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He was resting his back on the iron fence with one hand in his pocket, his face devoid of any emotion but guilt-ridden, I felt like his emotionless gaze were casting numerous daggers at me.

He must have been out exercising as well, judging from the black and white track suit he had on. He took a few short strides over to where I was and then he had bent down a little to pick up my phone which I dropped earlier and had placed it in my hand before walking in through the gate and then into the house with me still standing in the same spot, dumbstruck.

I wanted to convince myself he didn't hear any of what I said about him but again since I had no idea of how long he stood there, I couldn't tell.

"You didn't say anything bad, there's nothing to be scared of. Okay?" I told myself.

I was able to get back to my room without running into him but he was there in a change of cloth at the dining table eating when I went down to eat twenty minutes later.

The large dining room was separate from the living room but since it was separated by a glass wall, whoever was in the dining room could see whoever was in the living room, the same thing applies with whoever was in the living room.

I was going to go back up to my room  before he would notice me but just as I was about to take a step, I heard the voice that I was dreading to hear that moment.

"Breakfast is ready." Came his voice and I instantly froze.

Since I had been caught, there was no use hiding anymore.

Slowly, I turned around to face his direction.

"Not joining?" He queried.

"I'm not really hungry, maybe later." I lied with a forced smile.

"You said you were hungry while you were on a call with your friend earlier?"

"Did I?" I feigned ignorance.

"Mrs Walker, you should join him." Anthony urged with a smile.

"Okay, I-I'll just..." I said stuttering a little. He didn't say anything to that, maybe I was overreacting about the whole thing, I didn't even say anything bad about him, I only said something about his mood swings and that shouldn't be such a big deal, it wasn't a lie but what was freaking me out was him eating at the dinning table for the first time since I got here. He couldn't possibly be planning to lash at me over what happened earlier.

I sat at the other end of the table, wanting there to be enough distance between us as much as possible.

"I'm sorry about what I said about you on the phone earlier, outside the gate." I apologized, deciding that that was the best thing to do.

"Which one? About me being bipolar?"

I gulped, "I'm so sorry."

"There is nothing to be sorry about. Go on, eat. I'm not on any of my mood swings today, so don't worry." He said before rising to his feet and making back for his room after dabbing his mouth and wiping his hand with a napkin.

Oh God!


After getting dressed and ready for work, I made my way out of my room and then down the stairs. I didn't bother with taking the car key. The truth was, I was afraid to take the car to work. The cause of my fear was because of the dream I had.

I was at the door and was about to open it to step out when I heard my name being called from behind by Brian. I withdrew my hand from the doorknob before turning to face him.

He walked over to me, also already dressed and ready for work.

He held out his car key to me.

"Take this."


"You might be afraid of taking the white car to work, I thought of allowing you to take the one I have been taking to work while I take yours."

He must have heard the dream I told Alicia about but then again, I couldn't believe he just referred to the car as mine.

"You don't have to give me yours, I can just take a cab to work."

I didn't understand why he wanted me to take a car he bought not long ago to work.

"Just take it,"

"It's really okay."

"Why are you being so stubborn." And then, taking me by surprise, he took my right hand and dropped the key in my palm.

"I should go and get the key for the other one." I finally said.


I was already at work when I got a call from Wesley Hospital that Brian got into an accident.

After having obtained the permission to leave work, I hurried to the parking lot and drove to the hospital at full speed.

Fortunately, he didn't suffer too much injury though he passed out during the accident and was still unconscious when I got there. He only broke his right arm, sprained his neck and also suffered a few bruises.

I was allowed to see him after he had been attended to. I walked over to the bed he was lying on. He looked so peaceful with his eyes closed and with his chest rising and falling rhymically. He now had a cast on his left arm and a brace on his neck.

I went ahead to pick a chair which I placed close to his bedside before sitting down. I thought back to the dream I had and tried to relate the accident that happened to it.

It wasn't until three hours later that his eyes finally fluttered open. He tried to sit up but hissed in pain from the effort.

"Easy." I said. "Don't try to sit up, just relax. How are you feeling?"

"I'm okay." He replied, his voice coming out a little scratchy.

"I was already at work when the hospital called to inform me that you got into an accident. What exactly happened?" I asked him. He only gave me a look like I just asked him a stupid question. This caused me to think back to the movies I had watched where those who got into an accident lose their memory.

Could he be suffering from a memory loss too? If he can't remember what happened, then-then...

"Do you know who I am?" I placed a hand on my chest for proper indication. At my seemingly dumb question, he shook his head, which again I misinterpreted.

"You don't?" I asked, clearly shocked.

He only snorted.

"I remember everything, I'm not suffering from a memory loss." He said in a matter-of-fact way.

"Oh sorry." I let out a nervous chuckle at my own stupidity.

"Another car collided into mine from behind, I think the car lose its brake." He explained. "I'm sorry you had to leave work because of me."

"You really got me worried," I already said it before I realized what I said and he on the other hand gave me a kind of look I didn't understand. "I mean I was so scared when the hospital called me, I'm happy you didn't suffer much injury." I tried to get rid of the awkwardness that was beginning to sweep in.

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