Jealosy Burns

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(:Gumball's POV:)
I've been a mess lately. Maybe it because I'm caught up in work or maybe I'm distracted. I see Fionna and Marshall walk past the kingdom every night. Every. Single. God damn night. It shouldn't bother me. But it does.

Don't call me a stalker but once I grabbed binoculars to get a better look at the two. Marshall of coarse held Fionna's hand as she giggled like a school girl. She always had on a sweatshirt that I know for a fact she didn't own. It was always a band Marshall would like. I know the kind of music he likes. Fionna probably doesn't even know one.

One night, I only focused on Marshall; since I had never gotten a good look at him before. He was in a large sweatshirt even though he physically can't get cold. It had a cigarette on the front that was crossed out with bold red. His jeans were less tight than usual and a dark blue. His hair, his hair.... With the moon shimmering down on the raven black mop on his head; he looked extremely handsome. The light picked out certain spots on his face to stand out.

On that night, I had realized one truly awful thing. I like Marshall Lee the Vampire King. I had fallen for that rebellious, big headed, charming.... Funny.... Handsome vampire. My stomach was filled to the brim with butterflies when I thought of his rich laugh. The way the strands of his hair fell over his eyes as they shimmered like rubies. You could occasionally see his muscles under his clothes.

I felt my cheeks heat up as I thought about the boy more and more. My hand brushed through my hair quickly and I snapped back into reality. The moon was out, they should be walking by soon.

My feet shuffled to the balcony and indeed, they were approaching. Before I could even get ahold of myself I sprinted outside. They were getting closer. Fionna's laugh was louder now. my eyes scanned around to a large tree with apples hanging down. I slipped under it and rested my head against the bark. Hopefully this tree trunk is big enough to hide behind...

"No but seriously, I'd probably eat a worm. You know, it is a dare after all." Fionna chuckled to herself.

"Aw. That's sick. You're gross." Marshall's tough voice melted my insides. I looked to the left of me to see them continue walking. They didn't see me. Thank gob. I let out a heavy breath of relief.

"Hey bubba." I jumped up and hit my head on a branch, causing me to slam back down on the ground. I groaned and rubbed my head. "Oh shit. Sorry dude." I looked up to see Marshall and Fionna giggling away.

"What're you doing out here anyway? It's like 11:30." My brain scrambled for some sort of excuse.

"Er-um-I- I was just eh.... Reading! Yeah reading! That's what I.... Uh... Was doing...." I mumbled the last few words. Marshall raised an eyebrow at me as he smiled slightly.

"Then where's your book? You reading the stars or something?" He laughed. I let out a forceful chuckled as I rubbed my head again.

"Y-yes?" It came out more as a question than a statement. He nodded and turned around with Fionna under his arm. I could feel my muscles tense.

"Alright. We'll see you around Bubbs." I sighed happily. Even his nicknames for me were cute and childish. Eventually they were out of sight and I was once again, alone.

* * *

The next morning was dreadfully slow. I didn't get out if bed until 1:30 and had no intention of doing anything. The thought of the king was invading my mind. One minute I'm thinking of my citizens, the next Marshall Lee. Thinking about my kingdom, then Marshall Lee. Marshall, Marshall, marshall.

There was something so attractive, so alluring about the boy. He has a tough exterior but I know underneath he's soft, and caring. It's a shame he hides it on account of his "tuff guy reputation".

I sighed heavily and brushed my hair slowly. I'm not even sure why I got out of bed in the first place. The days already half way gone. What's the point?


"Do you really think he'll wanna go?" I asked Fionna. She rolled her eyes.

"Of coarse he will Marsh! He's your best friend!" She tried to reassure me. it didn't work.

"Used to be....." I mumbled with a heavy sigh. Fionna grabbed my shoulders and looked my dead in the eye.

"The point is-" I looked away. She paused and turned my head back to face her. "the point is, even though he doesn't realize it, he's IS your best friend. He'll come if you really want him to." Fionna smiled at me genuinely. I forced a smile back even though I don't think he'll come.

Fionna walked away to get everything set up. We decided to plan a little party in this abandoned building. It's rusted and looks like it'll collapse but we though 'eh why not?'

We invited every royal and I invited a few of my nitosphere buddies. Fionna wanted to invite Prince Fire Ass because he 'has no friends'. in my opinion, he doesn't have any friends because his temper is unnatural....

Never the less, I let her invite him. He gets on my nerves quite a bit, but I'll deal.

I began writing the invites.

By the time I was finished, so was Fi. she had lights hung up on lines that spread across the ceiling, A giant buffet table, and a karaoke machine.

"Wow great job Fi. It looks awesome." She smiled and out her hands on her hips.

"Thanks. This party's gonna be tops blooby." I laughed at her comment and nodded.

"Yeah. 'Tops blooby.'" She chuckled and hugged me. I returned to the pile of invitations along with bats to match the number of papers. Each one took an invite and flew like bullets out the door. It's only a few moment before Bubba rejects my invitation.


I scribbled harshly on many papers when the window completely exploded. Glass flew everywhere and I shielded myself from getting hit by one.

Once the last piece hit the floor I looked up. In the midst of all the shattered glass was a single white note with a red border. I approached the paper as glass crunched under my feet. I gently picked it up and unfolded it.

You are invited to a kick ass party. Just show up.

Where- some abandoned warehouse somewhere.
When- tonight, 7:00
Bring- anything we don't care

-ML The Vampire King

I scratched the back of my head. Should I go? It's probably going to be filled with nitosphere thugs. Party's are not my thing. They're too loud and there is no organization what-so-ever. I'll go.

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