Paige's pov-
Today is my seventeenth birthday, and we're throwing a huge party. The party is going to be at some banquet hall in downtown L.A.. I wanted to bring Scarlette with but mom and dad said no because some people will be really allergic to her.My outfit for the party is a dark red dress with black mixed in. My blonde hair has been re-dip dyed pink, and the pink part is going to be curled. Uncle Joe is Djing the party since dad is super cheap, and doesn't want some random Dj here.
We've invited all the famous people around, I even snuck an invitation to Miley and Selena. Mom doesn't need to know that until they arrive, if they do come.
I didn't want any gifts this year, I wanted everyone to bring what they would have spent on a gift for me in cash, and then place it in our charity bucket. The charity we're raising money for is for the orphans in China.
Every $100 someone donates they get a raffle ticket, and with their raffle ticket they can put it in any bucket they want. The prizes are really cool things, but since most people here are celebrities who probably have half of the prizes, but a lot of kids are here so they can just give it to someone else.
The party has finally started, and mom is coming in, and out of the bathroom. I'm the one greeting the guests, and both mom and dad are running the bar. Well mom is running the bar for kids since she doesn't drink.
Over 200 people are here already, and everyone seems to be having a good time. Miley did end up coming, and mom's face was priceless. She dropped the cup she was going to hand to Bea on Bea's shoes, and Bea went running to the bathroom screaming "My mom's going to kill me."
Miley gave me a huge hug as soon as she saw me, and she also asked where my mom was. I told her where mom was, and I had Max take over the welcoming the guests part since I wanted to go have fun.
The party ends in about an hour, and we just finished cutting the cake. To me the cake tasted like shit, but I'm shoving it down my throat anyways because I don't want to seem like a snob.
"Paige can you come up here?" Uncle Joe announces through the microphone causing everyone to quiet down. I get up from talking to mom's younger cousins, and walk up on to the stage.
"We will be playing guess the song." Uncle Joe says. "Paige is in charge of choosing the songs, but the last song her parents will be choosing." He explains pointing to my parents who are sitting together laughing. I giggle slightly at how embarrassed they look, but you can hear the collective, "Awes" around the room.
Uncle Joe hands me the mic, and he moves out of the way of the Dj equipment. "Uh so since most of you here are singers don't be offended if I don't play your song, okay?" I state through the microphone causing the crowd to erupt into laughter.
The first song I choose is a Camp Rock song. "I'm good at wasting time, I think lyrics need to rhyme." He sings and the guests laugh out loud out how young my dad looks. I then hear Mom scream "Introducing Me."
The next song I choose is a Fifth Harmony song. "I must confess you lookin fresh. Don't come a pest go head flex." Dinah sings through the audio. I can hear the five girls squealing somewhere in the crowd. People then start screaming what the song is calledC and I can't help, but laugh since this song is almost a year old.
Out of no where mom and dad push through me on stage and tell me to get off. I roll my eyes, and walk over to Fifth Harmony, and hug each of them.
Mom and dad then click on a video, and it pops up on a screen through a projector.
"Happy birthday Paige!" A squeaky voice shouts. I squint my eyes at the video seeing a small girl who's hair resembles mine in pig tails. Then a a woman sitting on a couch with a giant box in her hand. Then another little girl with hair just like mine tonight sitting on the ground with dark jeans, and black t-shirt with the words "Hipster" printed on the front with pink and orange jewels.
This was on my thirteenth birthday. Paisley was 3 turing 4 at the time. This was right before mom and dad divorced. I can feel the tears welling in my eyes as I watch the video.
Then another video pops up and the words "Demi Lovato performing skyscraper at Edminson Jr. High." This was the day when my whole life turned around. I watch the video intensely, and I see myself scowling in the other area of chairs. The video doesn't show the part where Mom calls me out thank god.
Another video pops up and it says "Demi Lovato Neon Lights Tour Skyscraper in Chicago, Illinois at Allstate Arena 3-14-14."
The person who recorded this video had really good seats at the concert. Almost exactly where I was sitting. "Isn't this a great concert Paige?" A voice shouts over mom belting out a high note. Then a fifteen year old me turns around and looks at the camera. " Stop recording me." I scream. I had tears in my eyes, and my face was so pale.
The next video is me sitting in a hospital room scribbling down frantically. "What are you writing Paige?" A manly voice sounding like my dad says. " Something for when mom wakes up." I coldly reply. I watch the camera turn towards mom in the hospital bed very pale. I squeeze my eyes shut, this was a part of my life I want to shut out forever.
The next video says, "Demi and Paige Lovato performing Catch Me." A huge smile grows on my face as my fifteen year old self confidently sings the notes with my mom.
The next video starts, and it's someone in a car recording the road. "Is it recording?" Dad asks. " Yea." Mom responds. The camera then faces a teary eyed mom. My heart shatters. "Hey Paige I hope you'll be able to see this one day." Mom sniffles. "Anyways Nick and I are in Chicago currently on our way to Navy Pier. We got a call saying that our private detective has to talk to us. I'm really hoping that they found you, and you'll be sitting next to him." She continues. "But anyways today is your sixteenth birthday, and we got a bunch of radio stations to wish you a happy birthday and play your favorite song, Sledgehammer." I feel Ally grip my shoulders.
The camera then faces the radio, and a voice starts talking. "Here's a request to play Sledgehammer by Fifth Harmony. And here's a big happy birthday to you Paige Lovato." And the beginning of Sledgehammer starts, but then the video cuts off.
Another video pops up. " aige Lovato accepting an award from her parents at the Vma's." It shows mom, and adds saying who the award goes to, and then it shows me walking up on the stage. Then it shows my whole entire speech and mom and I walking off stage.
The next video is me opening up a present on Christmas. "Oh my gosh you got me a puppy?!?" I squeal in excitement as I pull the puppy out of a cage. "I love you guys so so so much."
I gush petting the puppy. "What will you name her?" A voice behind the camera says, it sounds like dad. "Um..." I trail off staring in the puppy's eyes. "I'll name her Scarlett."The next video is the De La Garza family. "Happy birthday Paige!" They shout in the camera waving. Then it's the Jonas family wishing me a happy birthday. Then all the friends I made in Texas. Then Bea. A bunch of people are shown wishing me a happy birthday including my parents, Tina, Natalie, and Becka.
The last video is of Yasmin. "Hey Paige, I miss you so much, and I'm really sorry I couldn't make it tonight, but a big happy birthday to you, and a friendly reminder, and you wouldn't be where you are now if it wasn't for me." She winks. "I love you so much Paige! bye!"
I start to cry into Ally's shoulder. Then I hear a voice talking, "This is Fred and Angie from 103.5 KISS FM. And tonight is a special persons birthday right Angie?" Fred says. "Right Fred, today is Paige Lovato's birthday and her new single, Lying To Me. Was released today. So here is the world premiere of Lying To Me by Paige Lovato featuring Gwen Stefani." Angie says, and then my new song starts playing.
My eyes are probably bulging out of my head. I want to scream, cry, I actually don't know how to react. Everyone is staring at me as I'm standing there motionless not knowing how to react. "I fucking love you guys." I shout out causing everyone to laugh at me.
Mom and dad come running off the stage engulfing me in a hug. "Happy birthday sweetheart." They both mumble. This is really a happy birthday.
Aw! Comment and vote and Merry Christmas Eve guys!Twitter:@theherodemi

Shadow (sequel to Will You Be My Superman)
FanfictionDemi wakes up from a dream finding out all of her memories with Paige weren't true, but when she falls asleep on her flight to L.A. She awakes with Paige in her arms finding out Paige never died, that she still has her memories with her. What will D...