makeup & sex

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               After getting Jimin cleaned up, we
were in our bedroom. "You feel better now,
baby?" I ask Jimin in gentle, quiet tone. Jimin
takes a sip of his drink and places it down on the
tray. "Yeah, feeling much better since I'm not on
the verge of passing out anymore" Jimin giggles.

I smile a bit sadly, I was feeling really
guilty because of the position I put Jimin
almost just an hour ago. "Listen.. uh.. I wasn't expecting to have such a crazy withdrawal.
And I'm sorry for the way I made you feel"
I apologize kinda awkwardly. I'm not the
type to tell someone sorry for anything
I've done. But if it's Jimin, I'll make an

Jimin smiles and looks down for a moment
and looks back to me, making eye contact.
"I may be a human but I'm assuming that
your withdrawal is part of your nature, so
I don't blame you" he says in such a precious
tone. "Also, I did tell you to take all you need.
I'm just hoping I satisfied you enough" he
blushes a bit as those words escaped his mouth.

"...You did satisfy me. You're the best I
ever had" my lips tilt up as a smirk forms
on my face. I could hear Jimin's heart rate
speed up as he continued to stare at me with
low eyes. "A-Are you flirting with me?" he
questions. "Yeah, can't I flirt with my boyfriend?"

"Boyfriend?!" Jimin exclaims "I think I gave
you enough time to think about this" I tell
him as I take the tray off his lap and place
it on the bedside table. I gently place my
hand on Jimin's shoulder, pushing him
onto the soft mattress. "Kook.." Jimin lowly
mutters my name. His heart rate speeding
up once again.

"I think fucking you again, will help you make
up your mind" I tell him. I lean forward,
connecting our lips, immediately slipping my
tongue into Jimin's mouth. I slide myself in
between his legs, not even pulling away from
our kiss. Jimin's hand finds it's way into my hair, tugging and running his fingers in my brown
locks. Jimin's mouth tasted like the apple juice
that he was drinking. Sweet.

Jimin softly hums into our kiss and our
breathing started to get uneven. Jimin
tugged my hair, making us separate from our
make-out session. We both were breathing
heavy, Jimin stared at me with lidded eyes,
his eyes basically screamed that he was turned
on and so was I. "Please," he tells me.

"Please what, Jimin?" I smirk as I raise my
eyebrows. "Please fuck me, Kook" he breathes
out. I grin at Jimin's choice of words, he really
knows how to get a man to jump out his
pants. "As you wish, baby" I say and proceed
to pull my shirt over my head and shaking
my head side to side to fix my now shaggy hair.

I watch Jimin stare up and down at my
muscular stomach and chest. He lifts his
arm and runs his fingers gently over
my pecs. "Hurry, get undressed" I usher him,
Jimin just smiles and leans up and tugging his
shirt off his body, ruffling his hair a bit. Making
him look even more tempting in our situation.

I lean over and place wet kisses on his chest
that gradually got lower and lower. Beginning
at his tanned, smooth chest. I lick and suck on
his perked up, pink and swollen nipples.
They were basically begging to be given
attention, I start to go lower, tracing his
v-line with my fingers while staring him
in the eyes.

Jimin breathing was ragged and uneven,
his eyes were lidded and full of lust. I smirk
while tugging down his grey sweatpants and
shoving my hand into his briefs. "aah~"
Jimin breathes out a beautiful moan.

I began stroke his dick while I held both of
his thighs in place. I watched as he squirmed
with my touch. Jimin began to slightly move
his legs around, his hands gripping at the pure
white sheets. I ducked down my head a give
Jimin's thick thighs some love, placing butterfly
kisses in his inner thighs as I continue to stroke
his cock.

Suddenly, I felt the blue veins under my
eyes start to pulsate and bulge out and my
teeth started to ache. The urge to just bite
Jimin's luscious thighs began to grow, I
desired blood. "Kook is there something
wrong?" Jimin asks in a worried tone. "I'm
sorry." I whisper.

"Sorr- ugh fuck!" Jimin groans in pain as I
pierce my teeth into his thighs, I lift his legs
up and place them over my shoulders. "Kook
why?" Jimin whimpers with a small pout, I
could hear his heart rate speed up. "Mm~"
I moan as Jimin's pleasing blood slides down
my throat, quenching my thirst.

I remove my teeth from Jimin's thigh,
licking away the access blood, healing his
wound in the process. "Jungk-" Jimin was
about to say something but I'm sure it wound
ruin the mood, so I just took his cock into my
mouth and immediately started bobbing my
head up and down. "ngghh~" Jimin moans
throwing his head into the pillow.

I continued to bob my head until I heard
Jimin ramble me he was gonna come.
"Kook I'm gonna come~" he tells me in a
weak, rushed tone. And that when I pull my
mouth away. "No~ why'd you stop?" he pouts
as he looks down on me.

I raised my hand up to swipe the drool that
was leaking down my chin. I ignore Jimin's
question and reach over to the bedside and
pull out an bottle of lube. I squirt some into
my hand and spread it over my dick. Not
taking my gaze off of Jimin as I did.

"Oh, that's why you stopped" Jimin says.
I notice that Jimin's face was rosy red, even
though the room was dimly lit. His eyes
glisten with tears that never fell and his
hair was a bit messy but it was cute.

"You ready?" I ask as I slid back in between
his legs and line my cock up with his hole.
I dip down and peck Jimin's lips and he
smiles at me "I'm ready." And with that
begun to slide myself into Jimin.

"Mhmm~" Jimin breaths out as I finally
fill him all the way up. I begin to thrust my
hips at a good pace, one of my hands on
his hip while the other one was lifting up
his right leg.

"Faster, Kook~," Jimin tells me and I do what
I'm told. My momentum sped up and thrust
became rougher. Wet slaps, moans, and
groans were heard throughout our bedroom.
also the sound of the headboard hitting the wall.

"Hm~ r-right there" Jimin praises me as he
scratches his nails down my back. While
kissing on Jimin's neck, I decided to leave
a hickey. Just to show he belonged to
someone. Me.

Suddenly, I felt the urge to come hit the pit of
my stomach. I started to get hot and my thrust
got faster and scattered. "Ngghh~ Kook, I'm
about to come~" Jimin tells me "M-Me too"
I quickly blurt out.

"Ugh~ f-fuck" Jimin moans as he threw
his head back and I felt his cum squirt on
my stomach. And with that, I quickly came
as well. I pulled out and plopped myself
next to Jimin.

"That was grea-" I turn to Jimin but I notice
his eye we're closed. He was sleep. I chuckle
to myself, knowing what kind of power I
had over Jimin. I then decided I should take
a nap myself.

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