Chapter 2

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"NARUTO! GET UP WE ARE LATE!" Sasuke yelled through the bedroom door. Today was their mission to the Land of Waves. Naruto frowned through the door tiredly but secretly smirked.

"Go ahead without me Teme. I'm coming." Naruto groaned out. He heard Sasuke sigh through the door.

"Fine. I'll see you there." Naruto felt his chakra signature leave the compound and smirked. His plan to get Sasuke away worked. He bolted out of his room and into the kitchen straight to were his ramen was. He laughed and sealed them into a seal on his wrist. Yes. He knew how to make seals. He wasn't an idiot. Not totally anyway. He grabbed his bag and sealed that as well before going to meet with the team. He passed all the dirty glares that the villagers gave him and flinched internally when a drink villager threw an empty sake bottle at him and cursed. Naruto started to panic and ran the rest of the way to the gates his team was meeting at. When he got there, Sasuke looked at him with a small frown of worry and Sakura glared at him and hit his head knocking him to the ground.

"Owie...Sakura-chan! What was that for?" Naruto yelped picking himself up off of the ground.

"Ewww. Don't talk to me demon! I punished you because you were bothering my Sasuke-kun!" Sakura screeched at him. She punched him again making him fall for a second time.

"Does this girl ever shut her traps?" Kurama asked.

'Nope.' Naruto responded. The fox just huffed and laid down to take a nap. Naruto sighed. Lazy fox.

"Hn?" Sasuke asked.

Naruto shook himself. "Yeah. I'm fine. Thanks for asking Sasuke."


"Yeah. I'm sure." Sasuke held our his and and Naruto grabbed it. He poured when Sasuke pulled him up just as Kakashi appeared.

"Yo... I got lost in the river. So of course I was wet and I don't like being wet so I went home to get some dry clothes on only to realize I lost my book so I had to go find. In the middle of trying to find my book a black cat crossed my path forcing me to take the long way around since I am very superstitious at this time of year and black cats are witches familiars so I didn't want a curse. I finally found my book. Turns out it was in my house on my bed the whole entire time." Kakashi have them his closed eyes smile.

"It is getting close to that time of year isn't it?" Sakura asked stupidly. "Naruto said he would take us out to eat." She lied through her teeth. Naruto shivered. It was his birthday the day they were to come back from their mission. She had something planned and Naruto and Sasuke tensed slightly.

"Oh did he now... Here comes the client." Kakashi turned to where the client was coming from. The clients name was Tazuna and he was a drunkard. In fact he was drunk at this very moment.

"Sheezzzzzz... are tshee ninjshas meant to proteact meh? Shey are *hic* kidshs." Tazuna slurred. Naruto flicked and his behind Sasuke. Drunk people terrified him. A couple of times he was trapped by some drunken villagers and he was almost raped. Itachi saved him the first time by sliding the guys throats, calming Naruto down, and leaving again since he was in the Akatsuki. The second time Pein saved him. It was technically how they first met.

*Flashback no Jutsu brought to you by Ulquiorra, Espada number 4*

It was Naruto's sixth birthday and Pein wanted to make himself known to his last family member. When he arrived in the village however he was distracted from his quest by a small whimper of fear. Pein being the peace loving person he was went to the distressed sound. He found a half naked man standing over the blonde haired child who was naked and shivering in the frigid air. Pein immediately recognized the kid from his looks. He looked like Kushina did when she was younger. He had Minato's collision though. 'Almighty Pull' Pein had said in a deadly whisper and he crushed the guys throat in his hand before going over to the fearful child.

'Are you going to hurt me to?' Naruto whimpered and curled into a ball awaiting the pein (hehe see what I did there?)  to arrive. Naruto flinched when he felt something hit him. He perked from underneath his arm to see the stranger's black cloak on him. Covering him.

'My dear child. Why should I wish to hurt you?' Pein knelt down to the shivering child and went to hug him but stopped when he flinched away from his touch.

'B-because I am a-a de-de-demon.' Naruto said through chattering teeth. The man from before had burned all of his clothes so he had no more to wear.

'Dear child. You are not a demon. You are my cousin. My name is Nagato Uzumaki and you are the son of  Kushina Uzumaki and Minato Namikaze. What you hold in you is the Nine Tails. He is a chakra beast. Not a demon. You are only the container. He does not make you who you are. You alone can do that. Do you have anything warm to wear?' Nagato asked kindly not reaching out to the small child before him.

'N-n-no. I only had two pairs of clothes. I want allowed to go into a-a-any st-stores because I was a demon' The boy shivered, pulling Nagato's cloak tighter around himself. Nagato shook in barely controlled rage causing Naruto to whimper thinking it was directed at him.

'I'll be back.' Nagato growled before looking away. Indeed he did return, the minutes later to find that Naruto was hiding behind a dumpster. 'Here.' Nagato revealed a pair of clothes and handed it to the boy, careful not to touch him and scare him off. 'Put this on. It will keep you warm.' Nagato said. Naruto looked at him expectantly. Nagato chuckled and turned around listening to the rustle if clothes on skin before a soft voice said 'You can look now.'

'How are they?' Nagato asked turning back to the happy boy.

'They are the best thing anyone has ever given me! And they are so warm too dattebayo!' Naruto giggled happily and hugged Nagato before he realized what he was doing and flinched, expecting to get hit.

'That's good to hear. I have to go now. Try to be safe.' Nagato smiled and patted his head causing the blonde to pout.

*Flashback end by Grimmjow, the Sexta  Espada*

Naruto shivered at the flashback and Sasuke rubbed soothing circles on his back.

"Don't worry. I'm a Jonin. I'll be there to protect you." Kakashi said. Sakura shoved Naruto out of Sasuke's arms and trusted herself on him.

"Sasuke-kun! Will you go out with me?" Sakura tried to say in a seductive manner and tried to make herself look appealing and sexy.

"No. I'm gay. Leave me alone." Sasuke denied. Naruto giggled a little. Sakura looked horrified for a moment before turning on Naruto.

"I BET YOU TOLD HIM TO SAY THAT YOU FAG! GO KILL YOURSELF! STAY OUT OF ME AND MY SASUKE-KUN'S WAY!" Sakura shrieked in rage and punched Naruto in the face. Sasuke back handed her into the trees.

"Don't you dare touch him and tell at him because I rejected you!" Sasuke growled in anger. Sakura stood back up defiantly and opened her mouth.

And... Cliffy!  Hope you enjoyed this. Check out my other book called Kitsune Back In Time. I think it is better than this one but I'll let you guys decide. Ulquiorra-sama out! Ciao!

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