unexpected confrontions.

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His eyes met mine. Taehyung. His gaze
was sharp and alarming. He was obviously
angry with me. I look back to see if Jungkook
was paying attention to me, but instead he
was too busy in a conversation with Yoongi-

I slowly crept away from the two vampires
and made my way over to Taehyung. I notice
that he doesn't take his gaze off me as
I stroll over to him. Once I reach him I stand
in front of him and he looks down upon me.

I feel ashamed. "What do you need, Jimin?"
Taehyung asks in a rude like tone. His pupils
looks a bit dilated, maybe out of anger or
feeling like he's been deceived.

"Ta-Taehyung-" I was cut off by Taehyung
"I'm not asking again, what do you need?"
I was taken back, "Well I... your note. I just.."
I scrambled my words up, I was nervous.
"Did you see us?" I ask gingerly.

"Yes.. but there's no reason to speak upon
it. I think my letter said enough" Taehyung
tells me. "Please, just let me explain"
I begin with a desperate tone. Taehyung raises
an eyebrow as if he was thinking "Go on but
make it quick."

I nod "Taehyung, I didn't know you felt that
way about me-" Taehyung shortly cuts me
before I could even get a sentence out.
"Jimin, how can you not see that I have
feelings for you?! The way I protect you and
treat you with care! Yet you still run off to
that rude bastard, Jungkook!" Taehyung

I felt my eyes getting watery "I-I'm sorry,
I'm sorry that I'm so blind, Taehyung. I still
want to be friends-" I says almost letting my
tears fall but instead I swipe them away.
"You know what, you are blind and I feel bad
for you. But at the end of the day, I don't
want to be around the man that was fucked
by my stepbrother!" Taehyung says a bit too
loud this time.

I hear some people whispering about what
they heard. Those tears that I previously
wiped away was replaced with new salty tears
that now are sliding down my cheeks.

A blush of embarrassment hastily spread on
my wet cheeks. Taehyung still looks down
upon me with no remorse, I brush past him and
rush out the grand doors of the ballroom.

I dash down the unknown corridors of this
large house. I run and run having no idea
where I'm going, until I see this balcony.
The view from up here made the beating
of my heart slow down and ease my worries.

I walk out on the balcony and place my
hands ralls and lean over the edge looking
down. There was Chin-Mae and another
male speaking to each other, they seemed
very close. I'm happy for him if they're

I use the sleeve of my shirt to dry my tears.
I tried to forget about what Taehyung said to
me. The words of him saying he didn't want
to be around me made me feel so guilty.
I know that Taehyung and I aren't in a
relationship. But knowing that I broke his
heart just hurts.

Him and I are no longer friends in his eyes.
But he'll always be my friend. I began to
get up on the balcony rail, the wind blew
my hair and made me feel relaxed.

I began to spread my arms up, and closed
my eyes. I will forget very soon. "Jimin no!"
I hear echoing in the distance. "Stop, get
down" The yelling gets much closer. I don't
budge from my spot. "Please don't!" the
voice said and I open my eyes, Jungkook?

I tried to turn around quickly but I almost
lost my balance but Jungkook yanked my
hand and pulled me down into his arms.

Jungkook held me tight, one hand on my
head and one around my waist. "Are you a
fool?! I told you to get down! You could've
died just now!" he says assertively. He pulls
my hair back and makes me look at him
"Why would you try to leave me?" he asks
in such a soft and low tone, making tingles
go down my spine.

"I-I wasn't trying anything," I tell him as
we still hug. "So you just stand on railings,
where could fall to your death?" Kook asks
in disbelief. As I was about to answer but
someone butts in.

"Disgusting. Will you not do this in plain
sight?" Taehyung in a grossed out tone and
Kook retreats from the hug. "Oh, sorry
peeping tom. But this corridor was previously
empty before you followed us. This is your
second time, Taehyung" Jungkook says with
an impudent tone.

"Followed us?" I question. "Oh, so Jimin
doesn't know you were spying on us almost
our whole date?" Jungkook says in a bragging
tone. My eyebrows furrow and my blood begins
to boil for the second time tonight. I look at the
two idiot brothers with nothing but anger in my
eyes. But instead of being furious with Taehyung, Jungkook was the one I wanted to confront.

"So, you had sex with me while knowing
Taehyung was watching us!" Jungkook
eyes widen at my sudden tone with him.
"You only used me to get at Taehyung,
didn't you?! You don't care for me!"
I scream, I felt so betrayed and deluded.

I don't wanna be here.

"And you know what? Fuck both of
you!" I yell and storm off. This time I
remember the way to the front entrance,
I hear Jungkook and Taehyung yelling my
name in the distance but neither of them
were relevant to me at the moment.

I exited Jungkook's fathers house and saw
the car that took us here. I knock on the
window and he rolls it down "Is it time to
head back?" he asks. "Yes but no, Jungkook
told me to order you to take me home."

"Oh alright, get in," he tells me and I hop
in the backseat. I tell him my address to
my parent's house and proceeded to actually

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