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“Just so you know, this is really fucking embarrassing...” he muttered with a small frown; but he still complied with the blond's earlier request and turned around, straddling the other male's broad chest and settling down on his forearms, so his face was level with Katsuki's erect cock and his backside was exposed to the firefighter's hungry gaze. Letting out a bashful whine, Izuku muttered quietly.

“Don't just stare, idiot” Before Katsuki had any chance to reply, Izuku wrapped his hands around the other man's hard length, giving it a few experimental strokes before wrapping his mouth around the tip and sinking down, drawing out a sharp curse from the male beneath him. Feeling satisfied with himself, Izuku withdrew shortly to let a little bit of spit dribble out of his mouth on the other man's cock, making the slide wetter and filthier the second time he swallowed down Katsuki's cock. Izuku could get about half-way down the length before his gag reflex wanted to kick in; but Izuku was never one to back down from a challenge – and Katsuki's eight inch cock was quite the challenge for the dancer's throat. Still, Izuku steeled his resolve and flattened his tongue, pushing down further until he could feel the tip hitting the back of his throat, the stripper's nose just barely brushing the nest of pubic hair at the base of the firefighter's monster of a cock.

Taking a couple of slow, deliberate breaths through his nose, Izuku stayed down until the feeling became too much for him; he then did his best to pull off as slowly as possible, lips wrapped tightly around the hot, throbbing flesh, tongue pressed flatly against the underside of the blond's dick; Izuku could feel the blond's blood pulse quickly through the thick vein running along the length of it. When the dancer finally let Katsuki's cock slide out of his mouth with a wet pop, he could hear the blond swearing behind him again, muttering something that sounded like “holy fuck” ; Izuku grinned quietly to himself, quite satisfied with the kind of reactions he was able to draw out from the blond.

His grin was soon replaced by a draw-out moan though, when he felt Katsuki's hands part his ass cheeks and press his hot tongue against Izuku's twitching hole. The dancer's heartbeat was stuttering  in his chest at the first tentative lick from Katsuki's tongue; the hot, wet sensation made pleasure coil tightly in Izuku's stomach, and he had to keep himself from pushing his hips back into the other male's face needily, as the blond's mouth continued his assault on him. Letting out a mix between a groan and a whimper, Izuku decided to get back to his task as well; if only to have something to distract him from the pleasurable heat pooling in his lower regions at the moment. He didn't want to embarrass himself in front of the the man he was crushing on by coming prematurely like some damn teenager. He had his pride too.

And so, Izuku put his mouth to work again; using one arm to keep his balance, he brought up his other hand to gently massage Katsuki's balls while he was doing his best to take the other man's cock down as deeply as possible, only finding himself choking a couple of times, before his throat seemed to adapt to the rough intrusion and allowed Izuku to sink down further with more ease. He tried to keep a good balance of switching between deep-throating the blond, and sucking on the hard member, hollowing out his cheeks and wrapping his tongue around it tightly, bobbing his head up and down in what he hoped was a somewhat steady rhythm. It was getting increasingly hard to concentrate for the stripper though, with the way Katsuki was tonguing at his puckered hole, grazing his teeth over the sensitive flesh teasingly and licking fat, wet stripes over it, before pushing the tip of his tongue inside so slowly, it was bordering on torture.  

Izuku found himself moaning helplessly around Katsuki's cock at the onslaught of sensations, drool leaking out of his mouth and down the blond's length messily. The vibrations his sounds were sending along the blond's dick were making Katsuki let out a deep, guttural moan, and the fact that Izuku could feel it against the skin of his ass was making his blush turn positively scalding. He didn't have much time to feel embarrassed though, because now the blond was starting to tongue-fuck him in earnest now, and it was all Izuku could do to not completely crumple down into a drooling, whimpering mess because... damn .

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