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My eyelids slowly fluttered open as I heard faintly Brian calling.

"Oh... I so much want to see this every morning."

"What?" I asked sleepily.

"Have I ever told you that you've got the most beautiful eyes?" He started playing with my hair.

I smiled and could feel the sleep leave my eyes. I held unto his hand with which he was playing with my hair, and then he had gone ahead to hold my hand in his instead.

"For the millionth time, I think."

"Really?" He faked a look of surprise.

I laughed.

"I've got something to show you." He told me.

He wouldn't stop looking at me in a loving way.

"What is it?"

"It's not in here."

"I should brush my teeth first then." I said, and he had helped me to get out of bed.

I had no idea where he was leading me to, but I had heard the sound of a door opening soon enough, and then he had led me on until he told me we were finally there.

He went ahead to slowly undo the blindfold he made me put on.

With the blindfold off, I opened my eyes, only to be met with such a colorful and extremely beautiful sight.

He had decided to set up a room for our baby, and the fact that I didn't know about it until now was just so surprising.

The room was a wonderful mixture of sky blue and white. It looked more like a heaven on earth as the ceiling resembled nothing but a sea of pretty moving clouds, most of the furniture in the room all also looking crytal like.

"Brian, this is so beautiful." I had tears in my eyes.

"I'm happy you like it." He wiped a stray tear from my cheek with the pad of his right thumb.

"Wow," I mouthed when I found out the crib could be made to sing lullabies.

"Do you have any name for him in mind yet?" He asked me.


"It's a beautiful name." His lips curled up in a gentle smile.

"It's my dad's name." I told him.

After we got back together, he bought a new house, a very big and beautiful one.

Alicia's marriage with Jake was doing just great, too.


Liam was born four months later.

He was such a cute bouncing baby boy.

"He looks just like me." Brian pointed out excitedly with his eyes fixed on a sleeping Liam who was carefully tucked in his crib.

"He's got my nose, though." I pointed out too, happy to see that our baby possessed one of my features though it was evident he took so much after Brian.

Brian's plan was to be with me in the delivery room on the day I give birth to him but Liam's birth came before the expected date of delivery and he happened to be at work that day. He was in a meeting with his employees and had rushed over immediately when he got the news.

While he was yet to get to the hospital, Liam wouldn't come out no matter how much effort I put into screaming my lungs out but came out immediately Brian was beside me, it was as though the baby knew his voice.

Liam's birth was a real blessing. It mended the relationship between Brian and his dad before his dad eventually died twenty years later.

My grandma died fifteen years after Liam's birth. Not only did she get to see her first grandchild but also her second grandchild, Annabelle. She was buried beside her son and her daughter-in-law, my parents, which was her last request before she died.

Liam grew up to take over his dad's company, while Annabelle, whose dream was to become a lawyer since she was a little girl, grew up to become a very competent and smart lawyer. Liam took so much after his dad in terms of being caring, charming, and in competency. Annabelle, on the other hand, took after me as well, in almost everything.

My children and Alicia's children enjoyed each other's company as they grew up until they became grown ups.

UF was the last company where I worked because I later became the owner of a big fashion shopping mall, which I opened with the help of Brian.

I got to meet Damien later in the future. That was when I was in my 50s. We got to meet through his daughter, Jessica, who was my admirer and who shopped a lot at my mall.

At first, she appeared to be one of those spoilt and ill-mannered girls from a rich home and had created a scene at the restaurant I had gone to eat that day. Not long after I got there, an argument sparked up between her and one of the waiters.

She was also there at the restaurant to eat that day. It was after she finished eating and was going to pay that she noticed her purse was missing. The waiter had only told her to do something about it, and she had flared up accusing the waiter of raising his voice at her and embarrassing her before everyone.

I interfered and settled the bill for her, and that was how we got to know each other.

It wasn't hard not to notice how surprised Damien was to see me, but even at that, he acted like we never had any issues years back, and I had done the same.

One thing I knew for sure was that all that happened back then were to be forgotten and to remain just history. Of course, that didn't include the death of my loved ones; Mike, my grandma, and Brian's dad. I would forever cherish the memory of them all.

---The end---


Wow, finally at the end of the story. I want to say a very big thank you to everyone who stayed with me until the end of this story. I love you guys so much... muah :) Please try checking out my other books, I'm sure you will like them.


Meeting her stepbrother for the first time, Enid has no idea why it's the devilishly handsome guy with the piercing eyes and smooth, baritone voice from that one-night stand six years ago that she's seeing and it scares her that this could only mean one thing- that the same guy is her stepbrother and him standing right there in the room with them confirms just that.

Finding out purely by chance that Enid really isn't his blood sister, Chase suffers in silence as his feelings for Enid continues to grow day by day no matter how much he tries to make them go away and he couldn't even do anything about it owing to the promise he is forced to make to his dad to not mention the truth to her. However, when Enid asks him to make a promise to her to go for whatever makes him happy, he wishes that she has an idea of what she's asking for.

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