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All of these thoughts unfolded before his eyes while the other male was grinding on him. He barely registered something fluttering down on them, and the glimpse of green he caught from the corner of his eyes told him it was bank notes. One of his idiot friends must have tossed the money at them, chanting the stripper's name in encouragement between excited giggles and whispers Katsuki supposed were at his expense. The action did a good job of slapping the blond firefighter out of his inappropriate day dream though, the green bills serving as a cold awakening for his delusions. That was right – Deku was a hired stripper. He was doing this for money. The man felt absolutely nothing for Katsuki, he was simply doing his job – and doing it very well at that. Katsuki couldn't hold it against him; it wasn't the man's fault the blond was absolutely starved for bodily contact and that the green-haired male just so happened to be the fire-fighters absolute dream type. Once the evening was over, the stripper would collect his pay and walk out of Katsuki's life. And there was nothing he could do about that. Which should be fine, really. He got to enjoy himself for the night, he got some high quality new material to use for his spank bank. It was fine. All in all, this evening hadn't been so bad after all. He spent some time with his friends, he had fun. He actually managed to not get broody at the thought of Kaminari's upcoming wedding. He should feel good. So why was he feeling so shitty all of a sudden?

As if Deku had felt the other man's sudden mood change, he stood upright again, crawling back into Katsuki's lap for the last bit of the song. He didn't say anything, but the look in his eyes seemed more understanding than the blond could take at this moment. He averted his eyes for the remainder of the lap dance, even when he managed to catch a glimpse of a small, gentle smile the stripper was directing his way. As the final notes of the song filled the room, Deku stilled on top of him, but he didn't immediately get off. Something told Katsuki the man was trying to meet his gaze, trying to check if everything was alright. The blond felt even more pathetic at that, but he still couldn't bring himself to look at the dancer. Deku let out a small huff, and the blond was sure the man was going to get off him now, but then soft lips grazed the side of his face lightly. Katsuki's breath hitched when Deku whispered into his ear, so quietly that the other guys wouldn't be able to hear.

“That was fun. We should do that again sometime, Kacchan .”

With that, Deku slid off his lap gracefully, to the enthusiastic applause of Katsuki's drunk friends. But the blond didn't register any of it, the green-haired male's words still ringing through his head.

We should do that again sometime.

Did that mean what Katsuki thought it meant?

After the lap dance was finished, Deku got ready to leave, but Kirishima, being the overly-familiar friendly puppy-person that he was (and maybe having caught unto what had been going on between Katsuki and the stripper) invited the curly haired dancer to stay a little longer and drink with them. The stripper seemed hesitant at first, but with Ashido's and Sero's encouraging and Kaminari's very tearful (he had always been a very emotional drunk) pleas to stay, he was finally convinced and settled on the floor at their table cheerfully, gratefully accepting the cooled beer Kirishima handed him. Only at Katsuki's very stern insistence, Deku finally put some clothes on (although he abandoned the police uniform in favor of an oversized shirt and a pair of comfortable sweats courtesy of Kirishima. Katsuki was suddenly very disgruntled that they hadn't been at his apartment instead). In these clothes, the man actually looked much more normal and down to earth, and less like a sex deity directly from the most debauched part of Katsuki's brain. And the firefighter had to admit, he liked that look on the other just as much, if not a little bit more. The dancer's words came to his mind again, and he made a silent vow to scrape together his courage and ask the green-haired male for his phone number at the end of the night. If Kirishima kept sending him meaningful glances all night and pushing for Deku and Katsuki to be seated next to each other- well, Katsuki pretended he didn't notice. For once in his life, he didn't mind the meddlesome nature of his friends as much.

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