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Since it was already nearing evening with Brian still not back from where he went to after getting back from work, I thought he wouldn't be able to make it again having promised me that we would be going out tonight for my birthday just like Alicia hadn't been able to make it too that afternoon for where we were supposed to visit together, until he sent me a text telling me to dress up and that he would send his driver over with his car to pick me up. He was to take me to a beauty parlor first.

I took a quick shower. And, after dressing up, I made my way out of the house to his car, where his driver was already waiting.

He drove me first to the beauty parlor where a beautiful dress was picked out for me. It was a short, plain black elegant dress with a slightly deep v-neck. She proceeded with doing my makeup immediately after the manicure and pedicure.

I had a beautiful makeup done for me. My long light brown hair was held in perfect bun, and my ears were adorned with pretty gold studs. I was helped with putting on the dress, and it sure looked perfect on me.

Black stilettoes and a black designer bag were also picked out for me.

Amy, the owner of the beauty parlor who made me up with the help of two others was someone with such a free spirit who told me about herself and also about how she had been hitting on Brian ever since she set her eyes on him which was about twelve years ago when she was just thirteen whereas he didn't show any interest in her, telling me also how lucky I was to be the one he chose to love and to marry. I didn't ask her how they knew each other, not as if I even had the chance before she brought up a new topic.

What was even more worth admiring about her was how, at such a young age, she was already managing a beauty parlor as big as this and controlling many employees. I fell in love with her flair for starting off a conversation naturally with someone she was just meeting for the first time, almost immediately. The makeup she did for me was nice, so also was the dress she picked out for me.

"Did he give you any reason why he couldn't come to pick me up himself?" I was back in the car now with Brian's driver at the steering.

He got the car on the road.

"He needed to meet with a client, but he said he'll be there waiting for you before you get there."

"A client? At this hour?"

"I don't really know much about the details, but this particular client just arrived from France this evening. He's helping him with settling down at a hotel."

"Okay. So where are you taking me?"

"Dreams Hotel." He answered. I didn't say anything to that but sat back to enjoy the view of the places we passed by as the car drove past them.

The hotel came into view as the car neared it. Written bold and clear in a brilliant luminous gold color was the hotel's name, 'Dreams Hotel' at the top of the massive building, which was eluding a powerful aura of grandness and elegance. Dreams Hotel was a five-star hotel. Only the rich go there, and by the rich, I mean the stinkingly rich people. I've never been there before, and me been here was still like a pleasant dream I wouldn't want to wake up from. He parked the car at a free space at the parking lot beside another obviously expensive black car.

"There he is?" The driver called to my attention, his gaze directed towards the entrance of the hotel. It was Brian in the most stylish black, diamond-studded three piece suit I had ever seen. His shiny deep brown hair was neatly shaved at the sides, and the part left unshaved but neatly trimmed was made to fall but not completely on the shaved area so that the shaved part was still visible. His new hairstyle looked just so perfect on him. Before I knew it, he had already reached us and had pulled open the door on my side. On seeing me, I could see him go completely speechless for a while.

"You look dazzling." He held my hands, which I had on my lap in his with his dark grey eyes carefully searching mine.

"Aww... thank you." I said bashfully. "Nice new haircut."

He chuckled at my compliment.

"Do you like it?"

"Hm-hmm. It looks perfect on you and the suit, too."

"You sure?" He laughed.


"Okay then, thanks." He then kissed the back of my hand. "Let's go inside."


He gave me his hand to take.

"Martins told me you needed to help a client of yours from France settle down at a hotel."

"Yeah. I'm so sorry I couldn't make it to pick you up myself."

"It's okay."

The two well-built security men in black overalls with guns strapped unto their sides at the entrance bowed a little to us as we walked in.

"Hope you had fun with your friend." He asked. I had told him that morning that I would be going out to have fun with Alicia after we both get off work that day before it would be time for where he said he would be taking me to, but she couldn't make it and I had to go to my granny's place alone.

"She couldn't make it. She said her dad suddenly called up a family dinner."

"Is that true?"

"Yeah, but she said she should be able to make it tomorrow."

"Tomorrow's okay too. And Amy, she didn't disturb you with too much talk, right?"

"Maybe a little."

"I see. After promising that she wouldn't. She's actually the daughter of one of my dad's childhood friends, Mr Rodriguez."

"Oh! I know Mr Rodriguez, he was present on Maxco's thirtieth anniversary. I didn't know she was his daughter. She's really good at her job, though."

"No doubt." We stepped into the elevator, and he punched in the floor number we were heading to. I was in a state of nostalgia the very moment we stepped in. My mind drifted back to the day we both got into the elevator together after getting off work on the day I got juice spilled on my blouse, the only difference was that today, we were no longer a boss and a secretary but a couple.

"Thank you so much, Brian."

"For what?"

"For everything."

"Like I've always said, you deserve more than this."

His words got me speechless.

"Don't you kind of feel like this had happened before?" He asked.

"Mmm." I nodded with a smile. "So if I may ask, when did you actually start liking me?"

"Maybe right from the moment that I set my eyes on you."

"That can't be true."

"But it is true."

"Are you kidd..." I stopped talking. "Really, I can't believe this." I shook my head in disbelief.

"I sure was expecting that reaction."

"I really am surprised." We stepped out of the elevator once it stopped and continued down a brightly lit hallway.

I was going to open my mouth to say something before what I saw ahead didn't allow the words to leave my mouth.


Thanks for reading. 💙💚💜💛❤

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