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Midoriya Izuku liked to think of himself as the epitome of average-ness. All his life, he had been described as plain-looking, almost forgettable. Izuku didn’t really mind that, though. There was nothing wrong with being plain, or normal. He didn’t mind leading that kind of life. After all, there was nothing particularly outstanding about him. He was just your average 24 year old, who lived in a small, run-down apartment close to his university. He woke up every morning at exactly 6 am and went for an early morning jog with his dog - a chocolate brown, 3 ft and 180 lb monster of a Newfoundland by the name of Inasa. Okay, having a dog that was routinely getting mistaken for a bear was maybe a little unusual. But still nothing too out of the ordinary. After his jog, Izuku would usually feed Inasa, before taking a quick shower and getting dressed; leaving him with just barely enough time to wolf down a quick breakfast and grab his books before heading out for his morning classes. Sometimes he stopped by a coffee shop between lectures and poured over his books with a cup of hot chai latte (Izuku wasn’t much of a coffee person). In the little free time he had between attending uni and studying for his exams, Izuku liked to work out or hit the nearby comic book shop. So far, so ordinary.

He also occasionally volunteered at the local shelter; since he was studying to become a veterinarian, he liked to get in as much experience at handling pets as he could; not to mention the gigantic soft spot he had for animals, and dogs in particular, ever since he was little. No, there wasn’t really anything that would make Midoriya Izuku stand out from any other people his age; he was as average as you could get in almost every regard.

Except for his choice of part-time job, maybe.

You see, where Izuku’s peers would do waiting gigs or work in pizza delivery to earn some money on the side, Izuku stripped for a living.

The green-haired male would have never anticipated this kind of job for himself, but surprisingly, he came to like it. It all had started with a text from one of his former classmates, Toga Himiko. To be quite honest, the female had always creeped Izuku out a little, with her weird obsessiveness and the odd habit to hit on Izuku in the most unsettling ways possible. But he had been hard strapped for cash at the time - Inasa had been sick a lot and the vet bills had really started to burn a hole through the student’s wallet - and so he had not hesitated to agree to the rather unconventional, but extremely well paying job offer the other had thrown his way. It wasn’t that Izuku was the most confident of people; quite the contrary, he had grown up kind of socially awkward, only coming out of his shell slowly in high school, when he had finally found a reliable group of friends that had supported him in pursuing his dreams and had boosted his self-confidence in approaching new people.

Still, at the time of accepting the stripping gig, Izuku had been far from the kind of person that was comfortable putting their body on display for others. But since his dog was Izuku’s one and only baby, and there would be more vet bills to cover in the future, the student supposed this would be the easiest and quickest way to earn the money for now. And so, he shoved down his own shyness for the moment and prepared for his very first gig. He had spoken to the manager of the company a couple of times before (a nice woman by the name of Hagakure, who had been very patient and encouraging with Izuku) and decided to stick to smaller, private gigs for the moment. Izuku wasn’t sure he would be able to perform for the big crowd of a strip club right off the bat; so he mostly did gigs for bachelorette and adult birthday parties. One time he had even been booked for a company party celebrating one employee’s promotion - it had been.. interesting to say the least, to take off his clothes on an office desk while a bunch of drunken white collar workers were cheering him on and throwing money at him.

But Izuku soon started to love his new job. Sure, it had been awkward at first, but there was justsomething about being the center of attention in a room full of people who were paying money just to see him . The student knew he had a nice body...or at least he had come to learn it during his new line of work. He worked out a lot, so over time he had worked up a lot of muscle mass, his biceps and calves now almost being double in size compared to his middle school days. Izuku had also always been very flexible; he had spent all of his high school years in gymnastics after all, in addition to the soccer club and martial arts (yes, he was a bit of a junkie when it came to physical activities; he couldn’t help that he had been born with so much excess energy at all times). So dancing hadn’t been that far off to him; after only a couple of weeks he had mastered every single routine the other dancers at the agency had generously taught him; even some of the more advanced moves hadn’t fazed him, and soon he was able to twist and bend his body like a pretzel. It had been fun, diving into something so new and foreign to him, learning the ins and outs of a job like that; but what had been the best was the absolute rush Izuku felt every time he performed a more involved routine, and he could feel every single pair of eyes in the room on him, fixated on him and only him, getting absolutely mesmerized by the way his body was moving. being the center of attention like that, the subject of lust, envy, admiration….Izuku started to revel in it.

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