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And yet he would never see him again. Because he had missed his chance. Why didn't he ask that guy for his number when he had still had the chance? What had made him hesitate? Had it been his stupid pride? The lingering fear of rejection, that Katsuki had had troubles dealing with ever since he was a little child? Because he was Bakugo Katsuki; he always got what he wanted. So when there was a chance he might not get it...he simply gave up. Him, and giving up? That didn't seem like his usual self at all. So why, of all the situations, was this the one where he had decided to be such a coward?

Katsuki suddenly didn't feel like being at this wedding reception anymore; he didn't want to be around anyone right now, least of all Kirishima with his stupid perceptiveness when it came to Katsuki and his dumb, repressed feelings.

He was about to leave the redhead behind with some kind of lame excuse about needing to catch up on sleep and head home, when a familiar head of bleached blond hair with a stupid black streak came barreling onto the balcony, completely out of breath and the stupid yellow tie of his expensive wedding suit undone.

Kirishima was the first one to speak up at the groom's unexpected (and frankly, slightly over-dramatic) entry. “Denki? What the hell are you doing here, bro? I thought you and Kyoka were already headed for the airport!”

Kaminari flashed the two of them a halfhearted thumbs-up between taking in lungfuls of air, holding his side that was most likely in stitches from running all the way here in a hurry. “I....was...but....oh god, give me a second!” he huffed, crumpling down into a pitiful pile on the nearest chair, using the collar of his dress shirt to fan himself some air and stop the rivulets of sweat from running down his face. “Kyoka-chan will kill me if I miss the flight to my own freaking honeymoon....but..I had to catch Bakugo before we left.”

The blond in question just pointed a finger towards himself in confusion, his eyebrows shooting up towards his hairline. “Me? What the hell do you need with me, Pikachu? Don't make Jirou wait on your ass first thing into your marriage!”

Kaminari's face split into the widest grin any of them had ever seen, as the bleached blond reached into the pocket of his trousers. “I almost forgot, but luckily I remembered this last second! I wanted to give it to you earlier, but with the stress of the wedding and all...Anyway! Here you go!”

The out-of-breath male simply procured a crumpled piece of paper from his pocket and held it towards Katsuki, as if he was presenting the other man with some kind of priceless treasure.

“You are very welcome” he grinned, his excitement not even faltering at the rough, impatient way Katsuki snatched the piece of paper from his sweaty hand.

“What the fuck is this?” the firefighter questioned, before trying to straighten the crumpled paper out to a degree the scribbled writing on it would be legible.

Kaminari simply continued grinning like the smug bastard that he was while the firefighter's crimson eyes flitted over the words on the note, growing wider by the second. “The morning after the bachelor party...that guy, Izuku, woke me up while you guys were still sleeping. Said something about having to go feed his dog and get ready for lectures.”

Kirishima was looking puzzled from Kaminari's panting, yet relentlessly smiling form to Katsuki's absolutely shell shocked expression, trying to figure out what was going on. He chanced a look over the firefighter's shoulder at the piece of paper, but the only thing he could make out was a sequence of digits. Wait a second. Could that be...?

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