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"I don't think I can do it." I opened up eventually after being asked for the third time that day. We were under the covers, about to sleep when she asked the question again.

"Why? Is there something you are scared of? Tomorrow is the day remember." Alicia reminded.

"I'm not scared."

"Then what's wrong, six to seven months is not too long. Before you know it, everything will be over and you can return back to your normal life or... is it what I'm thinking?" She cocked a brow at me.


"Maybe you are just scared you might fall in love with him in the process?" She winked.

"Something like that can never happen. The thing is, I will really like to help him but I don't know how to tell my grandma about it. I didn't tell her we were going out and to suddenly bring up a wedding..."

"That is no problem. How about you telling her you wanted to tell her only when things work out and if you're able to convince her about how much you guys love each other, that's a done deal." She beat the bed with her left palm.

"Love each other, my foot!" I muttered.

"Just telling you how to go about it. If you are able to convince her about that, she will allow you guys to go ahead with the wedding."

"Tsk tsk tsk." I clucked my tongue. "Look at you talking. Easy to say, will you be there while I discuss it with her?"

"If you want me to be there, no problemo."


The following day, there were a lot of things to do at work and my boss, being his cold self didn't cast me a glance except when he wanted me to do something for him. Towards the time I would get off work, he didn't bring it up or bother asking me about my answer and neither did I. Maybe he already found someone else and that, would be good news for me.

Finally, when it was time to close for the day, I left for home after being given a go ahead. Even then, he didn't bring it up.

On getting home, I couldn't just wait to tell Alicia about it and so I had called her right away but at night, as I was going to reach out my hand to turn off my headlamp, I heard my phone ringing. I checked to see who was calling. It was my boss.

"Oh God, don't let it be about the contract marriage." I prayed silently before picking up the call.

"Sir?" I answered the call while trying hard to calm my racing heart.

"Did I wake you?"

"No, just about to sleep."

"Sorry for disturbing, maybe this can wait till tomorrow then."

"No. You can discuss anything you want with me now."

"It can wait."

"If it is about the contract marriage," My heart was beating really fast now. "I will like to help you save your position."

He was silent for a while.

"You know you don't have to do this if you don't want to."

Goosebumps covered me from head to toes at his words.

"I want to do it."

"We will discuss about your pay for it, tomorrow."

"I don't want anything... in return."

"We will discuss some more tomorrow."

"All right Sir."

"Thank you and good night."


"Hey snowball," I chirped while stroking the dog's head, who had ran over as we entered to welcome us. Snowball was my grandma's dog- a beagle. The whole place looked neat as always, with the huge vases set at each corner adding to the beauty of the place. I always have some at my place too before but I stopped collecting new ones from her because they always end up breaking whenever I was cleaning the house.

As promised, Alicia kept to her words to come with me to discuss the matter with my grandma.

"My babies," Grandma came out of the kitchen that moment while wiping her hand on a napkin, she must have just finished with doing the dishes as I could perceive the lemon scent of the liquid dish soap on her apron. On reaching us, she pulled me into a hug before releasing me from the hug to hug Alicia as well.

"Snowball, go sit." Grandma ordered the dog who complied immediately.

We went ahead to sit as well.

"I will be right back." Grandma said before making her way back to the kitchen. She returned back with a bowl of fruit salad before going back to bring plates and forks which she set on the fine wooden table before us. She already took off the apron she had on, with the long flowery chiffon gown she wore underneath remaining.

"Both of you are not having any problem at work right?"

"Not at all." We both answered.

"That's good. What is it both of you want to discuss with me then?"

"I'm getting married." I blurted out and I already said it before I knew it was too late to decide on not starting the discussion that way and I didn't miss the disappointed look on Alicia's face. My grandma was silent for while but I could tell it wasn't because she was angry, she didn't look angry.

"Are you pregnant?" She asked quietly after a while.

"Pregnant? No!" I yelled out of surprise but with a look from Alicia I cautioned myself to avoid spoiling our plan. "No grandma, I'm not pregnant."

"Then why marriage all of a sudden? I promised your parents to guide and take care of you untill the day of my death. One of the things I taught you since you were little is to avoid fornication."

There we go again!

In case I didn't tell you before, my grandma was a good christian who meditates in the word of the lord and attends church every Sunday and on other week days.

"Grandma she is telling the truth, that is not the case. It is just that, they both love each other and since they do, it is only right for them to get married. That's what always comes next if I'm right." Alicia came to my rescue.

"I'm not against marriage but you should know that marriage is not something you can just jump into. If I may ask who is the person in question?"

"My boss." I answered but dreaded what she might say next.

"Tell him to come and see me at the end of this week, I will like to get to know him more."

Just like that? Did she really just say that?

"About him coming I don't think he will be able to make it." I lied.

"He should come whenever he is free then."

"But he is..."

"If he truly loves you, he will create time to come and see me." She stood up after that. "So girls, I've been dying to play chess for a while now, who is in?"

"You know I'm always in." Alicia chimed and hooted happily. She loved chess, I don't, but on days when I feel like it, I would join them and we would take turns to play it with her, today is not one of those days. I quirked an eyebrow at her after she left to bring the chess board and the other materials.

"What?" She whisper yelled. Snowball rose from his mat that moment and ran towards me. I took a little piece of watermelon from the bowl and held it to its mouth which he devoured immediately before opening its mouth in expectation of another one. I only stroked its hair instead which he received with pleasure, grandma must not see me feeding it with the fruit salad she made us.

"Didn't you hear what she said. Will he ever agree to come here?"I whispered while I continued to stroke its head.

"You will have to try by telling him first." She whispered back.

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