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"This , my dear friends...is my surprise for Denki's bachelor party. Guys - meet 'Deku'. He's the stripper I hired."

The man currently dancing sinfully on the table gave them a shy smile at the introduction, and Katsuki thought that it had absolutely no right to look as hot as it did to look so angelic while moving like a downright succubus.

The group on the couch had managed to disentangle themselves in the meanwhile, and even Kaminari had stopped crying in favor of looking at the stripper - who was currently running his rough hands sensually down the front of his hard, toned body - with wide eyes, before directing his flabbergasted gape at Ashido, then back at the stripper.

"You hired a- you...he...not a policeman? I..-what?" was that he managed to get out, but the pinkette seemed to get the gist of it, judging by the mischievous snicker she replied with.

"He's not a policeman. Don't worry, you won't land in jail before your wedding. Trust me guys, I know what I am doing when throwing a party!" she grinned like a Cheshire cat. Katsuki would have fixed her with a glare if he wasn't so busy ogling the absolutely criminal way the curly-haired stripper was thrusting his hips in time with the beat.

"Couldn't you at least have gotten a chick?" he faintly heard Sero complain in the background.

Ashido just scoffed dismissively in response, before beckoning the stripper closer, who slowly and sensually let himself sink to his knees, before crawling towards the pinkette on all fours, allowing the woman to stuff a couple of bills down the front of his shirt (which was almost halfway unbuttoned at this point and allowed Katsuki a peek at the hard planes and defined valleys of the man's pecs.) Fuck. Katsuki had to swallow again, but there was no saliva left in his mouth, so he mindlessly grabbed a shot glass off the table and downed it in one go, thankful for the way the hard liquor burned in his throat, momentarily distracting him from the burning in his gut and nether regions. The stripper - Deku , Katsuki's brain provided helpfully - shot Ashido a devastating smirk when the female was done, before sitting back up on his haunches and rolling his hips sinfully with a bite of his lower lip.

"Kyoka-chan would have killed me if I had gotten a girl stripper" she sang in reply, now taking her shot glass off the table as well and taking a surprisingly dainty sip of it. "Besides..." she drawled conspiratorially, her eyes seeking out Katsuki's and the blond had half the mind to rip his entrapped gaze from the way the stripper was moving his body to glare down into his empty glass, a dark flush creeping across his face at being caught ogling the man so openly.

"I don't think I am the only one enjoying myself right now" the pinkette chirped, ignoring the positively scathing glare Katsuki shot her way in favor of downing her shot and pouring them all a new round. Her comment reaped a few sly chuckles from the rest of the group and Katsuki knew he was the center of attention now.

He didn't pay the smug looks thrown his way any mind though because the green haired stranger was currently undoing more buttons of his sinfully fitted dark uniform shirt, and every movement of the man's deft fingers exposed more milky white skin to Katsuki's hungry, hungry gaze. It really had been way too long since his last lay. He was being so obviously thirsty for the man in front of him, it was downright pathetic, and Katsuki knew his dumb ass friends took great pleasure in seeing him suffer like that. But it was hard to stay mad with the way the dark navy fabric of the strippers shirt was slowly sliding off his shoulders now, exposing even more delectable, freckled flesh and Katsuki wanted to bite into it so bad.

"Baku-bro, did you hear what Mina said?"

Kirishima's smug voice ripped the blond out of his increasingly inappropriate thoughts, and it took him all of his willpower to unglue his searing eyes from the way the male stripper's chest rose and fell with his sultry body rolls to instead pin the idiot redhead with a glower.

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