[25]: Call Me!!!

107 15 4

[July 18]


[Kegar] whispers: Are we on for tonight?

To [Kegar]: Why wouldn't we be?

[Kegar] whispers: Last week?

[Kegar] whispers: Things got a little personal.

To [Kegar]: Lol weirdo... we're good.

[Kegar] whispers: I have a feeling you wouldn't openly tell me if we weren't.

To [Kegar]: Should I be worried you know me this well after a month?

[Kegar] whispers: That's up to you.

[Kegar] whispers: Are you worried?

To [Kegar]: I mean, you might be the crazy stalker type.

To [Kegar]: Waiting for the right moment to lure me into your clutches

To [Kegar]: Promising me the world only to murder me moments later.

[Kegar] whispers: Haha, wait... how did I become a stalker AND a killer in the short span of this conversation?

To [Kegar]: It's not my fault you can't keep up. If you can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen.

[Kegar] whispers: Heh fine, you have nothing to worry about.

[Kegar] whispers: Not a killer or a stalker.

To [Kegar]: Hmmm, I'll take your response under advisement.

[Kegar] whispers: Why does it even matter? You could delete and block me in a heartbeat.

To [Kegar]: Haha, because I would do that.

[Kegar] whispers: You wouldn't?

To [Kegar]: Call me?

[Kegar] whispers: Maybe.

To [Kegar]: Call me.

[Kegar] whispers: ...

[Kegar] whispers: Really?

To [Kegar]: CALL ME

[Kegar] whispers: I'm calling, sheesh...

To [Kegar]: Bout damn time you started listening when I speak.

[Kegar] whispers: Hush your mouth if you want that call.

To [Kegar]: =P 



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