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Katsuki didn't know what he did to deserve this collection of absolute exemplary idiot specimen calling themselves his group of friends. As he found himself at one of their apartments, trying to disappear into the cushions of one plush armchair in a particularly offending shade of mustard yellow, cradling a beer in one hand, he couldn't help but wonder why on earth he was spending his precious Sunday evening like this, when he could be at home, getting in a good post-work training session, a hot shower and afterwards disappear under his covers with a good book (his friends didn't know that he liked to read in his free time and he would be damned if he ever let these idiots find out because reading was for nerds and he had a reputation to uphold).

But there was no helping it; he knew very well that if he hadn't shown up on his own free will, these fuckwits would have just shown up at his apartment and dragged him here, whether he wanted or not. Because tonight was not just any old evening, no – it was the week before Kaminari's wedding (how that blubbering idiot had ever managed to get a woman as good as Jirou to agree to marry his ass was beyond Katsuki) and of course that meant that his meddling group of friends would insist to throw him a bachelor party. Kaminari was over the moon when he first caught wind of it (it was supposed be be a surprise, but of course Kirishima that idiot couldn't keep his big shark mouth shut) because according to him, bachelor parties were the best thing about weddings (right after he said it he made them swear to not tell Jirou he had said that, and his look of genuine terror was one that still made Katsuki chuckle to this day. Their old high school friend really did have an iron grip over this troublemaker idiot...maybe they complimented each other pretty well after all).

Despite the excited blond’s swooning about the absolute blast that they were going to have at his bachelor party (“we can go all out: booze, weed, strippers, music, foods....you name it! Kyoka basically gave me the all clear to fuck shit up for reaaaaaalll!”) the party was relatively tame so far. Their small group of friends consisting of Sero (soy sauce, as Katsuki liked to call him), Kirishima (hair-for-brains, for obvious reasons), Kaminari (also known as Pikachu ever since he got that weird black streak in his blond hair), Ashido (aka raccoon eyes, in reference to the ridiculous amount of makeup the chipper, pink-haired girl liked to wear) and Katsuki were currently all huddled in Kirishima's small apartment, some generic EDM playing in the background, sipping on their beers and playing a round of poker using potato chips and gummy worms as tokens.

If Katsuki hadn't caught a glimpse of all the liquor and other mysterious stuff Ashido had secretly stashed away in Kirishima's bedroom, undoubtedly part of some surprise that she kept hidden from them lest the red-head let something slip and ruin the surprise again , he would have been convinced this night was going to go down in history as the lamest bachelor party of all time. As such, he just kept drinking his beer quietly while shooting the only female of their so called baku-squad (Katsuki hated that name but unfortunately it had stuck around ever since their high school days) suspicious glances between sips. To his irritation, the pinkette seemed to ignore him completely, instead opting to try and make a competition out of who was able to dig up the most embarrassing stories about Kaminari, making the bleached blond flush like a tomato and wail pitifully into his beer; although the stealthy glances the female sneaked at her phone every couple of minutes didn't slip past Katsuki's watchful eyes.

“-and...and!!! Remember that one time when he was thirsting after Jirou so much that he even teamed up with Mineta of all people to spy on the girls in their swimming suits??” Kaminari shot a wheezing Sero a look that could only be interpreted as 'die scum' paired with a glower that could rival Katsuki's own, but the only response he received in return was more howling laughter. Ashido was laughing so hard tears were starting to form in the corners of her eyes, and Kirishima had to put a steadying hand around her waist as she was swaying back and forth, waving the beer in her hand in front of Kaminari's eyes and almost making it spill all over the table and the temporarily abandoned cards.

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