Dont worry chapter 9.

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Paige's pov-
"Demi I don't want you going back," I cry watching her pack stuff for Europe.

"Paige I have to. It's not like you'll be here alone. You're coming with me, remember?" Demi says zipping up her suitcase and throwing it off her bed.

I nod my head and limp to my room to finish my own packing. Last time Demi was in Europe she almost died. So, don't blame me that I'm just a little bit worried. Okay maybe not just a little bit, I'm extremely worried. I don't mind throwing myself in front of a car again, but if I don't have to, well I don't need to think about it.

"Come on, let's go," Demi shouts. I grab my suitcase and my pillow following the clicking noise of Demi's suitcase being dragged down the wooden stairs of her apartment.

Demi and I sit in her car as Sugar drives us to the airport. "Why does Sugar get to drive your car, but I can't use it to practice my driving?" I sneer.

"Because you'll crash it," She simply responds back.

"Will it crash like Nick's dick entering your vagina?" I smirk.

I hear a chuckle escape Sugar's lips and a very, very, loud gasp from Demi. "First things first," She begins but I cut her off.

"I'm the realest." I laugh.

"As I was saying, one, how would you know, and two, you don't make any sense, and three, don't bring that up again or you'll never drive a car," Demi snaps.

About 20 minutes after that awkward moment for Demi, we finally reach L.A.X airport. "You have everything?" Demi asks, placing a leather baseball cap on her head.

I nod and say "Great disguise. No one will know it's you!" Demi glares towards me but walks slowly behind Sugar.

We board the plane, first class of course, and before we even take off I fall asleep.

"Mom?" I shout looking around the vacant hotel room. Confused as to why she isn't back from a trip to the buffet downstairs yet, I jog down to the lobby looking for her.

Of course she isn't in the lobby. Sighing I walk back to our room. When I reach our room I turn on the T.V and the first thing that comes on is an urgent news report. "Someone crossing the street has been hit by a car. We haven't been told who this person is but it seems to be a woman in her twenties. We'll keep you updated. Back to you Rob," The news reporter states.

I'm pretty sure my heart stopped. I mean it looked like the accident happened outside of the hotel we're staying in. But Demi has no reason to be crossing a busy street. Right?

Now in panic mood I run downstairs and outside and feel the crisp breeze of London hit my face as I exit the hotel. Looking around I see police cars and ambulances towards the end of the street.

Sprinting towards the scene I feel my breathing become rapid and my heart asking to explode out of my chest.

I slow down and look at what all the commotion is about. "Is she breathing?" A voice shouts.

"Yea she's breathing," Another voice replies.

I push my way through the crowd to find out who the "she" is. I may have gotten punched in the face by some people but that doesn't matter at the moment.

"We're losing her," They begin to scream. I look around at the horror on bystanders faces. Who is this woman? I stand on my tippy-toes to get a better glance and then I see her.

"Demi" I shriek rushing towards her only to be stopped by police officers. Fresh tears are rushing down my face as I watch the paramedics whisper to each other and place the white sheet over my mothers motionless body.

The police officers grip gets tighter around my arm. I look around at everyone watching my mental breakdown. Whispers are heard everywhere. You want to know what they're all saying?

"Demi Lovato, yea she's the one who just got killed"

"Why is that girl crying like crazy? Is she psycho?"

"Demi Lovato was killed? Damn she deserved it. She's so problematic!"

"Who the fuck let that crazy ass fan in, but not me?"

The paramedics drag her body into the ambulance, and the ambulance roars away to the nearest hospital.

I'm now on my knees in full blown sobs. Everyone has left me. Demi promised she wouldn't leave me and she did. I knew Europe was a bad place. I knew it. I knew it. I knew it.

"Paige," A voice whispers.

"Demi?" I exclaim, hoping it really is her. Before she could respond I look around at my surroundings. I'm still on an airplane. Oh thank god she didn't really leave me.

"Paige?" Demi whispers again.

"Mom," I whisper back. I watch her face break out into a huge smile.

"Babygirl why were you crying in Your sleep?" Demi wonders wiping the tears away.

I tell Demi about the whole dream. Every single part. "Don't worry, I will never ever, leave you at all. If you wanna get rid of me, you can't. So don't worry okay honey?" Demi consoles me, braiding my hair.

"Okay ma." I respond silence. A nice silence between us.

"I love you." I blurt out.

"I love you way more," Demi winks, squeezing my hand. And you can see the twinkle in her eye that shows when ever she is truly happy.
An: this chapter was plain and stuff but I cried while writing cause it was emotional to type man. But update next Sunday . Comment your thoughts and vote!

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