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I went about taking care of many things at a time and when I was finally done, all MAXCO employees were already present on the second floor where the event was to take place.

The anniversary went well, but between the CEO and his dad, I had sensed a kind of tension. His dad had aged a lot and his face held a frown while he discussed with him.

He happened to not be able to stay with us till the end of the program though due to his health issue.

Towards the end of the anniversary, one of the present guests, a man who looked like one in his 40s, who had his graying hair held in a ponytail at the back of his head rose up from his seat and walked over to where I was, at the back of the huge hall, standing alone as I watched the CEO who was making his closing speech.

"Hello, pretty lady." He greeted with a toothy smile, his Italian accent evident.

"Good afternoon, Sir." I greeted back politely, quite uneasy with the way he was grinning at me.

"Ah ah no, call me Matteo. May I know your name?"

"My name is Ruby." I answered hesitantly.

"Wow, nice name, suits your pretty face..." He paused with his eyes fixed onto something behind me but since I was backing the hall, I couldn't tell what he was staring at. Curious, I turned around to look back. It was my boss, who was still a little distance away but I could tell he was making his way over to where we were standing, he wasn't even supposed to be through with his speech yet.

"Mr Rossi, I hope you enjoyed the event." He questioned with a smile that wasn't on his face earlier.

"Yes, sure. A wonderful speech there." Mr Rossi complimented with a very boisterous laughter.

"That's good to hear but Sir, if you don't mind, there is something really urgent that I will like to discuss with my secretary here, right now." At his words, the man's hearty laughter died down.

"Go ahead." He finally said with a look of disappointment before walking away to join the other departing guests.

While the man left, his eyes didn't leave his back until his exit. With his eyes back on me, I looked at him expectantly hoping to know what he needed to discuss with me.

"Excuse me, I will be right back." He said before making his way over to some of the guests. He shook hands with some of them who left after that while he discussed with some. All this took up to about fifteen minutes before he finally made his way over back to where I was.

"Follow me." He instructed before starting off towards the elevator.

What have I done this time?

Inside the elevator, he pressed the 40th floor which was the company's last floor and I couldn't help wondering why we were going to the last floor and after we got out of the elevator, he led on to the rooftop.

At the rooftop, as we walked towards the edge, being met and refreshed by the cool breeze, my eyes went further to explore the beautiful view from there. I only remembered I was with my boss after a while, I couldn't believe I totally forgot. Who wouldn't be carried away by such beautiful scenery from up here though being my first time at the rooftop at that.

When I turned to look at him, surprisingly, I found him staring at me while having on a strange look which I couldn't describe but which was soon replaced by the usual expressionless one.

"You said you will like to discuss something with me." I reminded.

"I want you to marry me." He said.

At first I was taken by surprise but then I told myself he was only joking.

"I'm sorry. What?" I said, wanting him to repeat himself so I don't end up to be the one who misheard.

"I want you to marry me." He repeated.

"Why should I?" I didn't know where the discussion was going but I could see he wasn't joking, he looked damn serious for it to be just a joke.

After giving me his reason he left the rooftop and I was left alone.

I continued to stare at and to stir my bowl of cereal quite lost in thought.

"Is there something bothering your mind?" Alicia who was seated beside me asked.

"No." I lied lifting a spoonful of it to my mouth.

"Are you sure? You've been acting strange since you got back."

"It's my boss..." I huffed a little, the sight of the cereal irritating me even more and this time I pushed it away from me.

"What about him?"

"He's opting for a contract marriage." I broke the news to her. A smile broke out on her face at my words which wasn't the expression I was expecting.

"And why are you sad about that? Oh wait... are you beginning to like him? Well, what am I even saying, like who wouldn't fall for a handsome guy like him."

"I didn't say I like him."

"Then what's wrong?"

"I am the one he wants to get into a contract marriage with." I told her.

"Huh? Didn't get that."

"Oh, I didn't know you were going to say that too."

"But why? Why you?"

"Exactly, why me? There are a lot of ladies who would be ready and willing to do that but he said I am the only one he trusts, who wouldn't reveal the secret later on."

"What's his reason for the contract marriage thing?" Alicia probed.

"To protect his position as the CEO. It was his dad's order for him to get married or else he would be demoted but he is not ready for a committed one yet."

"Now I'm getting this. You guys will be together for how long?"

"Five months, six months... it depends on how long we are able to convince his dad it wasn't a planned marriage and also maybe enough time for him to find someone he really would love to get married to but he told me it won't exceed a year before a divorce."

"You already said yes?"

"He is giving me a month to think about it. He said he is not going to force me if I don't want to do it."

"Do you want to do it?"

"I don't know. I'm lost between two different options. He had helped me in the past too, when my grandma was very sick and needed surgery, he helped with the hospital bills." I ended my words with a sigh.

"A contract marriage huh? That would mean living together as well."

"And that would be the death of me. How do I cope with living with someone that cold-" I lamented "and carefree? He's changed a little though but still."

"How are you going to tell granny about it?"

"I haven't said I was going to say yes yet." I narrowed my eyes at her and she shrugged.

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