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I woke up the following morning to find him gone again. I learnt from Anthony he left very early for work and was also told he returned home later in the night the day before. The chef set a meal of bacon and other mouth watering dishes on the dining table which I consumed with great appetite. I would admit the chef had such great cooking skills.

I dressed up after I was done eating and decided to visit MAXCO afterwards mainly to get my things since there was nothing to do around the house. I knew if I went there without a little disguise, there would be too much staring.

At the thought, with my hair let down, I made do with a black face cap over the black top and jean trousers I had on and then, made do with shades and a pair of black sneakers as well but the sneakers had felt so different on my feet, owning to the fact that it'd been a while since I wore them.

It turned out I did a good job with my disguise as no one seemed to know it was me, not even Avery who I'd walked past on my way to Mr Walker's office.

There was a young man at my former desk who had his head bowed over when I arrived there, busy with something he had before him on the desk. At the sound of my footsteps, he raised his head from what he was doing.

"Hi," I greeted before slipping off the shades I had on.

"Mrs Walker!" He exclaimed rising to his feet immediately.

"Mrs Walker too?" I muttered to myself. "Ruby," I corrected with a cheesy smile. "Please."

"Oh okay. I'm Jean, Mr Walker's new secretary." He was standing before me now, eyes beaming, like someone who was happy to see an old friend after a really long time.

"Nice to meet you, Jean."

"No, nice to meet you. You must be here to see Mr Walker, he's inside the office."

"No, not really," I said.

I haven't set my eyes on him since the morning of the day before. I wanted to see him but also, at the same time I didn't want to see him because I couldn't think of what exactly to say to him when I do. I also believed it wasn't in my place to ask him the reason why he came home late last night.

"I'm here to get my things." I said instead.

"Your things? I didn't meet any of your things here, maybe he got them for you already."

"All right, maybe I should check up on him in his office before leaving then."

"It is really nice to meet you and pardon me to say this, but you really look so much pretty in person." He complimented with a smile.

"Thank you."

He went ahead to call him to ask him if I could come in.

"You can go inside." He said to me after the call.

"Okay, thank you." I said before starting towards the door of his office.

"Good morning." I greeted on entering his office.

"Yeah?" He looked up from what he was doing.

"You returned home late yesterday," I stated, tapping the floor with my left foot, a little nervous.

"Yeah." He replied with a frown.

And that's it? A hint to tell me that I was disturbing his peace.

"I'm actually here to get my things but, Jean told me he didn't meet any of my things on the desk."

"I have them already, they are inside my car. I will give them to you when I get home."

"Okay. Uh..." I scratched my cheek. "I also want to thank you for the stuff you got me. The ones in the bathroom."

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