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I had fun preparing dinner with Alicia after having spent hours chatting. Alicia was a very good cook and whenever she came over, I would do anything to make her cook.

Since we were planning to have salad and chicken for dinner, I had only assisted with cutting and slicing the carrots, cabbage and the other ingredients we would need to make the salad which I spent so much time on, as I was silly enough to start forming disfigured models of animals with them until Alicia threatened she wouldn't go ahead with cooking if I didn't stop.

What we could have spent twenty minutes or less preparing, took us extra minutes to finish before we eventually settled down to eat, at my kitchen island.

"Yum! Alicia, this is FANTASTIC!" I had a thumb up, my words coming out a little bit muffled. The first bite I took of the chicken was heavenly. She smiled and her left cheek dimpled at my words. Alicia was a real beauty, the kind to turn heads. "Seriously!"

"Well, thank you so much, overdramatic queen." She snorted and rolled her eyes playfully.

"But I'm being serious." I faked a frown. I took another bite. The drumstick was crispy and well-spiced so much I couldn't stop myself from mouthing a wow as soon as the wonderful taste exploded on my taste buds.

"Look at you, chicken lover." She chuckled. I knew she was happy to see me this way, it would have been a whole lot different if she had gotten to my place to find me all curled up in bed, crying my eyes out. Whenever I was hurt about something, she would be hurt too, the same thing with if she was hurt too. We both share our feelings like sisters.

"Did anything special happen at work today?" I probed before carefully raising a spoonful of salad to my mouth.

"No." She replied testily, that which caused me to raise my brows questioningly.

"Okay, what was that about? What's with the sudden change in mood?"

"Maybe because a certain someone wouldn't stop being a pain in my ass at work." She groaned in annoyance.

"Jake again?" I narrowed my eyes into a slit.

"I hate hearing his name." She grumbled, her face setting in a scowl.

"What did he do this time?"

"He would always do or say something to get on my nerves whenever we cross paths." She hissed.

Jake had only started working at Synctex for four months now but he and Alicia had been relentless enemies from the very first day he started work at Synctex.

"I didn't realize my socks was torn this morning, somewhere around here," She readily touched a spot, just above her left knee to show me.

"That same one you had on this morning, cause I didn't notice."

"Yeah, that very one and then he had asked me when he saw me in the morning, if wearing torn socks was now the new fashion trend."

"What! He said that?" I burst into laughter.

"Stop laughing." She demanded.

"I'm sorry, but, what he said was funny." I laughed again.

"No, it wasn't. Also, he tripped me and made me spill coffee on my shirt while getting off the elevator the second time we crossed paths this morning."

"Oh, I'm so sorry. Were you able to get it off?"

"A little, had to leave my jacket on throughout."

"But why do I feel like you guys are going to end up going out sooner or later?" I teased.

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