Chapter 23

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In walked the Akatsuki, each one smiling gleefully before Loki backed in dragging a familiar looking man and growling through his mouthful at him. Oh yeah. The three tailed fox remembered him. And he will make sure he gets what he deserves. Hiruzen yelped as he recognized one of his famous ninja. "K-Kakashi?"

"Help me Lord Hokage!" Kakashi struggled,trying to get out of the Fox's strong grip. "They want to kill me!"

Tobi kicked him and he stopped struggling. "Shut up Bakashi! I bet Lord Fourth is rolling in his grave at how you treated his son!"


"What are you doing to Kakashi? I demand that you unhand him at once!" Hiruzen stood up quickly and everyone turned to him.

Gaara stepped up to my side and took ahold of my hand. "He was the one who threw the kunai after Naruto-sama's hat was blown off. He was trying to kill Uzushiogakure's Kage." He sent a glare at the copy nin. "He wouldn't get away with it either."

"That demon was banished from Konoha and was threatened with immediate death if he was to step foot in it again." Kakashi spat.

"I am here on political business and to attend the Chuunin Exam." A tingle ran through Naruto's body and he looked at the barrier seal on his wrist. "Well well well. Akatsuki, it seems like Uzu is being attacked."

"By who?" Zetsu asked.

"Danzo's leading an attack with his ROOT Anbu." I informed. "You and Tobi can go now. Have fun."

They smiled before Zetsu disappeared in to the ground and Tobi Kamuied away. "D-Danzo? ROOT? I thought I got rid of that organization!" Hiruzen was shocked, to say the least. His old friend was going behind his back the entire time and is now trying to wage war on another village. "Anbu, send Kakashi to T&I. Tell Ibiki to deal with him."

Deidara jumped back in through the window and handed Sasuke a scroll that he proceeded to read. Sasuke spoke up. "If any of the Clans have no problem with Naruto, I recommend going to Uzu."

"So it's a go?" Nagato asked.

"It is." Sasuke confirmed. "The Uchiha Clan is already in Uzu. I recommend the Nara, Aburame, and Akimichi. I am not sure about the Sarutobi Clan sooo..." He trailed off with a shrug.

Naruto rubbed his hands together. "Excellent. Now we will complete the Chuunin Exam and by then, the Clans need to be in Uzu or they will regret it." Naruto smiled widely, showing lengthened canines.

"What will they regret?" Hiruzen asked nervously.

"You will see." Sasori muttered, twirling poison in the air with his chakra strings. "One of your people attacked our village and our leader. That was the last straw."

"Indeed. Hehehe." Konan's chuckled evily.

"Fucking idiots don't know when to fucking learn the difference." Hidan swung his scythe around and Kakuzu ducked out of the way with a glare. Itachi and Kisame's just stood there, watching silently and keeping an eye on the other Anbu in the room who were glaring at the blonde.

"You guys-" Hiruzen started but Loki growled at him, almost like he was silently daring the Hokage to say no.

"Enough of that Loki!" Naruto snapped at the fox who was eager for another fight. Loki dipped his head with a small whimper and backed up. "What was it you were saying?" Naruto asked, raising an eyebrow.

"I was saying, you guys can compete in the Chuunin Exam. I will tell the listed Clans to get ready to go to Uzushio in the meantime. I," he paused, contemplating on what he was going to say. "I give you permission to punish those who attack you. They need to learn their place since the council gave them to much power."

"That was your fault. This is a Shinobi Village that you are the dictator of. You should only have the Shinobi Council to advise you on what needs done instead of letting a Civilian Council tell you what to do. Because you let them push you around, I was beaten and abused and eventually banished because a Civilian lied. And when they found out my true heritage, the tried to put me in their Clan Restoration Act." Naruto spoke softly. "Because you let them push you around, my life became a living hell."

With that, the Uzu nins turned and started to head the the Arena for the Third Exam.

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