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My parents divorced each other when I was three, and exactly six months after the divorce, my dad had brought home a lady who introduced herself to me as Blaire and as his girlfriend. She continued to show up more and more at the house after that day and then, they had later gotten married.

Concerning my childhood, I didn't have a great one like every other kid. My rather evil stepmum treated me like I wasn't a human being like herself and when she had her first child, a son, the ill-treatment increased even more.

My dad was not always around, being busy at work was understandable but during his free time he would be out drinking with friends and would return back later in the night, sometimes, drunk. He was also animalistic in nature, which was more of the reason why my Mum left him in the first place. My Mum wanted more than anything to be able take me with her after their divorce but my dad never allowed it.

He wouldn't say anything about my stepmum's cruelty even on days when I would be covered in numerous bruises. Caring for me was out of his dictionary.

There were days when my stepmum would restrain the cooks from giving me anything to eat and sometimes would go to the extent of locking me up in my room till the following day. Being very young, I couldn't do anything, absolutely nothing. There was a day, she burnt my back with a flaming hot iron only because I wouldn't touch the food she knew very well that I was allergic too. The hot iron landing on my back was the only thing I  remembered, I remained unconscious for two days.

When I woke up, I wasn't in a hospital room but was lying on the bed in my room, being attended to by our family doctor. This happened when I was just six.

The only friend I had then was Madison George, but she relocated to Ireland with her parents while we were in fourth grade.

The day I got admission into college was the best day of my life, finally I would be leaving the house where I never knew any happiness but before I got admitted into college, I already became more like a monster- unfeeling. I had to change school several times because of the way that I misbehaved at school. My nickname then was 'Danger' and no one could ever dare to walk side by side with me in the school hallway. I bully other kids and was arrested several times by the parents of the students that I bullied.

When I was in college, nothing changed but during my second year when I met Cassandra, my life took a great turn. She tamed the monster in me, but left me for another guy. I knew I was to blame for our breakup. She came over to my place that day and since I just had another issue with my dad before she arrived at my place, I took out my anger on her because she on the other hand too was disturbing with too much talks not questioning why I was down.

After I was finally back to my senses and pleaded for forgiveness, all she could say after I had apologized was, 'Let's end things.' I did everything I could to make her change her mind not until I found out she already had a new boyfriend who she had been dating even before she broke up with me. There was no relapse but my life was not the same after she broke up with me.

I graduated from college at the age of twenty-six. Being one of MAXCO's heir, I started working there after my graduation and when my dad's health started failing and one of his sons was to take over as the new CEO, another war began, effected by my stepmum. My stepmum tried all she could to make her son take over instead of me but her hope was dashed to pieces when her son Damien, committed suicide.

She was to blame for it, Damien was never allowed to live a life for himself but was made to live his life for his Mum, that explained the reason why he resorted to committing suicide. Upon the news of his death, my stepmum had to be admitted to a psychiatric hospital. She called any young man she saw Damien.

After Damien's death and as the only heir, I was made the new CEO of MAXCO, at the age of twenty-nine. Under my leadership, the company was progressing. I still had the monster in me, just can't be compared to the past when I was a complete monster.

I treated the employees the way that I wanted and was never lenient with my secretaries. It continued this way until I had my nineteenth secretary. Her name was Ruby Cornwall. She was intelligent and very competent, also, very pretty.

As time went on, I didn't know what was happening to me, she was always in my thought, I seem to constantly think of her. There were times when I would take out my anger on her which I always seem to regret afterwards, but she didn't resign because of that.

She had a caring boyfriend too who I got to meet before he died.

He had showed up to warn me within the company's parking lot a week after she passed out at work after been hit by a vase. It was already really late by the time I decided to leave the company that day. It wasn't until we had exchanged a few punches, he made known who he was and warned that he wouldn't take it lightly on me if she ever gets hurt again.

Through my source when Ruby started acting strange at work, I learnt that her boyfriend was dying and in a means to be understanding, I didn't fire her even when she comes late to work on certain days and on the day her boyfriend died, I was there at his funeral. I wanted to be there to console her, but all I could utter was; 'Are you okay?' before she quickly called for her friend to take her home, saying something about her beginning to daydream.

The story continues...

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