Chapter 9

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Here is another chapter for my faithful readers! Enjoy!

'Kit... Kit... Kit... Answer me... Kit... Kit... Kit...!' Kurama would not shut up and he was driving Naruto up the walls and to the moon with the nonstop 'Kit... Kit... Kit!' As much as Naruto loved the fox, he hated him right now. Why couldn't he stay asleep like he usually does and shut up?

'What do you want Kyu?' Naruto mentally sighed, getting annoyed by the beast made of chakra.

'Hi.' Kurama said before laughing.

'Really? I'm not really in the mood to deal with this right now. I have been falsely accused of something that I did not do and banished from my village and you want to do this?' Naruto was done with everything and he was tired of walking to the base. So he did the most logical thing to do. Naruto jumped on Nagato's back for a piggy back ride to the base. Nagato, understanding what the blonde was going through, just readjusted Naruto and gripped his legs so the small boy wouldn't fall off and continued walking.

'Well I am soooorrrry for trying to cheer you up! Your parents wanted you to be happy!' Kurama said indignantly, before adverting his large red eyes away. 'And... I don't like to see my kit so sad...' Kurama mumbled, his tails swishing behind him in worry. It has been raining in the young blonde's mind and not only did the fox not want his beautiful orangish red fur wet, he also didn't like to see his jinchuriki sad. The old fox was like an older brother and parental figure to Naruto.

Naruto just hummed in response before looking around for Loki. In all of the commotion, Naruto had forgotten the small fox kit. Kurama had said that it was a male so he was aptly named.

"This is so exciting Naruto! We can live with our relatives now!" Sasuke said, coming alongside Nagato and Naruto. Naruto mumbled some incoherent words, still trying to look for Loki.

"Are you looking for something?" Itachi asked coming to stand beside his younger brother.

"Have any of you seen Loki? I kind of forgot about him with everything that was going on with the village." Naruto said a little guilty for forgetting about the small three tailed black, silver, and white fox kit that he rescued.

In response, Itachi held up his arms, and nestled between the folds of his black cloak and sleeping peacefully, was Loki. "He was starting to lag behind and limp. I figured I could carry him for awhile. I didn't want my baby brother to be sad that he lost his pet fox. Besides, he is so cute." Itachi scratched the fox's ear. Soon they reached the base and everyone else gasped when Nagato came in with Naruto on his back and Sasuke and Itachi trailing behind them.

"Is something wrong?"

"What happened?"

"Do I need to poison some people?"

"Do I need to blow some people up, un?"

"Do I need to collect some bounties?"

Were the barrage of questions when the four entered the base.

"Is Naruto okay?" Came Konan's voice as she shoved her way to the front of the group of ninja's.

"Naruto and Sasuke are now living with us. Konoha, the most peaceful and kind village, has done the unthinkable! They banished Naruto because of a false accusation by a pink haired banshee saying that Naruto raped Sasuke! Even after Sasuke denied it, Kakashi said that the demon was brainwashing him into believing that Naruto was innocent! So go ahead and do whatever you want to that so called village that has harmed our family! Teach them not to mess with the members of the Akatsuki!" Nagato yelled his speech and felt Naruto hide his face in his neck. Nagato promised to make that village pay for hurting Naruto.

The Akatsuki members pulled out various weapons and poisons and explosives. "Let's get them!" Sasuke yelled and the others echoed. When they were about to rush out to the offending village, Itachi stepped in the way.

"That can wait until Naruto and Sasuke have had some rest. While they are resting, we can plan and discuss what we will do next." Itachi said calmly, but don't let that fool you. His sharingan was spinning wildly as his slightly sadistic mind was thinking of ways to torture the village he was once faithful to.

"But I want to make them pay for hurting my brother!" Sasuke whined.

"No. You need to rest." Itachi countered.

"But I am an Uchiha Elite and you must do what I say!" Sasuke protested.

"I am also an Uchiha Elite and I am older than you so you have no say!" Itachi glared at Sasuke.

Naruto said off of Nagato and rested his hand on Sasuke's arm. "Come on. Let's get some rest. It's already dark out anyway." Naruto gently guided Sasuke to their room. When they got there, Sasuke said into bed while Naruto took a shower. Naruto washed his blonde hair and scrubbed his body raw, like he was trying to get rid of his old body and have a new body for his new life. When he was finished, he walked out of the shower and dried his hair while staring at himself in the mirror. He rubbed his eyes and looked again. There, at the roots of his hair, was growing in red hair. Soon, he will have red hair with blonde tips. He huffed in amazement. Of course the Uzumaki genes were stronger. He should have known since he has such potent and almost endless supply of chakra. Soon, he will look like Gaara almost. Naruto sniffled a little, trying to hold in his tears, thinking about his friends.

'Go to bed Kit. You'll feel better in the morning. Konan will make you hot chocolate.' Kurama said, trying to comfort his jailer.

'Thanks Kurama. Goodnight.' Naruto said, making his way over to the bed Sasuke was laying in and slid in beside him, snuggling as close as possible before sighing deeply happy that he was with his family as he drifted off to sleep.

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