idiocy gets you nowhere.

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            "Look what you did, idiot!" I shout
at Taehyung. But he doesn't even look
intimidated, all he does is smirk at me in
amusement. "Look where bragging got you,
you slick bastard."

"You don't have to rub in my face" I tell
Him, while massaging my temple. "He's better
off being mine, all you do is break his heart"
Taehyung tells me.

"Look Taehyung," I say his name with
a sarcastic tone. "I don't know if you didn't
hear this through your thick skull, But Jimin
is mine. No matter how bad I might treat
him." I warn him.

"Jungkook, he needs someone that can
protect him-"

"And I can! I'm pretty damn sure I could
protect him much better than you!-"

"But you'll never love him like I can! You
have no empathy or compassion for Jimin!
You don't care for him! You just want him
for blood and company because you can't
make friends!" Taehyung yells at me

My eye widen at his words, my throat went
dry and I had the sudden urge to get hostile.
"You wouldn't dare say that again." I clenched
my fists, ready to rearrange his teeth. "You'll
never-" I grabbed his throat and slammed
him into the wall behind him, causing him
to let a desperate gasp.

"Know your fucking place, lowlife," I tell him
in a strong, commanding tone. "What's your
problem, huh? Can't handle the truth?" he
teases me in a strained voice."Quiet! Or I'll
slaughter you rig-"

"Go on, kill me. I'm already dead" Taehyung
smiles but I could hear he's losing his breath.
I decide to free him "Listen, Taehyung. We'll
never be friends and we for sure will never
be brothers. But there is something that
we both want.." I say.

"Jimin" we mutter in unison. "Speaking of
him, how'll we bring him back?" I ask Taehyung.
"He's probably at his parent's house. I know where
he lives" Taehyung points out and smile to myself. "Great, let's go get him now-"

"Woah slow your roll, Jungkook" Taehyung
stops me. "What now?" I ask irritated. "Let's
give him some time" Taehyung suggests
"Time? Why?" I ask, I just want Jimin back.
I don't care about all this.

"He just heard some weird shit, just let him
relax. A week at the max."

"A week?! Because you saw us have sex?!
Pornstars do it all the time!" I exclaim.
"Well, he isn't a pornstar. And he thought
you had feeling for him and now he found
out that you were only doing it to go against
me" Taehyung says. "It must hurt."

"Well, whatever. Only a week" I give in and
begin walking back to the ball and Taehyung
follows. "See where idiocy does. Look at us"
the annoying fool complains.

"Just..shut up and go back to the ballroom.
I have business to attend to."

~♡__~ ✰~__ ♡~

I've already arrived home, mom and I was
sitting in the living room watching tv and
drinking hot chocolate. Her and I were
chuckling at the humorous show, even if
the jokes were dry. They still got a little
laugh out of us.

When we were done our hot chocolate I
offered to wash them, so it didn't burden
her. "Thanks, Jiminie," she says to me and
pays attention back to the tv.

Once I was in the kitchen I began to wash
the glass cups. Why didn't Jungkook
tell me that Taehyung was spying on us?
Does he not care for me? Am I really just
a blood bank to him? Many questions swirled
around in my mind, not knowing which one
to even think about.

After I was finished cleaning the mugs and
drying my hands off. I heard mom answer
the front door "Hello young man" mom says
warmly "Good evening ma'am" a voice I could
recognize anywhere. Fucking hell, why did
he follow me here? I curse in my head.

"Are you Jimin's roommate I hear about?"
she questions "Jimi- yeah uh...yes ma'am
I am his roommate and I came to uh...
apologize" the vampire stuttered. Which I
found cute... oddly.

"Oh yes, I'll get him for you. Please wait here"
she tells him and I hear footsteps. I try to
act like I was doing something she wouldn't
think that I eavesdropping. So I grabbed the
broom and acted like I was sweeping,
moments later she entered the kitchen.

"Jimin, a visitor is here. He's your roommate
he said," she tells me."Mom~ please tell him
I'm sleeping" I beg. "No, you better go out
there" she demands and that's when I knew
I couldn't get out of this one. I sigh and
exit the kitchen walking toward the front

It was as if I was doing the walk of shame
and rethinking all my life decisions. As I
made it I saw him, Jungkook, standing at
my front door. "Jimi-" he was going say
something but I cut him off "Let's not speak
here. I know my mom is eavesdropping."

As we move outside on the porch and I shut
the front door. "Now," I say turning around
to see Jungkook face to face. "Why are you
here?" I ask deepening my tone in my voice.
"I'm here to collect you and take you home-"

"Home? This is my home, Jungkook"
I exclaim. "I understand that we had a
disagreement. But can't you forgive me and
come back?" he asks but to my surprise, it
sounds genuine.

"Forgive you?.." I question, as I gaze into
Jungkook's eyes."Why should I do that?
Do you know how humiliated I feel? You
let other man see us have sex" I tell him in
so much disbelief. "I don't know what to say
but sorry. I just want back around me and
it hasn't even been a day. Imagine how I'll
feel if you were gone for longer." Jungkook
gently takes my hand in his. "Come back
with me" he whispers as he tries to lead me
to the porch steps.

"If you try to take me any further, I scream
for my mom."

Jungkook eyes widen "You wouldn't" he
doubted me, which was a mistake. "MO-" Kook
quickly covers my mouth "Okay, okay. I'll
stop, I just have to warn you..." he says.

"Warn me about what?" I ask after I shove his
hand off my mouth. "Don't roam the streets
at night, only during the day and stay in
big crowds. They might be after you" he tells

Suddenly, I was frightened and wanting to
know more. "Why? Who's they, Jungkook?"
I inquire. "I uh...I should go, I don't want
to scare you more than I just did-" he tries
to scurry down the steps once again but
I grab his hand, preventing him.

"Don't touch me, unless you want to start
something" Jungkook tells me."You can't
leave me hanging, tell me" I beg this time.
Instead of answering Kook then uses the
hand that I'm grabbing him with to pull
me closer.

"I told you, don't touch me unless you want
problems" he whispers against my lips. He
closes the gap harshly by yanking me forward.
He immediately squeezes his warm salvia
cover tongue into my mouth.

I don't squirm nor try to escape the kiss, I
actually do the complete opposite. I place
my free hand on his shoulder, sliding it behind
him and now I have my arm wrapped around
his neck.

"Boys, what are yo- oh!" mom exclaims in
surprise. Jungkook lets go of my arm and
I push him away from me. Jungkook stared
at my mother in utter shock and so was I.

"Mom it's not-"

"Oh~ so this is what you've been hiding from
me" mom smiles. I raise an eyebrow in confusion"Your roommate is your lover and
you two had a lovers quarrel and that's why you
want to stay over" mom thinks she pieces
it together.

Jungkook and I then knew we fucked
everything up. "Ma'am I think you misunder-"
Jungkook was shut down by my mom,
"Oh nonsense, don't hide it anymore. Come
on in" mom tells Jungkook.

Jungkook hesitates but still enters the house,
taking off his shoes. "Make yourself at home"
she smiles at Kook.

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