Chapter 4

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Who remembers the original Teen Titans? Say I. Seriously they need to stop. They ruined it with Teen Titans Go. It's a disgrace, it was misplaced. They are trying to make things better but they just made it worse. Stick with the originals already! Anyway, here's the next chapter of my story for you. Happy Thanksgiving everyone.

"This food is delicious Tsunami-san!" Naruto said, his mouth full.

"Swallow first. Then speak. I thought Itachi taught you some manners." Sasuke grumbled and took another bite of food. Tsunami giggled.

"Thank you Naruto-kun. I'm glad you like it." She started to eat. Everyone sat in silence as they finished their food. Naruto and Sasuke asked for seconds which Tsunami gave them. When they finished their meal, Sasuke got up and Naruto-kun grabbed the empty dishes. "Oh! You don't have to do those! I can get it." Tsunami said, reaching over to take the dishes out of his hands but Naruto-kun pulled them away from her.

"We are guests here. There is no need for you to do our dishes for us. We'll handle it. It's just another D-rank mission anyway." Naruto laughed. Sasuke nodded and headed into the kitchen with Naruto-kun following. They walked over to the sink.

"Water Fill No Jutsu!" Naruto used a Jutsu he learned from his mother's scroll that she left him when she died. Water started to fill in the sink and it was full in a second. Like Eragon magically bringing up water from underground or something like that. Sasuke took one side of the sink and Naruto took the other and they started to do the dishes. Soon they were all done and Naruto used another Jutsu he found from his mother. "Quick Dry no Jutsu!" Naruto said, the dishes quickly becoming clean.

"I've never heard of those Jutsu ever in my life." Sasuke said shaking his head.

"My mother made them. She was working on a seal that would make any dishes put into the sink clean themselves because she was to lazy to do them. She made those as a side thing." Naruto explained grabbing the clean dishes and putting them in there proper place. When they were finished they went outside and walked to a nearby lake. Sasuke looked at Naruto for a moment before he grabbed his hand and walked them onto the lake. Immediately after, a water crown appeared around Naruto's head.

"Why is there a crown around your head?" Sasuke asked in a confused tone of voice. Everytime they walked on water it was normal, so why is there suddenly a crown?

"It seems this lake is connected to the waters around my clans home country. My mother... She was the Whirlpool Princess. Everytime she walked on the water connected to Uzushio in any way, a crown would form, showing she is the rightful heir to the clan. Since she is... Not here anymore, I am the next heir to the clan. I am the Whirlpool Prince of Uzushio." Naruto said sadly. This too, he found out from one of his mother's scrolls. She had sealed a duplicate of some of her important memories into it to give to me. He had visited the Namikaze Estate that his parents shared and the scroll was in what was supposed to be his baby crib, but that obviously didn't happen. Sasuke was beyond shocked. His brother in all but blood was basically royalty. How did people not no this?

"Does the Hokage know about this?" Sasuke whisper yelled.

Naruto nodded. "He's done his best to keep me safe but he can't do anything about the villagers. Sometimes I just wish they would die already. Just so they leave me alone." Naruto said, kicking at the dirt. He knows about the Kyuubi. They were good friends and talked often when the lazy fox was awake to begin with. How could they not see that the attack on the village was not the foxes fault? He's to lazy to do anything but sleep all day!

"Ahhhh Naru....what are we going to do?" Sasuke rubbed his head and sat down on the lake. Naruto sat next to him.

"We can work on that one technique we have been working on." Naruto suggested. It was an assassination technique that requires excellent chakra control. Hence why they are able to walk on the water for long periods of time. It forms twin chakra swords and it specifically needs two people. Though the chakra swords are twins, one forms in the hand of one of the casters and the other sword in the others hand. It is an extremely difficult technique to master. The swords are invisible unless faced with a Sharingan or Byakugan and use an intense amount of chakra. Naruto can handle it with no problem but Sasuke can hold it for up to ten minutes before he has to let it go.

Here's the chapter. I kind of feel bad I am not updating like I said I would so I hope you enjoyed. Ulquiorra-sama out!

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