Chapter 1

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Edited by (thanks!) Broken_Samurai_

It has been centuries since we started this war. Centuries, since I lost my loved ones, desperately trying to saved what little family I had left, and fulfill what I was destined to do. I am a hunter, a Slender Hunter, and I won’t stop until every last one of them is dead.

At first I believed there was only one, but during one of our hunts I was proven wrong, oh so wrong. There were four brothers, each of them being captured at one point or another in their lives. We knew they would escape but while we had them in our grasp we would draw their blood. It is what allowed him and will allow his daughter to live for several centuries. 

It has been ten months since our last harvest and now our resources are slowly dwindling. At the rate we’re going there is only two months left before we begin aging once again, and it would be rapid. The two of us may even die if we don’t get more Slenderman blood soon. My daughter keeps to herself and prefers being in the library with her nose in books, making it easy to hide the truth of the outside from her.

 “Y/N, lunch time.” I call out as I knock on her study door.

For lunch I made her a turkey sandwich with a chocolate smoothie, the smoothie containing the Slenderman blood for her to drink. It mixed incredibly well with chocolate and made it easy to hide. She spends more time in her study than her own room but I didn’t mind. It always made her easy to find.

“Come in!” She calls out, finding her reading a book sign the Operators symbol on it, a circle with an X through it. 

I know all too well what the book contained and it was the bane of my existence, so many reasons for my hatred towards the Slenderman creature. It was written by my father and describes the terrible things Slenderman did. Y/N had a thing for horror so I didn’t mind her reading books like that, hopeful that when the day finally came to tell her the truth of our lives and would be willing to hunt with. me once the time was right.  

“Isn't this the tenth time you’ve read that book?” I question as I set down her drink and food.

Your Pov

“I can’t help it. Everything in here is so fascinating!” Y/N declares with a sparkle in her eyes. “It’s my favorite story after all papa. Learning about the creatures and what we can do to stop them or even make them allies, it’s like the fairy tales you used to read to me! I wish I could meet one someday, oh would be interesting to have one as a friend......,” She trails off as she lowers her head. 

Ever since she was little her father allowed her very little contact with people. She really didn’t understand why she couldn’t meet people her own age..... Every so often she got to see the hunters that worked with her father but they were banned from seeing or even talking to her. For all she knew she was the only female on the mansion of hunters; occasionally she would hear female voices around the kitchen and garden, but she never saw them and began to wonder if the voices were all in her head. 

 The constant isolation only made her feel all the more lonely, missing the days she was with her mother and baby sister constantly. She doesn’t remember much of the day they lost them, her only reminder being a beautiful portrait she kept in her study, the only way she could never sober their faces. She would sometimes imagine what it would have been like if they were still there, then again, she was nearly two or three hundred years old but physically she appeared to be sixteen. 

She had trouble telling her age because she wasn’t allowed to have anything to deal with dates and time, her father keeping all forms of time from her. No clocks, no calendars, nothing. Occasionally he would bring her gifts of new eras but the only thing she desired was books. She would spend hours on her study or in the garden reading, using the sun to measure the days as best I could.  

She’s pulled from her thoughts when the library door is suddenly slammed open by one of the hunters; this was only aloud in major emergencies. 

"Sir!!! One has been spotted to the North side of the camp!" He yells in clear agitation.  

“Just in time, we where running now on supplies." Her father declares, giving her a quick kiss on the forehead. and went to gice her a kiss on her forehead. “I will be back, just hold on to this for me incase anything happens okay? Drink you shake and eat your food. This may take some time and I want to make sure you at least eat your meal before I go." He says as he hands her a small dagger, worry in his eyes as he heads for the door. “Don’t worry, it will all be over soon.”

With that he leaves you in your study with your meal, quickly devouring it and leaving it in the kitchen before going to your favorite room in the mansion. The huge library!

Slender’s Pov

As I run through the forest I finally manage to find his hide out. After all these years I’m finally going to finish him off; him and everyone else around him.  I hide behind a tall tree after I finish  setting a dummy up for them to follow, aka Jeff, but I knew he would be okay. I watch as the men get their trucks ready and then spread out to look for Jeff, sensing the man I hated most within the walls of his safe house, teleporting close to the house, listening by the wall due to lack of window and hearing the man I hated most talk with his daughter. 

This gave me a wonderful idea! As soon as I see the man leave with the rest of his hunters I pour all my hatred for the being manifesting as I teleport into the home where I sense his daughter. I would kill what he loved most for my revenge! 

I then teleport into what appears to be the library, and there sitting in a corner beside a large stack of books, was sitting the most stunning human being I have ever seen, skin almost as light as mine, long wavy (h/c$ hair, sakura pink lips. and big (e/c) eyes with beautiful long lashes. I feel both my breath and anger go away just by looking at her. She finally notices my presence and looks my way, ready to stroke again before pausing the the bright smile she gives me. Her smile dazzles me as she gets to her feet, in her arms a book with my operator’s mark on it. she 

“You’re mister slenderman right?” She questions with excitement lighting her eyes. 

Note # to all does people who continue complaining about her "age" like it says in the story she appears  to be 16-18  years old but she is actually centuries old,  Also it's a fan fiction it suppose to be fake and fun. Please don't send criticism  like that. I write this story on a very bad time of my life and this is what help me get out of that time. So if you don't like it please just don't read it. It doesn't help my mental state . I have been trying hard to get better and to let the little things go and these stuff just drags me back down so again if you don't like something of my story  please either write it to me in private or leave thanks and sorry for th3 rant it just been to much of those and I can't hold it any more

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