[29]: Step Away from the Regret

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[July 23]


To [Kegar]: I think I'm about to do something I'll regret...

[Kegar] whispers: That's a very loaded statement, you're going to have to elaborate.

[Kegar] whispers: Roari?

To [Kegar]: Yes?

[Kegar] whispers: Are you going to explain?

[Kegar] whispers: Are you alright?

To [Kegar]: Woah, simmer down there.

To [Kegar]: Yes, I'm okay.

To [Kegar]: Why the sudden flair in worry?

[Kegar] whispers: .....

[Kegar] whispers: You're the one that said you're about to do something you'll regret.

To [Kegar]: Oh...OH, no never.

To [Kegar]: Cross my heart. That is a dangerous zone I stay far away from.

To [Kegar]: Don't you remember our chat about assuming?

[Kegar] whispers: HAHA

[Kegar] whispers: Yes, yes I do. I also remember how wrong it all came out.

To [Kegar]: -_-

To [Kegar]: I'm glad you remember THAT part...

[Kegar] whispers: You're right. Lol 

[Kegar] whispers: I'm sorry I assumed.

To [Kegar]: I'll think about accepting your apology.

[Kegar] whispers: So.... What is it you're about to do that you think you'll regret?

[Kegar] whispers: I can't offer any advice if it's anything hair related. I don't know what you look like and even then, my sister may have forbidden me from offering that sort of advice every again in my lifetime...

To [Kegar]: Haha, that sounds like a story I'd enjoy hearing sometime.

[Kegar] whispers: I have a few I'm sure you'd like.

[Kegar] whispers: Like why I can offer sound advice on whether or not to get a tattoo.

To [Kegar]: I'd like to say I'm surprised by that one but I'm not lol

[Kegar] whispers: Lay it on me. What are you thinking of doing?

To [Kegar]: ...

To [Kegar]: What's your name?

[Kegar] whispers: I can honestly say I didn't see that one coming lol

To [Kegar]: If you don't want to tell me that's okay. I understand.

[Kegar] whispers: Oh, not at all. You just...threw me off there.

[Kegar] whispers: Noah.

[Kegar] whispers: And you are?

To [Kegar]: ...Tabitha

[Kegar] whispers: Nice to meet you, Tabitha.

[Kegar] whispers: Is this the decision you thought you'd regret?

To [Kegar]: Maybe...

[Kegar] whispers: I can see why you may regret that.

[Kegar] whispers: Do you?

To [Kegar]: I think...

To [Kegar]: Noah suits you lol

[Kegar] whispers: Haha, that sounds like the opposite of regret.

To [Kegar]: One can hope.

To [Kegar]: Only time will tell.



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