Chapter 17

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Heehee. As promised, a new chapter. And also as promised, this one is longer than the last two I published. Hope you like this one.

It turns out that Sasuke's team was a Jack of all trades when it comes to being a ninja. They slipped into the highly guarded Anbu Headquarters easily. Now the genin, Sasuke, Naruto, and Kyo were giving each other high fives as they watched the Anbu run around trying to find the culprit.

"As promised. SSS Class pay. Take the rest of the day off. You earned it." Naruto handed them the money and they excitedly ran off just as Naruto's clones poofed out of existence. "Well fuck." He breathed, his eyes widening as he sorted through the memories of the clones.

Sasuke and Kyo stopped celebrating almost immediately when they heard Naruto's tone of voice change. "What's wrong?" Sasuke asked.

"Kyo, Sasuke, gather the Akatsuki members and tell them to meet me at the Uzukage Manor immediately." Naruto ordered seriously. They nodded and disappeared to do what they were told.

Moments later, everyone was in the Uzukage Manor watching the blonde pace back and forth. "Naruto? What's going on?" Nagato asked warily.

"That is a good question that I would like to know as well." Loki grumbled from where he lay curled up on the couch. The little three tailed fox kit was not so little now. He was the size of a large wolf.

"I got a letter from Konoha-" Naruto started off.

"Can we finally torture them now?" Kisame interrupted.

"And the Chuunin Exams are being held in Konoha this year." Naruto continued, ignoring the shark like man's question of torturing them.

"And they want us to join?" Tobi guessed.

"And they want us to join." Naruto confirmed, nodding in Tobi's direction. "I have already picked out the teams that will go." Naruto sighed. He kind of wanted to rub it into their back stabbing faces that he became successful.

"Who are we sending to participate?" Deidara asked curiously.

"I am sending Sasuke's team and Sasori's team. Both teams are exception and are both a Jack of all trades with ninjutsu, taijutsu, kenjutsu, fuinjutsu, and genjutsu. Both teams are good for stealth, tracking, front line combat, or combat of any kind, and infiltration and disguises. Even if they somehow fail the exam, I am planning on promoting them anyway." Naruto said off handedly. Then he sighed. "Since I am required to go as well, the rest of the Akatsuki members will be my escorts."

"Will we finally be able to torture that village since you stopped us from doing it two years ago?" Hidan asked, for once not cursing.

"Oh. My. God. HIDAN IS NOT CURSING! THE WORLD IS ENDING! RUN FOR YOUR PUNY LIVES MORTALS! RUN!" Kurama shouted, laughing at himself in the mindscape.

"Only if they try anything." Naruto relented. He didn't expect them to be dead set on torturing the people of the village. He found them trying to sneak out of the village two years ago and Naruto used his... persuasive make his boyfriend tell him what they were doing. To be honest, Naruto thought it was sweet of them to go that far for him, but he made them do D rank missions for two weeks and forbade them from leaving the village for three months. Hidan, Kakuzu, Zetsu, Kisame, and Konan all smiled sadistically. "We leave tomorrow. Sasori, Sasuke. Inform your teams. Tell them to put food, water, clothes, all of their weapons, and anything else essential in the storage seals on their wrists and shoulders." Naruto waved them away.

The next day, Izumo and Kotetsu were playing Uno as they went through another boring day of guard duty. That was at least, until they spotted something unusual. Coming their way was ten people wearing black cloaks with red clouds on them and wearing straw hats to cover their faces, six children, and two other figures wearing silver cloaks and hoods flanking another figure in what looked like Kage robes walking next to a large the tailed fox.

"Um... Izumo? Those cloaks... Aren't they the Akatsuki? And aren't the Akatsuki supposed to be the Uzukage's legendary bodyguards?" Kotetsu asked fearfully.

"That means that the one next to the large fox is the Uzukage!" Izumo concluded. "Inform Lord Third at once!" Izumo shouted to nearby jounin, who just do happened to be one Copy Cat ninja, Kakashi Hatake, who shunshined away to get the Hokage.

Moments later, the third Hokage appeared before then, straightening his clothes to try to look as presentable as possible. "I haven't been able to get the Uzukage to sign a treaty with Konoha yet so everyone, be on your best behavior. We need to make a good impression on them if this is going to work." The aged Hokage ordered. A group of jounin and Anbu formed behind him as Uzushio's group approached. The jounin and Anbu were curious about who the Uzukage is and if they were in any way strong enough to be considered worth their time.

"Stop." The soft, yet commanding voice came from the Uzukage. The Akatsuki members and the six children stopped, but the two flanking him did not as he stepped forward, away from his escort, his Kage hat low over his face to hide his identity from the Leaf nins. The mysterious Kage, that no one ever found out the name of because it was a closely guarded secret that no one outside of Uzushiogakure can know, tipped his head in an almost unnoticeable move in acknowledgement of the other. "Hokage-sama."

"Uzukage-sama!" Hiruzen said in greeting, giving him a small bow. "I have heard you have made Uzushio better than it was before it fell." Hiruzen complimented him.

"It never fell in the first place. It hid in the shadows, biding it's time, waiting for the right moment to reveal itself. You forget Hokage-sama, that the Uzumaki is one of Uzushio's clans and that the Uzumaki are Seal Masters. Not even Iwa, Kiri, and Kumo banding together can take down Uzushio because of how protected it is. Now, I am only here for the Chuunin Exams. So if you will excuse me." Naruto spoke cooly, driving the nail home that the Uzushio nins are better than the Konoha nins. He wanted to make sure they knew that. Also, rubbing a little salt in the wounds once they find out that Naruto is the Uzukage. Heheheh... Naruto's so evil...

Hiruzen's mouth fell open in shock before he closed it again. "Ah." He said intelligently. "I see. Well I hope you enjoy your stay at the Golden Leaf. It is the finest hotel in the village." Hiruzen said, slightly puzzled by what the Uzukage was saying earlier. Did he think Konoha was weak? "May I ask... What is your name?"

"I do not with to say. Good day to you, Hiruzen." Naruto said as the Akatsuki and the other two cloaked figures surrounded him and the children protectively, on high alert since they were entering the untrustworthy village.

"Can I at least bite someone's head off?" Loki asked, eyeing Kakashi.

"No Loki. You may not bite Hatake-san's head off. Let's go." Naruto started to walk in the direction of the fancy hotel, villagers bowing to them in respect and moving out of their way.

And they make it back to Konoha! What will happen next?

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