Blondes and Bars

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I took another sip of my crisp water as I looked over the invitation for the billionth time. Marshall's hand writing was surprisingly neat. He curved the bottom of his letters in a graceful way. You wouldn't think a tough guy like him would wright in such a way.

Because I never got to the kind of party I'm sure Marshall is referring to, I have no idea what to wear. I settled on the shirt Marshall gave me of some band, blue jeans, and of course black converse. It didn't suit me but I didn't want to show up all formal. I've been told parties are lay back, and chill. What does that even mean? I was hopelessly confused for once. I knew Marshall would be expecting me so I'd feel horrible if I didn't go.

The party was in an hour or so and I became more and more nervous. Maybe it was the fact that Marshall would be there with Fionna or I was simply not used to these gatherings. I quietly sighed as I looked outside.

<>Time skip because no inspiration<>

The music was already obnoxious. Every thunderous beat was sent through my eardrums like shock waves. It was aggravating. I of course, did not recognize the band nor the song. The lights were neon colors and insanely bright. I have to admit the place was huge. It could defiantly fit about 300 people. I recognized however, a few fellow princes but decided to leave them to their own business.

After awhile I'd notice some monsters from the nitosphere. They were always drinking shots and swearing left and right. Their bodies were covered in tattoos and piercings. The sweat added to the repulsiveness. As they "danced" the salty liquid dripped down, sending it flying through the air. Even though they were quite a turn off, some princes made their move on the nitosphere residences. Their bodies grinding together and sexual tension illuminating in the air. Why was I even here?

I looked around for someone I might know. (Preferably someone not trying to get laid) it was beginning to become very hot. The heat lifted away from the bodies and into the air, making it humid and unbearable. I wiped some sweat gently away from my forehead and sighed.

Suddenly, I spotted Marshall across the room dumping shots into his throat. One after the other, it made my stomach turn. There was a large crowd cheering him on, which he obviously enjoyed. Knowing Marshall he loved the attention. I made my way over, ignoring the sweaty bodies beside me.

"Come on Marsh! 2 more and you beat your record!" A girl on a bar stool shouted excitedly. Her pony tail swishing as she bounced from excitement. Marshall gulped down at least 5 more before he turned away from the table. Everyone hollered and cheered as the vampire collapsed on the ground with a thud. I gasped as the heap of boy lay unconscious. Everyone soon cleared from him except for me. I sat quietly a few bar stools away from where Marshall was beating his "record". He breathed easily and his hair was over his eyes. This disappointed me, I enjoyed looking into those red orbs.

About 30 minutes later, Marshall sat up with a groan. He yawned and scratched the back of his head as if he was simply taking a nap. I cleared my throat as I sat there awkwardly. His head jolted into my direction. A smile appeared in his face.

"Bubba! I thought you wouldn't show!" He jumped up and hugged me quickly.

"Well, i had nothing to do anyway." I simply shrugged. Marshall looked around at the party.

"You having any fun?" He looked at me with hopeful eyes.

"This isn't exactly my idea of 'fun'" I shrugged as his eyes lost their sparkle.

"Oh. I'm sorry." He paused. "Do you wanna go somewhere quiet? Just you and me. Get away from all this noise?" He pointed to the group of people laughing at something I couldn't quite see.

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