breakfast in bed.

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Unexpectedly, I felt someone tug at
my neck. I was peacefully sleeping since I
had a long day. A very bloody day.

I tried to nudge the person away but they
didn't give in. Instead they pinned by wrist
above my head, restraining me.

That's when I decide to open my eyes.
"J-Jungkook," I speak his name in fear.
"Haven't you done enough harm to me?
Just let me go" I beg in a weak voice.

"I'm trying to help you" Jungkook lies to
me. "How? By sucking my blood? Let me go-
Hphmm" Jungkook presses his lips against

I squirm in his hold but Jungkook still
overpowered me. Jungkook's lips felt soft
and so kissable. His lips taste like strawberry
chapstick. For some odd reason, this kiss
didn't feel unpleasant. It felt like it was
long-awaited. Like somehow we both
wanted to kiss each other for some time now.

I stopped wiggling and slowly gave in to
kiss. I can feel my body getting hotter by
the second. Jungkook let's go of my wrists
and places both of his hands on the sides
of my head.

The vampire pulls away from the kiss and
towers his muscular but slim frame above
me. "Now next time I say I'm helping you,
don't doubt me" Jungkook tells me and rolls
over to sit on the opposite side of the bed.

"W-What did you do?" I ask obviously to
what he actually did to help me. "How
about removing your bandages and seeing
for yourself."

I begin to unwrap the bandages from
around my neck. My eyes dart to Jungkook
who wasn't even sparing a glance at me,
just staring at the floor.

I completely remove the bandages and
softly graze my fingers over the wounds
he left before. They were gone.

"Thank you," I say and Jungkook stands
up. "Where are you going?" I ask. "I'm
leaving, I'm convinced you don't like me
around you."

"It's not like you'd actually listen to that"
I joke as I giggle. Jungkook smirks as he
turns around to face me "That's true, I won't
listen to a damn thing you tell me, you know

"Why?" I question. Not to my surprise,
Jungkook once again, quickly had me trapped
in between his arms. "Because.. I own you."

He and I remained eye contact until he
spoke again. "Why do you suddenly you want
me to stay, hm?" he asks, I can feel his warm
breath against my lips.

"Because.. it's scary."

"Scary?" Jungkook questions. "Well it is
nearly pitch black in here, the only light
source is the moonlight" I reason with him
in a quiet voice.

"Are you flirting with me, Jimin? I only
kissed you because-" He settles his feet back
on the hardwood floor, glancing down at me.

"I know, I know! I'm serious, it's so dark in
here" I tell him truthfully. I've always had
trouble falling asleep in the dark because
I think the objects in the room are monsters."
It's childish, I know, I know.

"But I have business to attend to, I can't-"
I huff as I cut him off once again. "Is Tae here?"
I ask, trying to refrain from smirking or laughing.

Jungkook's face turn from serious to
disgusted and jealous. He took a
deep breath, with a small pout and stepped
closer to the bed. "I guess I could stay until
you fall back asleep."

Jungkook climbs into the bed next to and
curled up in the blankets. Chin-Mae was
right, he does look cute when he puts down
that person he's portraying to everyone.

"Why are you staring so hard?" he asks.
I smile and turn my body away from his
and close my eyes, feeling safe and protected
now that I know that Jungkook is here with me.


I woke up, my legs felt tangled with his.
His pelvis area pressed to my butt and his
an arm snaked around my waist.

Jungkook's warm breath touched the back
of my neck. Making me feel calm and relaxed.
I shook my body slightly, trying to wake
him up.

He didn't wake up but instead, he tightened
his grasp that was around my waist.
"Jungkook.." I call out to him in a raw
morning voice. "Hmm?" he hums. "L-Let
go" I tell him.

I feel him shake his head 'no' and proceeds
to hold me tight. I roll my eyes and shut them
again if he won't let me go. I guess I'll get
more rest.


"Jimin, you didn't come down for breakfast-
Oh my!" I hear Chin-Mae exclaim. My eyes
shoot open, Jungkook was still cuddled up
against me. I see why he's shocked.

Jungkook shuffled around and he finally
spoke "Chin-Mae, how many times do I
have to tell you? Don't disturb my slumber."

"I'm sorry, Master. I had no idea you were
in here" Chin-Mae quickly apologizes.
"Leave the breakfast and go" Jungkook
tells him and he rushes out the room.

"Let go, I wanna eat" I whine "If you keep
whining I'll eat you instead" Jungkook tells
me. I blush slightly as my mind wandered
to different places.

"Don't tell me you thought that was hot"
Jungkook says but more like he was telling
me. "Wha- how?" I ask "I heard your
heartbeat speed up" Jungkook says
teasing me. He finally let's his grip go
and puts his head on his palm as he leans
on his elbow. Looking down at me with a
charming smirk that annoyed me in all the
right ways.

"Shut up," I tell him shyly as I cover my
face and a small laugh erupted from his lips.
"Hmm, now you think my laughing is hot?"

"No, I think it's cute" I correct him. His eyes
widen as he looks at me and stops laughing
"Did I say something wrong?" I ask.

"No, just... thank you I guess. I like your
laugh, too" Jungkook says a bit awkwardly.
I giggle "You don't have to be so awkward
about it" I tell him still smiling.

"I don't mean to be awkward, it just... nobody
has ever told me that" he confesses. "Well,
they should because you have a cute laugh
and a pretty smile" I tell him truthfully.

"Oh, you're definitely flirting with me" he
smiles brightly. "I'm just stating facts" I smile
back. Unexpectedly, there were knocks at
the door. Jungkook and I's heads looked
towards the door.

"Can I enter?" Chin-Mae asks.

"You may, Chin-Mae" Jungkook answers.

Chin-Mae enters with a cup of apple juice,
my favorite. "Sorry, I forgot about the drinks.
Master, would you like a glass of blood?" he
asks. "No thank you, Chin-Mae. I already have

Mae bows respectively and closes the room
door. I look over to the bedside table to see
if Jungkook had a drink, but it was nonexistent. "Where is your drink?" I ask.

Jungkook leans down to my ear "You."
he whispers.

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