Chapter 10

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It was 9 a

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It was 9 a.m. and I had just woke up. Me and Nick had a long night out dancing and dinner. I had to go to class at 11, so I probably needed to get up and get ready.

I was hungover from last night so I decided that it would be best if I took a shower first. I rolled out of bed and went into the bathroom and had a scolding hot shower and brushed my teeth and stuff.

I didn't really feel like trying to look cute today so I just threw on one of Nick's oversized shirts and some jeans and a pair of crocs. I through my hair up in a messy bun and put on my hoop earrings and grabbed my keys to go downstairs.

I went in the kitchen to grab something to eat and a bottle of water but everyone was already downstairs and someone was making breakfast.  "Who's cooking?" I asked while walking into the kitchen. "Your boyfriends." Nick said loud and proud.

"Oh so it's official!" Maggie said while sitting in Brandon's lap on a stool at the counter. "Yep!" I said, popping the p. "Y'all cute or whatever." Zion said mockingly. "Ain't no whatever. We is cute." Nick said. I laughed and walked around Nick to see what he was cooking.

"Stop being nosy and sit down and wait like everyone else." Nick said. "Alright, but it better be done soon cause I'm starving and I have class at 11." I said.

"It'll be ready in the next 5 minutes. Then we can all sit and eat and we can make plans for later." He said. "Okay." I replied and went to sit at the table with everyone else.

When breakfast was ready, we all sat down and fixed our plates. Nick made pancakes, eggs and bacon. We al sat quietly and ate and discussed our day.

"So what's on the agenda for today?" Edwin asked. "Well we gotta got the studio today." Brandon said. "Yeah, same." Maggie said. "I have classes until 3." I said. "I'm going to my mom's house." Ansley said. "I'm probably just gonna chill here and dog sit Simba, and Sammi is bringing her dog over here too because she has a photo shoot today." Izzy said.

"Well I guess everyone is preoccupied today." I said. "I mean me and you can hangout after your class until everyone gets back." Nick said. "Okay." I said smiling and gave him a kiss.

"It's 10:30. I'm gonna head out cause I have an early meeting with my label." Maggie said. "Shit! I should probably go too or imma be late to class." I said. "Lol girl bye." Maggie said. "By babe." She added, giving Brandon a kiss and waving goodbye to everyone else.

"Do you want me to drive you to class so you don't have to pay for parking?" Nick asked. "Yeah that would be nice. Thanks." I said. "Anything for you babe." He replied .

"Get out of here before I throw up from cuteness." Zion said dramatically. "Whatever. Bye boys." I said and got up to leave.

The car ride to campus was chill. Me and Nick listened to music and talked a little. "I'll be in the parking lot waiting for you when your class lets out." He said. "Okay I'll see you in a little while." I said and have him a kiss and got out.

"Nice shirt by the way!" He yelled out the window. "Thanks it's yours!" I yelled back with a smile.

My literature and Human Geography classes lasted forever. I ended up getting assigned an essay that's due tomorrow and a ton of other work but at least I only have to go to those classes twice a week.

On my way to the parking lot, I walked through the quad. I ended up seeing a familiar face following me but, I continued to walk and pretended it wasn't there. It couldn't be him.

I haven't seen him since I left Jersey, so it better not be him. I turned around to check, and there he was staring me clean in the face. It was my ex boyfriend Hunter.

Hunter Matthews: Jada's ex boyfriend was played by Jonah from Why Don't We

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Hunter Matthews: Jada's ex boyfriend was played by Jonah from Why Don't We.

What the hell was he doing here?! "Hey wait!" He yelled across the quad. I sped up trying to get away from him but, he ran up and grabbed me aggressively by the arm.

"I know you heard me Jada." He said in a condescending tone. "Stop you're hurting me Hunter." I said, and tried to pull my hand out of his grip. "Why are you avoiding me? I know you've been getting all my phone calls and messages." He said.

"To be honest I haven't wanted anything to do with you. That's why I left Jersey." I said. "I know. That's why I moved here. I heard you got a new boyfriend. You know you can't do that. You belong to me." He said gripping my arm even tighter.

This guy was a lunatic. I needed to get away from him fast before something happened.

"Hey! Let her go!" Someone yelled. I turned to see who it was, and it was Nick. "Shit!" I said. "Oh look here comes the little fella now." Hunter said.

Well this is gonna be a show.

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