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Since the month of the wedding was the only month we had to prepare, everything had to be rushed but it wasn't stressful even though it was rushed since my boss finally decided to hire a new driver that same month.

It was the new driver who drove Alicia and I to all the places we had to go to, like where we went to choose my wedding dress, cake type and all others, in one of my boss's cars.

My boss was the one who chose the places where we got everything- all high class.

At the place where I was to choose my wedding dress, I was going to settle for the one with the least price even though all the dresses were expensive, even the one with the least price was far more than the amount I had in my bank account but I was told my boss ordered them not to allow me to settle for the ones with cheaper prices.

I didn't know or understand why he was spending so much money on what was going to end after a few months but still, it was understandable, he was rich and wouldn't want his bride looking cheap. It was the same thing with the other places we went to.

Throughout the period we were going about preparing for the wedding, I was not allowed to spend a dime. Even the things for my grandma, he bought them. My grandma didn't want to take them at first saying she wanted to spend some money too for her only granddaugher's wedding but took them eventually after much pleading with her.

Madison George showed up at the company once the news of the wedding was beginning to spread but before she could make any attempt to cause a fuss, my boss took her away. After that day, I expected her to show up again but she didn't until the day of the wedding.


The church where the wedding was held was beautifully decorated with white and pink roses while white and gold dominated the other decorations.

Zoe, Brian's mum and a few employees from MAXCO were present at the wedding, including Juliet who had now become my friend. Jake, Alicia's boyfriend was present too, Alicia invited him. Just too many loved ones for a fake wedding.

I looked stunningly beautiful in the wedding dress, so was Alicia in her bride's maid gold dress. The makeup artists hired did a great job with our makeup and hair styling. My own hair was straightened and beautiful loose braids were made at the back before being decorated with crystal pearl bridal hair pins.

And my boss, looked so handsome in the maroon tux suit he was donned in which fitted his 6'2 height as he stood before the altar. His dad was at the wedding too and his face held a stoic expression throughout.

After the saying of vows before the exchange of rings, I spotted Madison who was seated at the back of the church. When our eyes met, she flashed me a devilish smile and after the exchange of rings she was gone.

My grandma cried during the wedding which I felt so bad about, knowing very well the wedding wasn't real.

"So sad we won't get to be seeing each other frequently like we always do." Alicia whined with her lips set in a pout. It was the Sunday following after the wedding day and she had arrived at my place since that morning to help me with packing.

I slept over at my boss's place on the night of the wedding and had to take a cab to my place the following morning to get my things. Before leaving that morning, he suggested sending his driver with me, but I told him Alicia would help.

My grandma was at my place too, fixing us a meal in the kitchen while Alicia helped me with packing. I was planning on continuing with the house rent even if I won't be staying there for a while until the divorce and so when my grandma had suggested helping me with selling out the furniture, and the other things I wouldn't be able to take along with me, I wouldn't let her.

It took long to convince her I would do it myself. If I allowed her to sell them, I would need to get new ones after the divorce. I couldn't tell her my real reason of course, lying to her that I would do it myself was the only way to not make her sell them.

"I'm also sad about that too, but we have the weekends."

"You are right. If you are ever facing any trouble over there, make sure to give me a call right away, okay?"

I laughed.

"Yeah, I will."

"I'll miss you so much." She spread out her arms for a hug.

"Me too."

We hugged.

"Food is ready." Grandma called from the kitchen.

After we were done eating, my grandma and Alicia helped me with getting my things into the trunk and once we were done with getting them all in, we went in Alicia's car in which they both left after dropping me off at my boss's place.

Now alone in the room I slept in on the night of the wedding which he told me would be my room during my stay there, I busied myself with unpacking my things. My boss was not around when I got there and should be back later in the evening. By Monday, he would have a new secretary working for him.

I loved the room he gave me. Aside from being very large, it was a nice mixture of white and gray. The dressing mirror was beautiful too and I had taken my time to arrange my makeup kit on it.

I was told to start work the following week at UF, I would like to start work the following day, but my boss was against it. I would just have to bear with the boredom that comes with it.

Inside the bathroom, he already had everything put in place for me. It was still empty before I left that morning except for the body wash, towel, shampoo, toothbrush and toothpaste that were there in the morning.

The empty cabinets were now filled with new body towels, there were new shampoos of various types, new toothpastes, new toothbrushes, deodorants, sponges, shower caps, body scrubs and body wash of all kinds. That got me wondering whether he bought everything by himself.

Just how come he knows so much about ladies' stuff?

I wrapped a towel around my body after I had finished taking a shower and was still changing into a yellow t-shirt and a pair of sweats when I heard a soft knock at the door.

Thinking it was my boss, I quickly slipped my other leg into the shorts before rushing to the door to open the door. Upon opening the door, it wasn't my boss, it was someone else. It was a face I'd never seen before.

It was a man who looked like one in his 50s, in a chef cloth. He was fat a little, had fat cheeks, crystal blue eyes but had no hair on his head. His beard was neatly shaved and his handle bar moustache with loose curl gave his face a funny look. I didn't know that my boss had a chef until now or maybe he just hired him.

"Good evening, Mrs Walker. I'm Anthony, the new chef." He introduced himself with a smile.

"Oh!" That was all I could say. That was simply as a result of the name he just addressed me by. I would prefer Ruby to my boss's first name but aside that, come to think of it, I might also have to start addressing my boss by his name too since I won't be working for him anymore.

"I'm here to introduce myself and to tell you that supper is ready."

"Nice to meet you and about supper, thank you. I will be down in a minute." I said.

"All right, ma'am." With this, he turned to leave.

"Wait... Is Mr Walker back?"

"Not yet, ma'am."

"All right. Thank you."

Until I was about to sleep that night, he didn't return back from where he went to.

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