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“You know, I wouldn’t mind that” he mouthed into the column of the stripper’s neck, letting his teeth graze the soft skin there teasingly, earning him another breathless moan and thrust of hips. “But first you answer my question” he purred into Deku’s ear, taking the other male’s earlobe between his teeth and tugging slightly.

The stripper let out a huff of air through his nose, his hands leaving their position on Katsuki’s shoulders to slide down the planes of the firefighter’s body with purpose, feeling up the blond’s chest and stomach. Every place the dancer’s nimble fingers touched left a burning, tingling sensation on Katsuki’s skin, and he found himself wishing there wasn’t a layer of clothing separating them at the moment.

“You already know my answer, don’t you?” he heard Deku whisper, before wrapping a hand around the fabric of the blond’s tie and tugging , effectively pulling the firefighter’s face down to his level. The green-haired male just barely let his lips graze over Katsuki’s, before opting to press a small kiss onto the blond’s cheek instead. The little tease.

Katsuki withdrew his hands from the other man’s backside momentarily to take a hold of the dancer’s chin instead, locoking eyes with him. Deku met his gaze steadily, a challenge burning in those dark green depths that sent a tingle down Katsuki’s spine. If the nerd wanted to dance, Katsuki would give him what he wanted. “Yeah I do. But I still want you to say it.”

The blond’s demand was met by the stripper with a devious little smile. “And if I don’t? What are you going to do, then?”

Katsuki returned the man’s gaze with a look so scorching it made the dancer let out a soft breath, body shivering ever so slightly against Katsuki. Oh, the things he wanted to do to the other male...the stripper had no idea how badly Katsuki wanted to fuck him senseless right now, right then and there, against the hard wood of the door, until the green-haired male was screaming the firefighter’s name loud enough to wake up all the neighbors. But first he was going to make this little, mischievous minx submit to him.

Flashing Deku a smirk, Katsuki suddenly stepped away from the dancer, leaving the other man to collapse back against the door heavily without the support of the blond’s thigh between holding him upright. Katsuki took a moment to admire his handiwork - the dancer’s face was flushed a beautiful shade of scarlet, the man’s chest was heaving with deep breaths. Deku’s eyes were dark, glazed over with want and the dancer’s shirt had slipped off to reveal his collarbone and freckled shoulder. And most importantly of all, the stripper’s dark boxer briefs were tented with the other’s obvious arousal. Katsuki could feel his mouth water as his eyes scanned over the outline of the other man’s hardened cock, straining against the thin fabric. Deku was giving Katsuki a confused look, letting out a pitiful whine at the sudden loss of contact that only made Katsuki’s smirk widen.  

“If you don’t say it...then I won’t fuck you” he threatened with a grin, feeling quite satisfied with the shocked look taking hold of the dancer’s features at the prospect.

“That’s not fair!” the stripper whined, making a move to step back into Katsuki’s personal space, but the blond simply stepped away with a sly grin. “Then say it.”

Deku let out another, almost childish whine, flushing a dark shade of red. “Fine..” he finally muttered, conceding with a pout.

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