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Going to two years now after Mike's death and I still miss him and think about him every single day.

I still work at MAXCO as the CEO's secretary.

It was a new week in the month of February.

And I was at my desk typing away on my laptop when I heard approaching footsteps. I looked up in time to see a gorgeous woman walk in and the moment our eyes met, a beautiful contagious smile had broke out on her face. She walked over to my desk and I had stood up as she got closer. I was still wondering who the beautiful woman in the swish outfit was until the comparison in height, eye color and hair color with that of my boss started giving me a strange feeling of her being someone related.

"You must be, Ruby." She said on reaching me, the smile not leaving her face.

"Yes, ma'am."

"Nice to meet you honey, I've heard a lot about you from my son."

Son? I knew it!

"Nice to meet you too, ma'am."

"My pleasure. Umm, is Brian in his office?"

"Yes, ma'am." I answered.

"I will just go in to see him then." She said before starting off towards his office.

"Wow, such striking resemblance." I mouthed as she left before getting back to what I was doing.

A few minutes later, my boss came out of his office with his Mum following behind him.

"But why does your hair look so disheveled in the back?" She reached out her hand to smoothen it for him.

"God! Mum, you're embarrassing me, I'm not a kid," He complained in a low voice while making sure to get a little ahead of her.

"Who told you that? A child will always remain a baby to its mother no matter how much they've grown up. Right, Ruby?" She asked.

"You are very right, Ma'am." I agreed.

"See, even she agrees."

My boss shook his head instead and rolled his eyes.

"I will be out for a while." He informed, stopping briefly at my desk before leaving.

"All right, Sir."

"Take care, dear." His mum said as they exit the office.


"I hope you are not having any problem at the company." My mum asked before taking a sip of her champagne.

"No, everything is going on fine."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah. Mum, it's nice to see you again after such a long time. Let me see... Three years?"

"Forgive me son, but you know how Fred can be. He always thought I was making up excuses to come to New York to see your dad. His level of insecurity is just so high."

"I understand."

"You're not having any problem with your dad or are you?"

"As if. He had always being my problem."

"I wonder when he would stop being such a dickhead." She looked melancholic. "What is it this time around though?"

"He wants me to get married this year."

Her brows knitted at my words.

"Get married? But you are not seeing anyone. However I feel like he is right this time though." She said in a small voice.

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