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“I...yeah, sure go...go ahead” Katsuki heard himself saying; at this point he had no control anymore over what his mouth was doing. But could you blame him? That nickname, that annoying nickname his friends only called him if they wanted to seriously piss him off...it sounded so delicious coming from the green haired strippers sinful lips, and Katsuki wouldn't mind hearing it again, being screamed by the other in a daze of pleasure, as Katsuki fucked into him, slow and hard .

This was absolutely the wrong train of thought for his brain to take while he was in the middle of having an almost naked and devilishly handsome man straddle his waist. Oh god...oh fuck. This was not good.

Katsuki tried his very hardest to avoid those piercing forest green eyes as the stripper positioned himself on top of him, his knees sinking into the soft couch cushion on both sides of Katsuki's legs, the man's hips hovering precariously over Katsuki's embarrassingly erect dick. The blond thanked the gods he was wearing one of his tighter pair of jeans at the moment, because no matter how painful the constricting fabric might feel on his throbbing member, at least it was pushing down on what would have otherwise been a very obvious bulge. The firefighter only belatedly noticed that his friends had scooted over on the couch to give the two of them some space (and undoubtedly to get a better look at the spectacle as well) and Katsuki wasn't sure if he should be grateful for that or not. It created the illusion of intimacy between the pair that the blond found to be utterly intoxicating, especially with the way the stripper's sweet scent was filling his nostrils and making him feel drunk of it. It was a mesmerizing mixture of something sweet, like cotton candy (a perfume, maybe?) and a woody, calming scent - like a forest after a summer rain - which must be the man's unique smell. Katsuki wanted to bury his nose in the crook of the stranger's neck and just inhale the addicting scent, but that would probably be a little inappropriate. Ok, highly inappropriate.

Deku rested his hands on the blond's shoulders, and the gentle pressure seemed to burn right through Katsuki's dress shirt and leave a searing trail on his skin. He risked a glance up at the stripper's face, and there it was again, that angelic smile, sweet and reassuring and in complete contrast to the suggestive position the two of them were in at the moment. For a moment, Katsuki forgot what the man had even climbed into his lap for and just let himself get lost in those green depths for a moment. Up close, Katsuki could see they had small specks of gold in them, reminding him of stardust...just like the scatter of freckles along the stripper's nose and cheeks. He wouldn't have minded gazing into them for the rest of the evening, but the magic of the moment was broken the moment a different song started playing on the stereo. The new song was slightly slower paced than the last, but the beat was no less filthy, and as if a switch had been flipped in the curly haired male's head, his smile turned from sweet and innocent to a downright sinful smirk in the span of a second.

Before Katsuki could process what was happening, the male on top of him was moving again, grinding his hips in a slow, dirty rhythm in time with the music. The blond heard his idiotic friends cheer and whistle in the background, but his attention was primarily on the man in his lap, and the way the stripper was biting his lower lip teasingly, running his surprisingly big hands through his own wild curls, messing them up even more, but in a way that looked absolutely sinful, and reminded Katsuki's of steamy, sleepless nights beneath the covers. His brain had no trouble conjuring up the image of the stripper beneath him; breathless, sweaty and absolutely beautiful after Katsuki messed him up for hours.

The blond ripped his gaze away from the other male's face, suddenly worried the other might be able to tell the direction his thoughts were taking from looking into his eyes alone. The alternative sight wasn't much better for the firefighter's mental stability though...Deku's gloriously naked chest was right in his face with their position, and every one of the dancer's coordinated movements brought it momentarily closer to Katsuki, until his nose was almost brushing the other male's sternum. He wondered for a whole moment how in the hell the stripper's skin managed to pretty muchsparkle under the light, as if the other was sprinkled in stardust for real and not just freckles; until it dawned on him that the other might have used some sort of body glitter. Hewas a stripper after all. That thought shouldn't turn Katsuki on as much as it did, but he couldn't help it. Deku had gotten all pretty and dolled up – for him . Well, not just for him, he was performing for the rest of the bakusquad as much as for him, but they weren't the ones receiving a lap dance right now. Just him. It was stupid to think like that, Katsuki knew it, but at the moment, he couldn't give less of a fuck. It had been ages since he had last been so intimate with another person, let alone someone as gorgeous as Deku.

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