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"Thanks for this... Mr Walker." I said, pulling a little nervously at the hem of the blouse he got me. We both got off work at the same time and had headed to the elevator at the same time too but trust me, I wouldn't want to be alone with him in the elevator after what happened when I was in his office that morning but I had no choice since I was yet to apologize and to thank him for the blouse.

He didn't say anything.

"About this morning, I'm so sorry about what happened. " l apologized.

"How are you feeling now?" He asked instead.

"Huh? Oh... I'm okay now."

"It could be as a result of the head injury. You should probably see the doctor again."

"I will do that. Am I driving you home today?"

"No. Go on ahead." He said as I stepped out of the elevator after him, on the ground floor and in a split second, he was ahead of me.

"Ruby." I suddenly heard my name being called. Turning around swiftly to the direction the voice came from, I saw Alex, who was standing by the receptionist's desk.

"Alex!" I was surprised. "What are you doing here?" I walked over to meet him.

"My cousin works here, I'm here to pick her up."

"Alex! You're late." Juliet stepped out of the elevator just then and was beginning to make her way towards us.

"Juliet is your cousin?" I asked in surprise.

"Ruby! You haven't gone home yet. Wait... you guys know each other?"

"At Synctex." Alex answered but his eyes were on me like I was the one who had asked the question. "And yes, Juliet is my cousin." He said in answer to my own question.

"Oh really? That's nice. How about we drop you off Ruby, you didn't bring your car, did you?"

"No, I didn't but I could just take a cab home."

"Let's drop you off." Alex came in.

"That is really not necess..."

"Come on." Juliet linked arms with me and dragged me along with her towards the exit.

We were just about to reach his car, while at the parking lot, when I heard my phone ringing.

It was my boss calling, and when I picked the call, he told me his left eye was beginning to hurt and suddenly needed me to drive him home.

Apologizing to Alex and Juliet, I made for the underground parking lot.


I pulled over and turned off the engine once we arrived at his place.

"Will you like to have some coffee before leaving?" He asked as I made to open the door on my side to get out.

"No need and it's getting late already," I said with a smile.

"It won't take long."

"Really no nee..." Just then my stomach made a loud grumbling sound in which I quickly pressed my hand onto my stomach in a futile effort to muffle the sound which happened to be too late, oops! Well, not as if I could muffle out the sound with my hands in the first place. I was quite embarrassed and when I looked up to look at him, he was smiling. Boy! he's got a beautiful smile and within a second, it was gone. Almost as if it wasn't ever there.

"It won't take long." He repeated before getting out of the car.

I followed him inside his house which I found to be beautiful beyond words and he had led me into his large living room where he told me to wait for him while he made the coffee.

There was an aquarium by the wallside, which was so much bigger than the one in his office. He must surely have a liking for it and then, there was the chair I was sitting on which was super cool, I wanted to lie and sleep on it. After some time, he returned with a tray containing two cups of coffee. He already took off his suit jacket and tie with the shirt he had underneath remaining, whose sleeves he had neatly rolled up.

"Here," He said as he placed the tray on the glass table before me.

"Thank you." I muttered. He sat on the chair next to the one I was sitting on, after taking his from the tray. He sipped from his cup and I didn't realize I was staring at him until he gestured at me to drink my coffee. With slightly shaking hands, I picked up my own cup of coffee. He took the opportunity to excuse himself so he could change when he noticed my uneasiness. After he was gone, I looked down at my clammy palms.

"Will you stop shaking." I whispered to them as if they could hear me. Knowing he might return back anytime, I quickly downed my coffee, which he made just the way I liked my coffee. He returned back after some time, in an aquamarine sweater top and jean trousers.

"I should get going."

"Let me drop you off." He offered, picking up his car key which was lying on the table.

"But you said your left eye was hurting."

"It stopped hurting now."

During the drive to my place, he made a detour which I was quick to notice.

"Umm, I think you are taking the wrong route. You shouldn't have turned, you should have continued straight ahead." I voiced out.

"I'm not."


"I know what I'm doing." He said. He drove on until we arrived at a restaurant whose name I read to be, RoselovesRyan. Seeing this immediately reminded me of my hunger. As we neared the restaurant, he slowed down and pulled over beside some other cars which were parked within the parking lot.

"We are both hungry, we should get something to eat."

"Oh, all right." I agreed. If I say no, that wouldn't change his mind and I was more than starving to turn down his offer.

"Do you always come here?" I asked him while we were seated at the back of the restaurant.

"No, this is my first time coming here. Just decided to come here since it was close by."

Yeah right! Rich people like him go to high class restaurants.

Our order was placed before us a few minutes later by a very young waitress who shouldn't be more than sixteen or so, and who had kept winking at my boss in a stupid way. Shaking my head, I took my fork and dug it into the pasta. Their food was not bad and my boss seemed to enjoy what he ordered too.

We left the place after we had finished eating and not long after, he started the car, to drive me to my place, his phone started ringing with the caller ID displaying, Madison. He pressed a button on the bluetooth earpiece he had in his left ear before opening his mouth to speak.

She had actually called to ask him out for dinner that day which he declined, promising her another day.

He pulled over once we arrived at my place.

Thanking him, I stepped out of the car.

I was about to reach my door when through hindsight, I caught sight of a figure down the pathway. I instantly turned to look towards the direction and there was the hooded guy again, now walking away. Eventually, I might have to report to the cops but something keeps telling me not to.

My living room and the other rooms looked very neat and didn't look like the way that I left them that morning, my grandma must have dropped by, no wonder she called while I was at work, just that she didn't tell me she was at my place. It was something she does once in a while.

After taking a shower, I took out my favorite blue t-shirt from my closet. I walked over to my bed with it and when I was going to put it on, it slipped from my hands. As I bent down to pick it up, my eyes caught sight of the jade bead I always saw on Mike, at arm's length under the bed.

"Couldn't be it." I tried to convince myself. I stretched my hand to pick it up and it really was the one. The fact that I didn't see it there until now was surprising.

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