handsome daddy.

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The television blares as I sit on the couch
next to my friend Jin. The sound fills the room,
but neither of us pays it any attention. Instead, we engage in a friendly conversation. I try to convince him and our other friends to come with me to the
club later tonight.

"Come on, Jin. We always have a blast when we go out together," I plead with a dramatic but cute pout.

Jin raises an eyebrow, skeptical. "You do remember the last time we went clubbing, don't you? You
ended up taking home that male cop stripper, and
I spent the whole night watching my drink to avoid getting roofied." He chortled.

I roll my eyes. "Come on, Jin, that was ages ago.
And besides, I always have your back. I promise -
no strippers this time."

Jin snorts in amusement. "Not sure if I find that reassuring or alarming."

As we continue chatting, the delicious aroma of cooking pork wafts its way into the living room. Jin freezes mid-sentence, and I watch in amusement as
he takes a deep sniff. Something was definitely off.

"Joon is burning the pork - Joon!" he exclaims, rushing towards the kitchen.

Guess it's just me tonight.

"Ugh!" I shout and throw my body on the couch
"Guess I'll go alone!" I yell loud enough so that
Jin could hear me. "See you later Jiminie!" Jin
shouts back.


           I made it back to my apartment around
7:30 pm, I was still planning on going tonight. No
matter what, I didn't care if I had to go university
in the morning. I needed to have some fun.

As soon as I walked in the door, my phone began
to ring, and I couldn't believe my luck. It was Jin, "Hey Jin-hyung, what's up?"

"Joon and I decided we can make it tonight after
all," he said, a hint of weary excitement in his tone.

"Yaaayy!" I squealed.

Ecstatic at the thought of the three of us painting
the town red, I whooped with happiness and practically skipped into the shower to prepare

I emerged, toweling my platinum blonde hair dry
as I rifled through my wardrobe for the perfect
outfit. My attire consisted of a form-fitting pair
of ripped black jeans and ankle boots,
complemented by a sheer, dark-red, long-sleeved
shirt that flattered my curves with its seductive, revealing design.

I smelled fantastic as I spritzed a tantalizing
perfume over my clothes, feeling ready to take on
the world.

As we arrived at the bar, the bright neon lights flashing from the sign on the door gave off a
rousing vibe. I spotted Jin and Joon waiting outside.
I ran up to them, excitement bubbling inside me.

"Finally! We've been waiting forever," exclaimed
Jin, grabbing my hand to pull us into the crowd.

"I have to be at the restaurant in the
morning" Jin tells us. "Let us not get too
fucked up." He said as he downed a shot.
I grinned at him.


    I was whining and grinding my hips in the
club. The neon lights were flashing and the dance floor was shaking from all the jumping and dancing. Everyone was touching and feeling me up, I
wouldn't say I didn't like it, but... yeah it felt nice.

The reason why I was so eager to go clubbing
tonight was because I wanted to lose my v-card.

It was something that I was embarrassed to still
have. Even though there's nothing wrong with still being a virgin.

But I mean, I'm a grown-ass adult, and if I don't
pop my cherry soon, I might as well start sprinting
down the street like Naruto.

The thumping beat urged me on. I made my way through the throngs of people, the music instantly filling my soul. Bodies continued to writhe, shift,
and twist in an almost cohesive pattern, like a sea of dancers riding the hypnotic tide.

I had a feeling tonight would be the night. I was sure of it.


My eyes scanned the crowd of the night club, searching for the perfect prey for my hunger. And
then I saw him, a blond-haired guy whose hips
moved like a serpent on a hot summer day. But it
was his neck that captivated me the most, pale
and untouched, begging for my fangs to pierce it.

I licked my lips. My little late night snack. I thought.

Without hesitation, I made my way over to him, feeling my mouth water with anticipation. As I got closer, the music seemed to fade away, and the only thing I could hear was the drumbeat of his heart. It was time to make my move.


My body was suddenly yanked and pressed tightly against a chest that could only be described as rock-hard. I looked up in shock to see who had the audacity to pull such a move, and my eyes met with a pair of mesmerizing light hazel orbs.

"Hey there, pretty boy," the taller man complimented me with a sexy chuckle and a pearly-white grin that could make any heart skip a beat.

I got caught up in those beautiful eyes of his, mesmerizing and captivating, barely registering
his words. He seemed to sense my hesitation and lifted my chin with a cold finger. "You wanna go to the bar, the drinks are on me."

"I-I dunno," I stuttered, obviously flustered.

"Oh c'mon. You didn't come to the bar if you
didn't want to have some fun," he said with a hint
of danger in his voice.

I hesitated, unsure of whether to follow this mysterious stranger or to make a run for it. But
before I could even fully form a response, the handsome man had already taken charge, leading
me over to the bar.

"Well, I guess the drinks are on you then," I said
with a nervous chuckle.

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