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Despite his resolve, Izuku couldn’t stop himself from writing a note for the blond, as an excuse for leaving without properly saying goodbye. He intended to only write a short sentence, telling the other that he had had a nice evening; but he still caught himself scribbling down his phone number, almost as an afterthought. He felt a bit guilty about it, like he was only setting himself up for failure, but the stupidly irrational part of his brain excused it away; saying he didn’t needto sleep with the guy; maybe they could just hang out casually, as friends. It was a load of bull crap, that much Izuku knew; but it still didn’t stop him from slinking into the bedroom quietly to wake up the groom-to-be, Denki, and hand him the note along with some last congratulations and well-wishes for the man’s upcoming wedding, before finally slinking out of the apartment and making his way back home.


Katsuki didn't have the energy to stay much longer that morning; he couldn't stand the pitying looks his friends kept shooting his way after they had realized the stripper guy had made off without a goodbye. He didn't need to be pitied. So the guy he was into had ghosted him. Big deal. It happened all the time. It was no reason to act like Katsuki was made out of glass or would break down over something that stupid. He just needed a shower, a couple of hours of sleep and a strong cup of coffee before his next shift started. With these words Katsuki excused himself from the group, grabbing his coat and putting on his shoes; he was out of the door before his friends could even say goodbye. The blond felt a little bit guilty for not waiting for Kaminari to wake up, since the next time he would have a chance to see the other guy would be at his and Jirou's wedding.

The wedding. Katsuki cursed himself when he felt the familiar pang of anxiety in his gut at the thought of the event. He had really thought he was over this. It didn't matter that his high school friends were all growing up before him, entering the world of adults, while he remained ever the same. He knew it wasn't just Kaminari getting married that made him feel that way; it wouldn't take much longer until Kirishima finally grew some balls and asked Ashido out – the two of them were already pretty much dating at this point, even if none of the two blockheads were quite aware of it yet. And even Sero had hinted at a significant other a couple of times the last few months. Uraraka and Iida were already trying for their first child. One by one, all the people in Katsuki's life seemed to have found their other half and had moved on without him. It wouldn't be long until he was the only one left behind, the only one who, despite being in his mid-twenties already, didn't even have one single long lasting, meaningful relationship to show for it.

Katsuki hated getting anxious over something as stupid as this, but it couldn't be helped. For all of his life, he had had something to aim for, something to work hard towards. At first it had been good grades, to be accepted into the school of his dreams, UA. Then after he got accepted, he did everything in his power to finish his degree as a number one student, simply to shove it in the faces of those who had said he couldn't; because of Katsuki's rather...temperamental demeanor and personality, their neighbors had always been keen on spreading rumors and gossiping about the Bakugo's only child. That kid will surely end up as a delinquent , they whispered when they thought he wasn't listening, I'm sure by the time he is twenty he will land himself in jail . That boy is no good they had claimed to know, fixating their stupidly pitying eyes on Katsuki's mother - as if she was a fool for still not giving up on her son. He will be a burden on society , they had decided selfishly on their own, without even asking what it was that Katsuki wanted. Because adults never asked what it was that the kids wanted.

As for Katsuki…? Well, he wanted to be a hero. The young boy had grown up between the flashy action panels and wide, toothy grins of a comic franchise called The mighty adventures of All Might ; a story about a man with amazing powers, big muscles, and an even bigger heart, who always saved people with a smile. Katsuki wanted to become someone just as amazing asAll Might . As the blond grew up, his expectations became slightly more realistic, but his core ambitions stayed the same. He still wanted to be able to save others; to become someone that everyone looked up to. And most of all, as petty as it might sound: he wanted to prove all those people wrong that had underestimated him, said he was never going to amount to anything. He wanted to wipe the smug looks off their stupid faces. And so he did. At age 18, he graduated UA with the highest marks out of anyone in the whole  district and even landed among the top 50 highest-ranking students of the whole country. Defying all expectations for the future path he would take, Katsuki ended up turning down numerous lucrative job opportunities offered to him. Employers were practically throwing offers after offers his way; promising Katsuki money, power and fame. And yet, the blond turned his back on all of them. It wasn't that Katsuki was doing it out of some kind of misguided humbleness or some other noble reason. He didn't dislike having money, or power. But Katsuki wasn't dumb either; he knew that at the core of it, all of these jobs had one thing in common: they were all the same boring, unfulfilling desk jobs that Katsuki absolutely despised. He knew he wouldn't survive that kind of life for more than a month at most, before he ended up feeling like he was being slowly suffocated. No, what Katsuki needed was passion, action, danger .

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