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Hey guys if you have an ideas for a new username for me based on my bio and/or stories please let me know! Either simply in the comments or message me If you'd like. I feel like Cookiemonster0130201 is too original. I mean so many people use Cookie Monster. Anyway, let me know guys! It'd mean a lot! :) <3

<>Marshall's P.O.V<>

I decided to go to See Fi. I really need to get my mind off of Gumwad. I haven't seen Fionna for months. I mean, occasionally we'd see each other around Aaa but we never really hang out.

I approached the giant tree house. It doesn't look quite stable but apparently it works out. As I knocked, I heard dishes crashing and some yelling. I chuckled once the door opened. Cake stood there with spaghetti all over her fur, a scowl on her face, and a broken plate in her hand. Her face softened once she saw me but it was still unpleasant.

"What do you want Marshall?" She growled. I smiled before shoving the cat aside and walking in the house.

"Where's Fi?" I questioned as I looked back at Cake. She rolled her eyes as if it was obvious, which it was.

"Upstairs." I zipped up the ladder and called out for Fionna.

"Hey marsh! What's up dude?" The blonde girl approached me and held out her fist. I bumped it with my own and gave her a quick hug.

"Just came to hang out with Aaa's greatest heroine." Her face became tinted with pink and she brushed her hair away from her eyes. "Not wearing your famous bunny hat eh?" I smirked.

"No. I don't wear that thing everywhere you know. Only when I'm out if the tree house." She huffed and crossed her arms.

"Ah come on Fi. You know I'm just teasing." I chuckled as I floated around to her other shoulder. The corner of her mouth never denies a smile.

"Alright then. Where too Marshall Lee The Vampire King?" She emphasized the king which sent shivers down my spine and my cheeks felt a little warmer.

"Well, we could go scare the living poo out of peeps or we could go sit somewhere and laugh for hours. Which do you prefer?" I smirked. Fionna out a finger under her chin to contemplate this impossible decision.

"The second one sounds romantic in a cheesy way, so let's do it!" She laughed as her shoulders bounced. "Just let me get my sweatshirt." As soon as she ran upstairs, a certain cat was right in my face.

"Now listen here, there is nothing romantic about this. Got it you blood sucking demon?!" I calmly scooted the cat back and bowed.

"Of coarse not my lady." I chuckled as I returned to my original posture. Cake glared at me until Fionna returned in a purple sweatshirt with a golden sword on the front.

"Alright let's go!" She grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the door. I looked behind me and stuck my snake-like forked tongue at the cat before I was whisked into the night.

Fi and I sat on a rather large hill just playing tic-tac-toe in the dirt. She kept drawing a sword which she declared: "every time a sword is drawn, that person wins." Of coarse the only one that could draw the sword was Fionna. It was her rule and I went with it. Then we just kept telling jokes and I would occasionally embarrass her which was always fun. She would try to make me embarrassed but I'd always spin it around so it was about her. I'm not gonna lie, she did embarrass me once but that's not important. After a while, we just laid down and looked at the stars.

"Her Marsh?" The girl broke the silence as she stared at the sky.

"Hmm?" I replied simply.

"Have you ever met someone that's so different from you, so far apart, but somehow you feel so similar?" She turned her head so she was looking at the side of mine as I continued to look at the sky.

"Yeah. I mean, I think so. You can never really tell. At least I can't." I chuckled and moved my head to look at her. Her eyes were the most beautiful blue and glistened in the faint light. Each little star in the sky, reflecting in her beautiful orbs. She smiled and returned her gaze to the peppered black blanket above. I did that same. Eventually, she let out a little shivering noise. It reminded me of a bunny.

"You cold?" I sat up from the grass. She nodded. "Come here." I held my arms open. She hopped up and snuggled in my body. Our legs were tangled and her head was against my chest. The girl let out a big breath and closed her eyes. Even though I was tired myself, I continued to hold her.

"Goodnight little bunny." I whispered in her ear before I laid down, still having her against me. I gently closed my eyes as sleep took over.

* * *

"Marshall? Marshall. I can't breath." I heard soft giggles as my eyes fluttered open. Fionna looked up at me with happy eyes. I realized my grip was quite tight so I let me arms fall.

"Oh gee. Sorry Fi." I smiled. She simply nodded. We were still laying on the grass but the sun was out. A large green umbrella kept us in the shade luckily. "Who put this here?" I pointed to the thing covering us.

"I'm not sure. Maybe Cake." I nodded, cake wouldn't to that, would she? I mean she doesn't hate me but she sure doesn't like me. Plus, I was basically cuddling with Fi all night. Cake would definitely hate that.

"Shall we go inside?" I smiled at the girl in my lap and stood to my feet, umbrella in one hand. I reached out my free hand for Fionna.

"We shall." She giggled and grabbed my hand. I hoisted her up and we walked back to the tree house under the shade. Man, I missed hanging out with Fionna. She's so much like me! We get a long great too. I wonder if I could spend the night. We could watch a movie and throw popcorn at each other. It'd be a blast!

"Hey Fi, mind if I spend the night? I haven't seen you in so long I don't want to leave." I laughed at my comment, as did she.

"Of coarse you can Marsh!"

This was gonna be a fun day.

Added some much needed Fionna and Cake. :P Remember, let me know usernames! Love all ya'll!

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