she was gone. And we got home quickly.
Mom of course ran to the bathroom as soon as she unlocked the door, leaving me in the living room.
"Paige!" she shouts."What mom?" I groan.
"I got it" she replies. Got what?
"What'd you get mom?" I moan.
"My period"
An: I wouldn't make Demi pregnant at 22 just saying. So sorry if you got excited thinking she was actually pregnant. Comment and vote!Twitter: @theherodemi

Shadow (sequel to Will You Be My Superman)
FanfictionDemi wakes up from a dream finding out all of her memories with Paige weren't true, but when she falls asleep on her flight to L.A. She awakes with Paige in her arms finding out Paige never died, that she still has her memories with her. What will D...