Chapter 4 (B2)

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You have no weapon.

You are completely vulnerable against a highly dangerous canine. The room, entirely empty, does not offer you any opportunity to attack or to defend yourself, and you are not dumb enough to fight with your bare hands. You are also doubting the efficiency of throwing your shoes at it.

The animal is still walking towards you, making the floor creak under its weight from time to time. You must react, and fast.

You have two choices: curling up, or escaping the wolf at full speed.

You choose to curl up.

Moving will only make things worse. You do not particularly want the wolf to jump towards you, fangs out, just because you scared it by running around like a madman. Therefore, you are exhibiting submissive posture and whining, hoping from the bottom of your heart that the wolf will pity you and soon get uninterested.

The animal is slowly getting closer, while you feel like becoming a statue. You instinctively hold your breath. One... two... three... Suddenly -and unexpectedly- the beast stops moving. It seems to look at you for a while, before abruptly laying down. You are relieved: you did a great job of victimisation! Next time, you will not hesitate to propose your services in some future blockbusters.

You wait a little bit more in order to be sure that the wolf stays calm, then cautiously avoid it and go to the exit. You passed the test!

Continue to chapter 5!

You choose to run.

There is no way you are letting that thing getting closer to you! You rush towards the exit, almost tripping over a lath. Big mistake: the animal is getting more and more aggressive because of your panic. Without wasting its time, it jumps towards you and violently bites you. You can feel its fangs piercing your skin while some slobber is wetting your leg. You kneel down because of the pain, while gritting your teeth. The wolf takes this opportunity to quickly attack your other limbs. You try to free yourself, without success. Your vision gradually darkens as tears of pain are flowing down your cheeks. Panting, you wheeze, before giving up the ghost.

You did not survive Instinct. Do not hesitate to start the adventure again, by adopting another strategy!

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