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stripper to thrust his hips in the way he needed it to get closer to the maddening pleasure coiling so deep inside him, threatening to burst and overflow at any second, yet still so far out of reach.

Izuku didn't even realize he was crying until he heard Katsuki call out to him gently, lifting a hand to the dancer's face to wipe away a stray tear from his cheek.

“Sshhh, it's alright Deku...tell me what you need” the blond cooed sweetly; the hand which had previously been gripping Izuku's hip bone hard enough to bruise was currently busy massaging the small of the dancer's back mildly, while his other hand was cradling Izuku's face fondly.

Izuku just barely managed to crack his eyes open, peering back at the blond's imploring, crimson gaze.

“I...hghh..not enough..I need..Kacchan” he blubbered nonsensically between choked sobs and stuttered moans, never ceasing the frantic grind of his hips, despite the way his thighs were quivering with exhaustion at this point. The blond shushed him again, before sitting up and gently pushing the curly-haired male off him, all the while pressing sweet kisses to Izuku's mouth.

“It's fine...I got you, babe” he whispered, peppering the dancer's whole face in kisses before making the stripper lie down on his back on the mattress, climbing over him to seal his mouth over Izuku's in yet another sweet, but searing kiss.     

The dancer was about to complain about the feeling of emptiness at having the blond pull out of him, but he knew Katsuki was going to make it better soon. The firefighter pressed one more lingering kiss to Izuku's lips, before straightening up and taking a hold of the dancer’s legs behind the knees, lifting them up.

“Now you get your chance to show me how flexible you are” Katsuki grinned, before pushing forward, bending the the stripper's knees towards his chest while his hard length slipped into the crack between Izuku's buttocks, smearing around a mixtures of saliva, lube and precome before catching on the dancer's puffy, swollen rim, drawing out a needy whine from the freckled male.

“Kacchan please” Izuku found himself begging, making grabby hands towards the blond to signal he wanted the man to lean in closer. “I need it..inside” he whimpered, his sense of shame long since discarded and replaced by the urgent desire to feel the other male inside him again.

Katsuki complied with a small chuckle, using one hand to guide his cock as he slipped back into the dancer's tight heat, this time with more ease. There was a wet, squelching sound as the firefighter's length slid back into him inch by inch, finally bottoming out with a deep, guttural moan from Katsuki and a breathless gasp from Izuku.

As soon as the blond leaned in closer, the dancer wrapped his arm's around the other male's neck, pulling him impossibly closer, not even slightly minding the way it was forcing his own body to practically fold itself in half as his legs were pushed towards his ears. Katsuki was finally back inside of him, and it felt so incredibly good .

Izuku let out a deep, content purr before pressing his lips against Katsuki's one more time, whispering against the the other man's mouth.

“Move, please?” he pleaded sweetly, and the blond quickly complied with his request; pushing himself up in his forearms on either side of the stripper's head on the mattress, before drawing back his hips until his cock slid almost all the way out of Izuku, before snapping them back with a sharp thrust that left Izuku gasping for air.

Before the stripper had much time to regain his bearings, Katsuki started pounding into him again, slowly building up a harsh, ruthless rhythm that had Izuku sob and whine in pleasure, chanting the other male's nickname like a prayer as he was pushed further and further towards the edge. The firefighter was aiming for the dancer's prostate with every thrust now, every sharp movement of his hips seemingly reaching deeper. Izuku felt his head starting to swim with the building pleasure, a fog of lust overtaking his brain and wiping away any thoughts, leaving Katsuki as his only focus. Izuku felt his eyelids flutter, but he didn't allow them to slip closed; he wanted to keep his gaze on the blond moving on top of him, couldn't stop admiring the way the other male's brow seemed to furrow almost as if in irritation as the man was approaching his climax as well; Katsuki's hypnotic ruby eyes were burning right into his soul when they met Izuku's gaze, and the dancer found himself at a loss for air, his whole world slowing down to a halt when he was finally pushed over the edge. The pleasure was crashing down on him hard, knocking the air out of his lungs and blacking out his vision momentarily. All Izuku could feel was the electrifying tingle rushing through his veins, spreading all the way from his gut through his body and limbs, making his toes curl and his fingers scrambled for purchase where they were locked around the blond's neck; his nails were clawing at the other male's skin, raking down his back and leaving angry red welts. Izuku would apologize about it later. Right now, his whole body was tensing and spasming with the remnants of his orgasm, his spent cock squirting the last bits of cum onto the white, sticky mess that was already splattered on his stomach.

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