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That evening, I got a call from Brian's Mum, Zoe.

"Brian told me about what happened." She started.

We were both seated in the backseat of her car, with her driver at the front, who, on the other hand, sat, looking straight ahead while we discussed. She had decided to come over to Alicia's apartment just to see me.

"If I may ask, did he offend you in any way?" She asked.

"No, he didn't." I answered.

"Is there anything he's doing that you don't like?"

"There is nothing like that. Actually, the problem is not with him. It is with me. I would like him to understand that."

"In that case, I don't know what to say but one thing I know is, we always have a reason for everything we do and so I can't really criticize you for what you did. I just really hope that you two will get back together soon. "

She left after we had discussed further.

My granny didn't take the news well when I told her about the divorce, but there was nothing she could do about it, I already made up my mind.

I rented a new apartment three days after that. I didn't resign at UF although there were rumours about me having an affair with some guy, some of them having seen Damien with me at the company's cafeteria once, which they assumed must have been the reason why Brian divorced me.

I got to find out the reason why my drink was spiked and to learn that the situation would have gotten out of hand if Brian hadn't shown up. It was a setup between Damien and Juliana so he could have something with me while I was still under the effect of the drug.

There was a picture of him leading me into the hotel room I found myself in, but Brian must have stopped him from doing anything to me. Everyone's assumption was that Damien had something with me, which I was sure was the intention of whoever took the picture.

It was hard to bear with the way I always get such unnoticed glares from everyone at work, but I had to bear with it. I would love to resign more than anything, but staying will help me get to the root of the whole matter since it was very obvious that certain people in my department were involved with Madison and Damien. If I was able to get Madison and Damien arrested, everything will return back to normal, and I could probably get back with Brian, that is, if he would still be willing to get back with me then.

Brian's company was beginning to get back on its feet, and he was able to save his position. I never stopped missing him, but there was the need for us to be apart for a while. The preparation for Alicia's wedding always seemed to help me from thinking too much.

Damien showed up after the divorce only to swear that a far worse thing was going to happen to Brian if I should ever get back with him or meet with him. He l mentioned that since he couldn't have me, Brian couldn't have me either.

My new apartment was on the second floor of a fourteen-floor building, which was a little close to UF, where I work.


*A month after the divorce*

I just got back from work on the third day of the new week when I heard the doorbell rang.

Thinking it was Alicia, I stood up to answer the door. The person at the door was the last person I was expecting to see. It was Anthony, Brian's chef.

"Good evening, Mrs Walker." He greeted with his usual warm smile.

"Oh! Good evening, Anthony, but Ruby, please." I corrected.

"Alright. Can I come in?"

"Yeah, sure." I stepped aside for him to enter.

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