Chapter 1

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Here is another story. If you read this one you should check out my other ones....for I.... am... The Badass Idol! I'm writing this book because I have gotten over 300 reads on Kitsune Back in Time! I will only say this once, I do not own Naruto however much I wish that I did.

"Hey dobe! What are you getting into now?" Sasuke asked the blonde who was riffling through his cupboards. Naruto paused and stared at him like the answer was obvious.

"I'm looking for ramen, duh. You didn't tell me we ran out." Naruto said in a dissapointed tone as he hung his head. The two have been friends since childhood when Itachi seen Naruto playing on the swings all alone. Until that night. Itachi Uchiha, their brother, killed his whole family on Danzo's orders. He told them of course. Sasuke and Naruto understood his reasons and don't hate him. Actually, they have been trying to prove his innocence in the whole ordeal. Naruto ended up moving in with Sasuke after a particularly cold winter and they became closer. No, not that kind of close, but the kind of close as a brother who would do anything for their sibling. Itachi has even stopped by a couple times to say hello or give them presents. At home they are brothers, but lately, the situation has made them pretend to be rivals that hate eachother.  Naruto still lived with Sasuke secretly though.

"It's not healthy to eat ramen all the time." Sasuke retorted.

"I've lived on the Food of the Gods for a long, long, long time! It's not unhealthy!" Naruto fake cried. Sasuke was trying to take his precious ramen away from him again! This was the fifth time this week! He needed it to function! It wasn't an addic- oh wait... I guess it is. Oh well. He loved it so much. Good thing it was Naruto's birthday. He knew Itachi would bring him some. He always does.

"Happy Birthday Naruto!" Speak of the devil and he shall appear. Itachi had slipped in through the open window at the back of the house. He looked like he always did, with his hair up in a ponytail and wearing a black cloak with red clouds.

"Itachi-nii! Did you get me some presents?" Naruto tackled the older Uchiha in a hug. He sounded like a five year old when in actuality he was thirteen. Itachi laughed and hugged the overexcited Uzumaki Namikaze.

"You'll just have to see now won't you? Go out back." Itachi ruffled his hair before pulling Sasuke into a hug. Sasuke followed Naruto out back and sweatdropped at seeing him tackle Pein to the floor. Pein, or Nagato Uzumaki was Naruto's only living relative. The two had gotten along well after Itachi kind of kidnapped the blonde one year...

"Naruto! You could injure someone!" Sasuke dragged the boy up. Sasuke also knew him. They both knew all of the Akatsuki. Turns out they weren't so bad.  They even trained with them.

"We got you some more ramen. This time from your mom's secret recipe. We also got you this." Nagato pulled out a scroll. "Put some of your blood on it. It's a blood seal." He explained after seeing Naruto's confusion. Naruto nodded and did as he was told. Inside was a letter from his parents, their money, and the location of their estates in Konoha. Turns out if he wanted to move the estates, he could make it into a pocket seal and take it with him.

"Sweet Naruto." Sasuke whistled. Naruto sat there in shock.

"Your parents gave me these because they thought something like this would happen." Nagato said, referring to his 'lessons' from the villagers and to the fact that the entire village is trying to keep him weak. In fact, he was one of the strongest ones here only second to the Hokage. Who doesn't even try to stop the beatings. He only gave Naruto a little extra money with his monthly allowance each time. Tsk, like that can do anything. Nagato was reading Kushina's letter from over his shoulder before his eyes when wide. Sasuke and Itachi stood there silently before Naruto flung himself at Nagato again.

"I can finally leave this hell hole! Thank Kami!" Naruto cried into Nagato's cloak.  For in her letter it stated that if anything were to happen to her, he would get custody over Naruto.

(Up in Kami-sama's castle)

"Your welcome Naruto." Kami smiled at the thought of the boy smiling at the prospect of living with a flesh and blood relative.

"Hopefully you'll be safe now son." Minato shook his head in disgust at the villagers.

"Grow stronger my little fishcake!" Kushina smiled, and for some reason, she waved her chakra chains behind.

(Back with Naruto)

Itachi brought out the cake and they each had a slice and chatted about random things. It eventually got to dark to do anything so Itachi and Nagato left, promising to come back soon. Naruto and Sasuke went back inside to talk about tomorrow's mission.

"Should I bring this?" Naruto held up some Ninja wire in his right hand. "Or this?" He held up a bag of orange and hot pink paint bombs in his left.

Sasuke thought for a moment. "Bring both. I'll bring some glitter. That way if we do come across any bandits or rogue ninja, we can turn them into unicorns." They both smiled sadistically. Naruto stuck them in a seal on his wrist as well as the rest of the stuff they were taking with them. As Sasuke left the kitchen Naruto tried to sneak some ramen into his seal to. "And NO ramen!" Sasuke yelled as he made his way to his bedroom. He knew exactly what Naruto was trying to do. Naruto pouted and followed after him and went to his own room. He wanted his ramen...

I don't even know if this made any sense but there is the first chapter for you. 991 words. Anyway I'll try to keep this story updated with every 200 reads on my other story, Kitsune Back in Time. Ulquiorra-sama out! Ciao!

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