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The line was quiet for a while, and the blond was about to ask if the dancer was still awake when the other male spoke up again. “So you decided to call me right away? You know that you could have just waited until morning, right?” Katsuki wondered if the dancer was angry at him for calling so late and effectively waking the other up, but the stripper didn't sound mad. If anything, he sounded amazed.

Katsuki just let out a deep breath, before switching the phone to his other ear. “No, I couldn't” he whispered, wondering if Deku understood the meaning behind his words. It had only been a week since he last saw and spoke to the curly haired male, but the thought of waiting any longer, evenand if it was only a couple of hours, seemed impossible to Katsuki. He was done waiting. He knew what he wanted now. And he was going to get it, no matter what.

A small, gasped “o-oh..” was all the answer the firefighter received, but he wasn't going to give up now. “I want to see you. Now.” Deku drew in a startled breath from the other end of the line, but he still didn't say anything. Katsuki decided to press on, putting all his feelings on display with his last, quietly uttered question. “Can I?”

Deku let out a small, breathless laugh, and Katsuki decided he had found his new favorite sound in the world. “I'll send you my address.” With that, the dancer hung up, leaving a speechless Katsuki behind, alone in the deserted train station, phone still pressed against his ear, change still in hand and a wide grin spreading across his face.

True to his words, Katsuki's cell phone beeped a couple ofa seconds later with a new text message; the only contents being an address about three blocks away. Katsuki decided he would probably be quicker walking instead of taking the train and immediately started falling into a sprint again. He had never been more thankful for his high stamina (one of the things that was simply a given if you wanted to make it in his line of work), but there was also something else that was making the distance simply fly by under his feet, and the burning of the cold spring air in his lungs feel pleasant instead of excruciating. Barely 10 minutes had passed until Katsuki found himself in front of a run-down apartment complex not unlike his own, climbing up some rusty stairs and checking the doors for the right apartment number. When he reached it, he raised his hand to rap his knuckles against the weathered wood, but something made him freeze in his tracks. What was he even doing here? He had asked the other if he could come over and had rushed over without giving it a second thought, but what exactly was he trying to do here? It was the middle of the night, and he barely knew the guy. Was this really the right thing to do?

But then Katsuki remembered. One week. One week he had spent pining after the other male, beating himself up time and time again for the chance he thought he’d missed. And now he had been given another. He wasn’t going to hesitate anymore.

Taking a deep breath, Katsuki knocked on the door, once, twice. A moment of silence followed - and then he heard a dog barking from inside (probably the dancer’s insane mutant mutt). Katsuki could hear the stripper’s voice try and calm the animal down, followed by a low whine from the dog and the sound of a door being closed. Katsuki didn’t even have a moment to collect his thoughts before the door was ripped open and he was treated to the sight of the short male in nothing but boxer-briefs and a thin, oversized t-shirt with a kitschy looking logo and the words ‘PLUS ULTRA!!’ across the chest; the man’s hair was looking even unrulier now, the fluffy mess of deep green curls looking like a bird had made a nest in it. Deku looked slightly out of breath from hurrying to open the door, and there was an adorable blush spreading on the dancer's freckled face. Katsuki thought he never saw the other look more stunning.

“Sorry for that, Inasa always gets so excited when there’s visitors. Um...hi” Izuku greeted him awkwardly, giving Katsuki a shy smile while his hand played nervously with the hem of his shirt. “How did you get here so fast?”

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